Professors Emeriti Network

Professors Emeriti Network

Professors Emeriti Network. We walk what we talk.

The source of innovation lies in the discovery of problems.
Solving a problem starts by asking the right question (problem identification).
Problems in the modern world cannot be efficiently and effectively detected without the use of
information technology.

Professors Emeriti Network was created on October 5, 2020. Organizational networks play a crucial role in the digital era by supporting collaboration, knowledge sharing, innovation, employee engagement, data management, customer engagement, and cybersecurity. They are instrumental in navigating the complexities and challenges of the digital landscape and leveraging the benefits of technology for organizational success. While the association-based organizational form might be suitable for certain situations, an organizational network’s advantages in flexibility, collaboration, resource optimization, and adaptability make it a preferred choice for many modern businesses seeking to thrive in a dynamic and competitive landscape. The ability to mobilize resources, expertise, and information across a broader network of interconnected entities enhances an organization’s ability to take swift and effective actions.

Participants in the network include professors emeriti in Slovenia, and the links to the professor emeriti in the following  countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Norway, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The network is open and is expected to expand.

The fields of activities of professors emeriti in the network depend on their scientific field and requirements as they find them in work. They will collaborate by using Internet according to problems observed and will focus on actions needed and desired. The network is highly interdisciplinary.

The network’s secretary is Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor,


Records of the meeting are published on Emeriti Network YouTube.


The source of innovation lies in the discovery of problems.

Solving a problem starts by asking the right question (problem identification).

Problems in the modern world cannot be efficiently and effectively detected without the use of information technology.

Accelerated actions are needed in an aging society and digitization
Silver Economy
Active Aging: Opportunities for Joint Research and Actions Generation in 2023
Celebrating the International Day of Older Persons 2023: Commemorative Events

eMeetings in 2025
eMeetings in 2024
eMeetings in 2023
eMeetings in 2022
eMeetings in 2021
Members in Slovenia
Links to members in other countries
Links to actions in Slovenia
   eInclusion in Active Aging & Silver Economy
   Cultural Heritage ePromotion
   eLearning & eEducation
   Heathy Food eProcurement
   Cross-border eCollaboration
Links to associations and networks

Accelerated actions are needed in an aging society and digitization

The combination of an aging society and digitization is creating new challenges and opportunities for individuals, businesses, and governments around the world. Accelerated actions are needed to address these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities.

Firstly, an aging society means that there is a growing population of older adults who may require additional healthcare services, social support, and financial resources. Digitization can help address some of these challenges by providing new ways for older adults to access healthcare services, connect with friends and family, and manage their finances. However, there are still many older adults who may not have the necessary digital skills or access to technology to benefit from these innovations.

Secondly, digitization is also transforming the way we work and do business. Automation and artificial intelligence are changing the nature of work and creating new opportunities for innovation and growth. However, this also means that workers need to acquire new skills and adapt to new ways of working. Older workers, in particular, may need additional support and training to keep up with these changes.

Accelerated actions are needed to ensure that older adults are not left behind in the digital age and that the workforce is prepared for the changing demands of the economy. This includes investing in digital infrastructure, providing digital skills training and support for older adults, and developing policies that support the needs of an aging population. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have a role to play in this process, and the sooner we start taking action, the better prepared we will be for the future.

Invitation to publishing a link to an action

The network members are invited to propose a link to a website of a recent action, or an action in progress in which the professors emeriti are involved. The links will be published at Professors Emeriti Network. Of particular interest are the links to the websites on the actions which are open to the cross-border eCollaboration.

Invitation to organizing the online network’s meeting

The network’s members are kindly invited to organize one of the network’s online meetings in 2024. Based on the experience in 2021, 2022 and 2023, the meeting is planned in February, April, June, September, and November. The timing is usually on Wednesday from 17:00 to 19:00 Central European Time – CET.

The network’s meeting is focused on a chosen topic proposed by the meeting’s organizer. Welcome are the topics which are problem based and action focused. The meeting may initiate a formation of a working group in which some of the network members are sharing interest and may want to develop an action plan, or write a paper, or a position paper.

The organizer of the meeting invites 3-4 discussants who contribute to the topic. The organizer of the meeting and the discussants submit the text (1-2 pages) of their contribution before the meeting. The text is published as an attachment next to the author’s name on the network’s website. In the text, provision of the links to the related websites is welcome. The meeting’s organizer provides the technology and submits the link to the meeting.

After the meeting, the organizer submits a record of the meeting to be published along with the Participants List.

Your proposals are very much welcome.

Silver Economy

The term “silver economy” refers to the economic opportunities and challenges associated with an aging population. It includes the industries, products, and services that cater to the needs and wants of older adults.

Action is needed in the silver economy because of several reasons:

Demographic shift: There is a significant demographic shift occurring worldwide, with a growing proportion of the population aging. According to the World Health Organization, the global population of people over 60 years old is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050, up from 900 million in 2015. This demographic shift is creating new demands for products and services that cater to the needs and wants of older adults.

Economic opportunities: The silver economy represents a significant economic opportunity for businesses and entrepreneurs who can meet the needs and wants of older adults. This includes everything from healthcare services to leisure activities, technology, and housing.

Social benefits: A thriving silver economy can also bring social benefits, including improved health outcomes, increased social connectivity, and reduced isolation for older adults. It can also create employment opportunities and help support local economies.

Challenges: However, there are also significant challenges associated with the silver economy, including funding healthcare and social services, developing appropriate housing options, and addressing ageism and age-related stereotypes.

Action is needed in the silver economy to address the challenges and opportunities associated with an aging population, to support the social and economic well-being of older adults, and to create a more inclusive society for people of all ages.

Active Aging: Opportunities for Joint Research and Actions Generation in 2023

International joint actions can play an important role in promoting active aging and improving the health and wellbeing of older adults around the world.

Collaborative research: International collaboration can help to identify best practices, interventions, and policies that promote active aging. Researchers from different countries can collaborate to develop and implement studies that examine the impact of various interventions on older adults’ health and wellbeing.

Information sharing: International organizations, associations and networks can facilitate the sharing of information and resources on active aging. This can include best practices, research findings, and policy recommendations.

Training and education: International partnerships can help to develop training programs that promote active aging. These programs can provide older adults with the skills and knowledge they need to stay healthy and engaged in their communities.

Policy coordination: International organizations can work with governments to develop policies that support active aging. This can include policies that promote access to healthcare, housing, and social services.

Awareness campaigns: International organizations can collaborate on awareness campaigns to promote active aging. These campaigns can raise awareness about the benefits of staying active and engaged as we age, and can help to reduce stigma and discrimination against older adults.


Retired Professors Entitlements for Access to University IT: Universities Policy. Report By Jože Gričar, March 2022,

We have been confronted with questions about the possibilities of retired professors being granted access to continued use of the university’s information technology (IT). We studied the problem only from the point of view of retired professors who do not have the title emerita/emeritus. The professors emeriti do not have this problem. In almost all universities, among the bonuses that belong to professors emeriti, they are entitled to use IT in an unchanged way after retirement.

During the Covid pandemic1, it became clear in a short period of time how important it is to have ample access to IT for everyday life, both at home and at work. The lack of adequate access to IT services for the retired population will likely grow in the coming years since the IT is increasingly complex. For that reason, there is a need to increase access to IT training and support programs for using IT will be required. If that access is not increased, the gap between the possibilities of those who know how to use IT and those who do not will widen.

In December 2021, we asked the members of the Professors Emeriti Network to assist in collecting the answers to the following questions considering the policy of her/his university:

May I continue to use my university email account after I retire?
May I continue to access software through the university after I retire?
May I continue to utilize IT support for my computer after I retire?

In January 2022, we searched university websites to find links to where the universities publish IT accessibility policy for retired professors. The relevant university location is very often “IT Services Support, Human Resource Department” ( pdf Retired professors entitlements for access to university IT March 2022). Several universities confirmed that the link found is the correct on, some proposed more appropriate link. Colleagues from different universities were also helpful in providing data. To all we are expressing our appreciation of their assistance.

Considering data collected, a paper of a group of authors will be presented to the 2nd Congress of European Association of Professors Emeriti: “The Capital of Knowledge” (Naples, April 28-30, 2022) and published afterwards.

Professors Emeriti Ethical and Legal Aspect Group

In line with the consensus of Professors Emeriti Network, with the objectives of the functioning and action of the European Association of Professors Emeriti, in line with the statements of the European Commission in the GREEN PAPER ON AGEING Fostering solidarity and responsibility between generations (Brussels, 27.1.2021 COM, 50 final), Professors Emeriti Network nominates the Expert Working Group on: Ethical and Legal Aspect from Professors Emeriti and Retired Researchers  Contribution in Public Goodness on 8th of November 2021.

pdf Professors Emeriti Ethical and Legal Aspect Group November 8 2021

On September 19, 2022, the document Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper was published by the Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy. The Position Paper was developed gradually basing on discussions at three Zoom meetings of network members during 2022 (February 16, April 6, June 1). The meeting programs and the participants lists are published.

On April 21, 2021, the Professors Emeriti Network published the Minister of Seniors Appointment. Position Paper. The representatives of Active Aging Networks are invited to share the idea with the network members on having the minister of seniors in all countries. In the Position Paper, it is also proposed to establish a Seniors Council of the Government.

Celebrating the International Day of Older Persons 2023
Commemorative Events

The International Day of Older Persons, which falls on October 1st every year, is an opportunity to recognize the contributions and achievements of older persons and to promote their rights and well-being. For professors emeriti, this day can also provide an opportunity to continue their academic work and contribute to society in various ways:

Mentorship: Professors emeriti can mentor and advise younger generations of students and researchers in their respective fields. This can be done through formal mentoring programs or by simply being available for consultation and advice.

Research: Professors emeriti can continue to conduct research in their fields of expertise and publish their findings. They can also collaborate with other researchers and academics to advance knowledge in their respective fields.

Teaching: Professors emeriti can teach courses, workshops, and seminars on topics related to their fields of expertise. This can be done at universities, community colleges, and other educational institutions.

Community outreach: Professors emeriti can use their knowledge and expertise to serve their communities. This can be done through volunteering, providing educational talks, or consulting with local businesses and organizations.

Advocacy: Professors emeriti can use their voices to advocate for the rights and well-being of older persons. This can be done through public speaking, writing articles, or engaging with policymakers.


Due to the consequences of flash floods and landslides in the Carinthia Region at the beginning of August 2023, it was not possible to carry out the necessary preparations. The event has been postponed indefinitely.

The Central European Guide developed by the groups in the participating countries will be presented at the eServices for Seniors 55+ Central European Guide event at the occasion on the International Day of Older Persons 2023organized by the Slovenj Gradec Group on Friday, September 29, 2023.

Contact Person:
Marjeta Vaupot, MBA, Director
Health Community Center Slovenj Gradec
Council Member, City Municipality of Slovenj Gradec
Coordinator, Central European Seniors eServices Guide 55+

The Central European Seniors eServices Guide 55+ is a network established on March 4, 2022. Its purpose is to support provision of the national Guides which facilitate the acquisition of information and provide valuable and trusted resources for the elderly and all caretakers in the participating countries. They are meant for the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+. They support the search for the available eServices related to improving the standard of living of the seniors. Data on eServices available should be easily accessible and simple to find at the time when needed.

The NGO Committee on Ageing/NY will observe the UN International Day of Older Persons on Monday, 2 October, 2023 at the United Nations.  We will use the opportunity of the 75th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights to focus on its deficiencies relative to the protection of the human rights of older persons.

Contact Person:
Dr. Cynthia Stuen, Chair
NGO Committee on Ageing/NY, USA
UN Main Representative, International Federation on Ageing

Ethics Aspects of Circular Economy
Zoom Event on Tuesday, 3rd October 2023 at 17:00 CET
On the occasion of the 1st October – The International Day of Older Persons.

pdf Emeriti Circular Economy 03.10.2023 Participants

Record (video at YouTube) of the Zoom meeting Ethics Aspects of Circular Economy, 3rd October 2023,

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE & Chairman, Ethics Committee
General Secretary, Italian Committee of EAPE
pdf Emeriti 03.10.2023 Circular Economy Luigi Campanella


Mag. Georg Krauchenberg, Member of the Board
IDM – Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe Vienna, Austria
Ethics Concerns of Circular Economy and the Energy Transition
pdf Emeriti 03.10.2023 Circular Economy Georg Krauchemberg

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, Slovenia
Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network
Ethical issues in making university information technology available to retired professors.
pdf Emeriti Meeting 03.10.2023 Circular Economy Jože Gričar

Gaetano Thiene, MD, Professor Emeritus
University of Padua, Italy
Can the heart become centenary?

The meeting managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia

Registration is required at The registered persons will receive a link to the meeting. The Participants List will be published.

The scientific base of circular economy starts from observing humans and their mechanisms assuming that also the economic systems have to function as organisms where the feeding substances are elaborated, consumed and recycled both biologically and technically so giving origin to what is called closed cycle. Circular economy so must be assumed as a reference for the thinking of alternative model and as answer to the old time. This should guide us toward products belonging to sustainable design and to repairable goods (right to repair, a new one!) so going to ethically behave in favor of long-life objects and to ethically influence the market. Ethics also plays a role in sharing of goods so that their exploitation is increased.

eConsultation on Using eTechnology for Active Aging in the Silver Economy
On the occasion of the 1st October – The International Day of Older Persons 2023 (in Slovene language)
Novo mesto, Slovenia
Thursday, October 5, 2023, 10:00 – 12:00 CET


Opening Speeches

Luka Blažič, Director
Library Miran Jarc, Novo mesto

Dr. Miha Japelj, Professor
President, Novo mesto Cultural Heritage Promotion Committee

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus
Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network

Presentations by Representatives of the Library of Miran Jarc Novo mesto

Digitization of Cultural Heritage
Darja Peperko Golob or Mateja Kambič;

Project “SOS Point” (Together We Conquer the Internet)
Brigita Lavrič

A Pilot Project for the Introduction of eReaders and Audio Book Players in the Novo mesto Elderly Home
Urša Likar Luzar

In the Silver Economy, where the share of seniors in the population is increasing, the use of eTechnology is crucial for ensuring a quality and active life for the elderly and for their integration into modern society. This enables better economic and social results, as seniors contribute with their knowledge, experience and abilities, while at the same time their well-being and quality of life improve.

Network's eMeetings in 2025

Zoom meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 16:00-18:00 CET

Introducing the Age Inclusivity Domains of Higher Education (AIDHE) Model: The Potential for Increased Engagement of Emeriti and Retired Faculty and Staff

Session Host:

Dr. Nina M. Silverstein, Professor Emerita. Gerontology Department, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States,




Age Inclusivity Domains of Higher Education (AIDHE): ​ A closer look at the model​ 

Dr. Joann M. Montepare, Professor Emerita of Psychology. Lasell University. Faculty Fellow, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States,

A brief overview of the Age-Friendly University (AFU) global network and the Age Inclusivity Domains in Higher Education (AIDHE) model which reinforces and extends the AFU philosophy across several core areas of campus practices that impact age-diverse students, faculty, and staff.


Senior Scholars and Professors Emeriti at the University of Manitoba – A Project to Gather Perspectives and Enact Change

Dr. Michelle M. Porter, Professor. Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, Director, Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada,

A mixed methods study of retired academics with two types of positions at UM.  The goal of this project is to make UM more age-inclusive for retired academics who continue to engage and contribute in their retirement.


Retired and Emeriti Intergenerational Engagement in Institutions of Higher Education​

Dr. Ramraj Gautam, Teaching Professor. Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences, Susan and Alan Solomont School of Nursing, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, United States,

An overview of the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s age-inclusive initiatives aimed at integrating retired and emeriti professors within the university community. Additionally, an overview of the effectiveness of an intergenerational classroom activity including retired and emeriti professors will be discussed.


What do Universities Do for Their Retired Faculty: Data from a National Survey 

Dr. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, ABPP. Adjunct Professor of Gerontology, University of Massachusetts Boston, and Professor Emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States,

Data on the presence of outreach and engagement services available to retired faculty using the Inventory and Campus Climate Survey (ICCS) Assessment tool (Silverstein et al. 2021) of national data from 23 campuses in the United States. From this national sample, data from 198 retired faculty were analyzed to determine the degree of awareness of these services. The findings have implications for what universities can do to improve both services to retired faculty and awareness of these services.


To attend the meeting, please register at Those registered will receive a link to the meeting. The Registered Participants List will be posted.

Links to video recordings of the Professors Emeriti Network Zoom meetings are posted at You Tube Emeriti Network.


eLearning Opportunities: Collaboration with the Gerontological Society of America – GSA Enrich, Learning Center

Gerontological Society of America – GSA Enrich is your gateway to a library of engaging learning resources! Access toolkits, courses, webinars, and podcasts, all tailored to support your studies and advancement in the fields of aging and gerontology.

Calendar of Events of upcoming webinars

Setting up an account needed to view free webinars and register for live webinars

Contact person: Gena Schoen, Director of Member Engagement, Gerontological Society of America,

Network's eMeetings in 2024

Emeriti Network YouTube


Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 17:00 – 19:00 CET

The Longevity – Silver Economy: What are we to do?

Emeriti Meeting 20.11.2024 Silver Economy Registered Participants

Emeriti Network You Tube: The Longivity – Silver Economy. What are we to do?


The Challenges of Longevity and Silver Economy

Dr. Boris Cizelj, Professor, President, Knowledge Economy Network – KEN,

eCollaboration of Retired (Emeriti) Professors Contributing to Longevity – Silver Economy Development

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network,



New Technologies for Silver Economy

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus. Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE & Chair, Ethics Section, General Secretary, EAPE Italy,

The Silver Economy: The Canadian Experience

Dr. Walter Archer, Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. President, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURACBook Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Higher Education,

Using a Project Management methodology to make Outback Australian Adventure travel safe, successful, and enjoyable – applying pre-retirement learning and activity to post-retirement travel enjoyment

Dr. Heinz V Dreher, Independent Researcher, Professor Emeritus of Informatics, Mahogany Creek, Western Australia,

The Silver Economy and the Role of Information Technology in Supporting Its Development

Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia,


Longevity – Silver Economy: Links to ePublications, November 2024.


The meeting managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia,

To attend the meeting, please register at Those registered will receive a link to the meeting. The Registered Participants List will be posted.

Links to video recordings of the Professors Emeriti Network Zoom meetings are posted at You Tube Emeriti Network.

Zoom Meeting, Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 17:00 – 19:00 CET

Emeriti and Retirees are Still Useful to Our Society. Collection of Experiences.

An Endless Book Written by the Community over all the World.

Brainstorming to celebrate October 1, International Day of Older Persons 2024


Participants List

Video posted on You Tube:  Emeriti and Retirees are Still Useful to Our Society



Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus. Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE & Chairman, Ethics Committee, General Secretary, EAPE Italy,

Welcome to the Meeting Participants. Dr. Luciano Galantini, Professor. Head, Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy,


Why and How Some Retirees from Colleges and Universities Create Continued Involvement in these settings: Some Global Experiential Evidence. Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Associate Professor Emerita . Previous program Director, University of Calgary Retirees Association (UCRA), Board Member and Chairperson of their Later Life Learning Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURACEditor, Academic For LifeUniversity

Developing Positive Incentives for Timely Retirement. Dr. Phillip R. Sloan, Professor Emeritus. Program of Liberal Studies/Program in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States. President, Association of Retired Faculty & Professional Staff,

Dr. Michael J. Ginzberg, Professor and Dean Emeritus, School of Business, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, United States. Partner, ELM2 Advisors LLC, Strategic Transactions for Higher

Retired professors who are not allowed to use a university email account are discriminated. Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia. Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network, Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network, Secretary, Using Digital Technologies for Active Aging Initiative,

Gender Discrimination at Universities still alive and well in 2024Dr. Nikos Christos Markatos of Gregorios, Professor Emeritus, Former Rector. Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technology University Athens, Greece,

How senior academics can help raising fairness in societies. Dr. Hartmut Frank, Professor of Ecotoxicology. Department of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, University of Bayreuth, Germany,


The meeting managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia,

To attend the meeting, please register at Those registered will receive a link to the meeting. The Registered Participants List will be posted.

Links to video recordings of the Professors Emeriti Network Zoom meetings are posted at You Tube Emeriti Network.

Related events

Geneva Calls: A Pivotal Moment for Older Persons’ Rights. United Nations International Day of Older Persons 2024. NGO Committee on Ageing (Geneva) and INPEA. Tuesday 1st October 2024, Palais des Nations. Room XXIII, 15:00 – 16:30.

Contact Person: Ina Voelcker, Deputy Chair, BAGSO – German National Association of Senior Citizens‘ Organisations,

Leeds International Day of Older People (IDOP), Tuesday 1st October – 11:00-2:00

 Age Friendly Leeds is hosting a creative showcase for International Day of Older People embracing the theme of “the part we play”: Celebrating the integral role of older people in our communities. The event aims to highlight the fantastic contributions of older people in Leeds, as well as providing new opportunities. The event is partnered with Leeds Older People’s Forum, Leeds Rhinos Foundation and Leeds City Council and will be hosted by Out Together ambassador Matthew Jameson. There will be a welcome speech from Roger Harington, who is both chair of Leeds Older People’s Forum and a member of the Performance Ensemble.

 Contact person: Angela Wade, Administrator, Leeds Older People’s Forum,

The Problem of the Silver Economy. Meeting and Press Conference to Celebrate October 1, International Day of Older Persons 2024. Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia. Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 11-12 AM

Dr. Boris Cizelj, President, Knowledge Economy Network – KEN

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network

Evidence-Based Strategies for Creating Age-Inclusive Campuses. Gerontological Society of America, Friday, September 27, 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST

Higher education is undergoing a cultural shift in the contemporary world of age-diverse learners.  Join us to hear about the Age Inclusivity Domains of Higher Education model (AIDHE) and learn about transformative, actionable strategies to create age-inclusive campuses as recommended by experts in higher education. Reflecting three core domains of institutional function (Teaching and Learning, Personnel, and Student Affairs), the 23 evidence-based strategies show how addressing challenges of age inclusivity calls for balancing priority, impact, feasibility, and likelihood of implementation considerations.


Dr. Nina M. Silverstein, Professor Emerita, Gerontology Department, University of Massachusetts Boston

Dr. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Faculty Fellow and Adjunct Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston

Dr. Joann M. Montepare, Director, RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies, and Professor of Psychology, at Lasell University

Dr. Lauren Marshall Bowen, Associate Professor of English, Director of Composition, Co-Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, and Gerontology Institute Fellow at the University of Massachusetts Boston


This webinar was supported by the RRF Foundation for Aging and sponsored in partnership with the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Age-Friendly University Global Network (AFU_GN).

Zoom Meeting, Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 17:00 – 19:00 CET

Emeriti as Entrepreneurs

Video Recording: Emeriti Network YouTube

Registered Meeting Participants: pdf Emeriti Meeting 12.06.2024 Participants List


Dr. Raymond Saner, Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Basle, Switzerland
Director and Founder, Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development – CSEND, Geneva, Switzerland

Emeriti Meeting 12.06.2024 Emeriti as Entrepreneurs. Raymond Saner

Emeriti Meeting 12.06.2024 Raymond Saner



Dr. Richard Welke, Regents Professor Emeritus

Computer Information Systems, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, United States of America

pdf Emeriti Meeting 12.06.2024 Presentation Richard Welke

Dr. Jerome Katz, Robert H. Brockhaus Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship

Department of Management, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America

Emeriti Meeting 12.06.2024 presentation Jerome Katz

Dr. Peter Fong, President

Hong Kong Public Administration Association, Hong Kong, China

Editor-in-Chief, Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal by Emerald

pdf Emeriti Meeting 12.6.2024 Presentation Peter Fong

The meeting managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia


Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, 17:00-19:00 CET

What can emeritus faculty members do for education?

Registered Participants List

Video on YouTube


Problems facing higher education

Dr. Michael J. Ginzberg, Professor and Dean Emeritus
School of Business, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, United States of America
Partner, ELM2 Advisors LLC, Strategic Transactions for Higher Education


Supporting faculty and students

Dr. Richard Hackathorn, President and Founder

Bolder Technology, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, United States of America


Emeriti engaging in mentoring junior faculty: Organizing for Win-Win

Dr. Claudia Loebbecke Professor and Chair

Department of Media and Technology Management, University of Cologne, Germany


Can emeriti and retired faculty promote ethics of science in university courses?

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus

Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE & Chairman, Ethics Committee, General Secretary, EAPE Italy


Enlarging the Ethical and legal aspects related to the contribution of emeriti professors for the public good

Dr. Lucija Čok, Professor Emerita
Former Rector, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Coordinator, Professors Emeriti Ethical and Legal Aspect Group (since November 8, 2021), Professors Emeriti Network


Retention of university email account after retirement

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus

University of Maribor, Slovenia

Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network, Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network

Is it ethically correct that a university does not allow a professor to use the university email account after retirement? ChatGPT, April 3, 2024.

Retention of university email address of higher education teachers after retirement. A Statement Paper. Published by Professors Emeriti Ethical and Legal Aspect Group, Professors Emeriti Network, December 27, 2023.


Emeriti professors should use their experience to advocate for important curricular and personnel issues

Dr. Gregory M Sadlek, Professor Emeritus/Dean Emeritus
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences – CLASS, Cleveland State University, OH, United States of America

Introduction: Cluster on the Social Value of Medieval Studies. Gregory M. Sadlek, Cleveland State University, U.S. Pedagogy & Profession, Fall 2023.

The meeting is managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia

pdf Emeriti Meeting 03.04.2024 Registered Participants

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Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 17:00 – 19:00 CET
Artificial Intelligence Tools: A Wealth of Intelligence and Nothing Artificial.
Seniors 55+ Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools: Lessons Learned and Best Practices Exchange

You Tube: Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 17:00


The interested individuals are cordially invited to help form the Task Group Seniors 55+ Using AI Tools to Support Active Aging as a Component of the Silver Economy in their respective country, or region.

AI tools are important to professors emeriti and retired professors in general since they offer the means to stay connected, engaged, and productive in their post-academic lives. Whether through research assistance, writing support, or community engagement, AI can play a valuable role in enhancing the retired professor’s overall experience. Retired university professors can benefit from using AI tools in various ways, enhancing both their personal and professional lives. Using AI tools is crucial for active aging and the development of the Silver Economy for all Seniors 55+. Retired academics can help a lot in that regard considering their experience and professional connections.

As a continuation of the zoom meeting on September 13, 2023, we are preparing the Task Group Zoom meeting: Seniors 55+ Using AI Tools to Support Active Aging as Component of Silver Economy. The topic is Lessons Learned and Best Practices Exchange. The groups’ members will be encouraging the eSeniors 55+ in their respective environment to start using AI tools and report on the experiences gained.

Data on links to relevant eArticles and eReports are collected and published at Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy (

Presenters will be looking for the answers to the following questions:

What did I learn from using the AI tool?

What will I do to introduce eSeniors to the benefits of using artificial intelligence tools in the next three months?

How can we eCollaborate to share experiences?

The meeting managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia, .


AI tools helping third age citizens in their normal activities and retired and Emeriti professors in transmitting their expertise and professional experience.

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus

Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti –EAPE & Chairman, Ethics Committee, General Secretary, EAPE Italy

pdf Emeriti AI Meeting 14.02.2024 Luigi Campanella


Opportunities to leverage large investments in AI tools and documents digitization.

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus

University of Maribor, Slovenia

Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network, Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network

pdf Emeriti AI Meeting 14.02.2024 Jože Gričar


Educating Active Agers: Mastering AI for Independence and Security

Liz Miller, Director of Communications, Marketing

GetSetUp, Midvale, Utah, United States

pdf Emeriti AI Meeting 14.02.2024 Liz Miller


 Google Bard as a co-author in writing an article.

Dr. Danijel Rebolj, Professor Emeritus

Former Rector, University of Maribor, Slovenia

pdf Emeriti AI Meeting 14.02.2024 Danijel Rebolj


Proposal to Professors Emeriti Network: Exploratory Study into Living Textbooks.

Dr. Richard Hackathorn, President and Founder

Bolder Technology, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, United States of America

pdf Emeriti AI Meeting 14.02.2024 Richard Hackathorn


Registered Participants List

pdf Emeriti AI Meeting 14.02.2024 Registered Participants

Network's eMeetings in 2023

15.11.2023: Retired Academics in Action: Contributing to the Silver Economy Development in the Digitized Society
 YouTube: Retired Academics in Action: Contributing to the Silver Economy Development in the Digitized Society. Zoom Meeting 15.11.2023

03.10.2023: Ethics Aspects of Circular Economy
Video on YouTube of the Zoom meeting Ethics Aspects of Circular Economy, 3rd October 2023,

13.09.2023: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applied to Seniors 55+ in the Silver Economy: An Analytical Balance Between Ethics, Technology and Social Concerns
YouTube: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applied to Seniors 55+ in the Silver Economy.

22.06.2023: Retired Academics Contributing to the Silver Economy Development in the Digitized Society
Emeriti Network on YouTube

17.05.2023: Circular Economy – an Ethical concern?

15.02.2023: Post-Secondary Retiree Associations in Canada: Context, Development, Values, Achievements, Challenges, Aspirations

18.01.2023: Silver Economy According to the New Circular Model of Economy

Zoom meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 10:00 – 12:00 CET
Retired Academics in Action: Contributing to the Silver Economy Development in the Digitized Society

The meeting will provide an opportunity to learn about efforts to use information technology to support active aging in Australia. In the discussion, it will be possible to exchange proposals for accelerated seniors’ eCollaboration and experiences exchange in an increasingly digitized society.

Emeriti 15.11.2023 Meeting Participants

 YouTube: Retired Academics in Action: Contributing to the Silver Economy Development in the Digitized Society. Zoom Meeting 15.11.2023


Dr. Doug Vogel, Professor and eHealth Research Institute Founding Director
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Currently residing in Perth, Australia
pdf Emeriti Meeting 15.11.2023 Doug Vogel


Dr. Carmel McNaught, Professor Emerita of Learning Enhancement
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Currently retired in Melbourne, Australia

Dr. David Kennedy, Principal Fellow of the Higher Education
Academy of the United Kingdom, and Former Executive Dean of Teaching and Learning, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates
Currently retired in Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Helen Hasan, Professor and Managing Director
Living Connected, iAccelerate Innovation Campus, University of Wollongong, Australia

Dr. Heinz V Dreher, Independent Researcher, Professor Emeritus of Informatics
Mahogany Creek, Western Australia

Dr. Henry Linger, Associate Professor of Human Centred Computing
Faculty of Information Systems, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Ron Weber, Professor Emeritus
School of Business, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

The meeting managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia

To attend the meeting, sign up at The Participants List will be published.

Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 17:00 – 19:00 CET
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applied to Seniors 55+ in the Silver Economy: An Analytical Balance Between Ethics, Technology and Social Concerns

YouTube: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applied to Seniors 55+ in the Silver Economy.

pdf Emeriti Seniors 55+ & AI Meeting 13.09.2023 Participants List Published

Zoom Meeting on September 13, 2023: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applied to Seniors 55+ in the Silver Economy.

Background of the meeting

Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to seniors aged 55 and above in the silver economy can lead to various advantages and improvements tailored to their unique needs and challenges. The silver economy refers to the economic activities and opportunities arising from the growing older population.

AI can enable personalized and proactive healthcare solutions, including early detection of health issues, remote monitoring of chronic conditions, and optimized treatment plans. This can result in better health outcomes, reduced hospitalization, and improved overall well-being for seniors.
AI-powered smart home technologies can support aging in place, allowing seniors to live independently and comfortably in their own homes. These technologies can assist with daily tasks, provide safety and security features, and offer virtual companionship.
AI applications, such as brain-training programs and memory assistance tools, can help seniors maintain cognitive function and potentially delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline.
AI-driven chatbots and virtual companions can provide companionship, engage in conversation, and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, which are common issues among the elderly population.
AI can assist seniors with financial planning, budgeting, and fraud detection, ensuring their financial security and preventing potential financial exploitation.
AI can personalize entertainment options for seniors, curating content based on their preferences and interests, enhancing their leisure experience.
AI can open up new job prospects and opportunities for seniors, allowing them to participate in the workforce or start new ventures during their later years.
AI-driven autonomous vehicles and mobility solutions can make transportation more accessible and safe for seniors, improving their mobility and independence.
AI-powered customer service bots can provide efficient and helpful assistance to seniors, making interactions with businesses and services more convenient.
AI can contribute to the development of age-friendly cities ans communities, where smart infrastructure and services cater to the needs of older adults, promoting a higher quality of life.
By investing in AI and technology solutions for seniors, the silver economy can stimulate innovation and create new business opportunities, leading to economic growth and development.

It is essential to ensure that AI applications in the silver economy are designed with a focus on inclusivity, accessibility, and user-friendly interfaces to ensure that all seniors can benefit from these technologies. Moreover, addressing privacy and data security concerns is critical to building trust and encouraging wider adoption of AI solutions among seniors.


Artificial Intelligence – AI Technology for the Third Age
Dr. Franc Bračun, Chief Data Officer and Executive Assistant to the Management Board
Nova Ljubljanska Banka – NLB Group Ljubljana, Slovenia
Executive Board Member, AI for Slovenia
pdf Emeriti Seniors & AI Meeting 13.09.2023 Franc Bračun

Contribution.of AI to Third Age Silver Consumptions
Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Past General Secretary & Chair, Ethics Group, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE, General Secretary of Italian Committee of EAPE
pdf Emeriti Seniors 55+ & AI Meeting 13.09.2023 Luigi Campanella

ChatGPT: Only Good Questions Get Good Answers!
Monique Epstein, MA, Founder & Director
eSeniors – Network for eInclusion of Seniors and Active Aging, France
pdf Emeriti Seniors 55+ & AI Meeting 13.09.2023 Monique Epstein

Artificial Intelligence, Erasmus+ PEER-TRAIN, MoodleCloud case study
Dr. Anna Grabowska, Head, Autodesk Academic Partner and Academy of Third Age
Founder of the Distance Education Centre at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
pdf Emeriti Seniors 55+& AI Meeting 13.09.2023 Anna Grabowska

Seniors 55+ Using AI Tools
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network & Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network
pdf Emeriti Seniors 55+ & AI Meeting 13.09.2023 Jože Gričar

The meeting managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia

To attend the meeting, sign up at

Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 22, 2023, 17:00 – 19:00 CET

Retired Academics Contributing to the Silver Economy Development in the Digitized Society

Video at Emeriti Network YouTube

Dr. Doug Vogel, Professor of Information Systems & eHealth Research Institute Director
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Fellow and Past-President, Association for Information Systems – AIS & Member, Cross-border eCollaboration Consortium
Fellow, Australian Institute of Digital Health – AIDH, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in association with the University of the Third Age
pdf Emeriti Retired Academics Healthcare Transformation Doug Vogel 22.06.2023

The meeting managed by Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia


Dr. Boris Cizelj, Professor,
DOBA Business School Maribor, Slovenia
Mobilising Half of Societies’ Brain Power
pdf Emeriti Retired Academics Brain Power Boris Cizelj 22.06.2023

Martin Guillermo Ramirez, Secretary General
Association of European Border Regions, Gronau, Germany
Quasi nanos gigantum humeris incidentes
pdf Emeriti Retired Academics Martin Guillermo Ramirez 22.06.2023

Mag. Primož Gričar, Development Director
Sapphir d.o.o. Ljubljana, Slovenia
Senior Lecturer, MLC Management and Law College Ljubljana
Keeping in Touch with Technology: Demanding but Nonevitable

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, Slovenia
Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network & Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network
Networks’ and Associations’ Websites Interlinking for the Retired eAcademics
pdf Emeriti Retired Academics Websites Interlinking Jože Gričar 22.06.2023

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Wellfare or Silver Economy. Which is the Right Way to Support Older Persons?
pdf Emeriti Retired Academics Luigi Campanella 22.06.2023

Participants List
pdf Emeriti Meeting 22.06.2023 Participants List

The purpose of the meeting

Retired academics can contribute to the development of the silver economy in the digitized society in several ways:

Knowledge Sharing: Retired academics possess valuable expertise and experience in various fields. They can contribute by sharing their knowledge through mentoring programs, online courses, or workshops targeted at seniors. This helps older individuals develop new skills and stay engaged in the digital economy.

Research and Consulting: Retired academics can engage in research projects focused on understanding the needs and challenges of seniors in the digitized society. Their expertise can provide insights into designing user-friendly technologies, developing age-friendly products and services, and creating inclusive digital platforms. They can also offer consulting services to businesses and organizations seeking guidance on serving the seniors.

Content Creation: Retired academics can contribute to the silver economy by creating educational content tailored to seniors. This can include writing articles, books, or blogs on topics such as digital literacy, health and wellness, financial planning, and personal development. They can leverage digital platforms to disseminate their content and reach a wider audience.

Community Engagement: Retired academics can actively participate in local communities, senior centers, or retirement communities to promote digital literacy and provide guidance on technology use. They can organize workshops, seminars, or discussion groups to address the specific concerns and challenges faced by seniors in the digitized society.

Advocacy and Policy Development: Retired academics can use their knowledge and expertise to advocate for policies and regulations that support the inclusion and empowerment of seniors in the digital economy. They can collaborate with policymakers, industry stakeholders, and advocacy groups to raise awareness about the needs of older individuals and ensure their interests are considered in the development of digital technologies and services.

Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, 17th May 2023 at 17:00 CET
Circular Economy – an Ethical concern?

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Senior Professor, Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE & Chairman, Ethics Committee
General Secretary, Italian Committee of EAPE

Managed by the Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia
Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor,

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
Dr. John Brennan, Professor Emeritus, Open University, United Kingdom & Visiting Professor, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Mag. Georg Krauchenberg, Member of the Board, IDM – Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe Vienna, Austria

Circular Economy – an Ethical concern?
pdf Professors Emeriti, Circular Economy – an Ethical concern, Luigi Campanella, May 17, 2023

Circular Economy is Important to the Seniors
pdf Circular Economy Campanella Gričar 19.04.2023

Friborg hosts the first event of the Swiss Presidency of EUSALP – European Union Macro-Regional Strategy for the Alpine Region. Declaration of Fribourg 2023 on Circular Economy. Canton of Fribourg, March 31, 2023.

Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 17:00-19:00 CET
Post-Secondary Retiree Associations in Canada: Context, Development, Values, Achievements, Challenges, Aspirations

The objective:  Presentation of an overview of post-secondary retiree associations in Canada from a national perspective, including information of the wide variety of associations, the challenges they face today and plans for the future.

Dr. Fred Fletcher, Professor Emeritus
Political Science and Communication Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada
Chairperson, Communications Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC
pptx Emeriti meeting february 15 2023 PowerPoint Fred Fletcher

Invited discussants:

Kent Percival, professional engineer with extensive experience in Information Technology Management, President
College and University Retiree Associations of Canada (CURAC)

Dr. Kenneth Craig OC, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of British Columbia & Director, BC Pain Research Network, Past President, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada (CURAC)
& Member, University of British Columbia Emeritus College

Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, RN, Associate Professor Emerita, University of Calgary & Program Director, Emeriti Association of the University of Calgary & Member, Board of Directors, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada (CURAC)

Dr. John Lennox, Professor Emeritus, English, York University, Canada
Former Dean of Graduate Studies & Former Co-President, York University Retirees Association (YURA)

Entering the next chapter: the value of university retiree associations. Members benefit from social and intellectual engagement as well as important information to guide a successful retirement. Dr. Fred Fletcher, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Communications Studies, York University, Toronto & Chairperson, Communications Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC. Academic for Life, University Affairs (UA) online Magazine, OCT 27 2022.

Participants List
pdf Emeriti Meeting 15.02.2023 Participants Attending

Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 17:00-19:00 CET
Silver Economy According to the New Circular Model of Economy
Hall B, Chemistry Department, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Chair: Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus,

Silver Age – Silver Economy. Luigi Campanella, Dept of Chemistry, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. The Bulletin of the European Association of Professor Emeriti – EAPE,  24.12.2022; 91-92.
Silver Economy According to the New Circular Model of Economy. Luigi Campanella and Jože Gričar, Professors Emeriti. Network of eCollaborating Retired eAcademics, December 30, 2022.
Silver Economy & Circular Economy Campanella Gricar December 2022


Ethical and Legal Aspects Related to the Contributions of Emeriti Professors to the Public Good
Dr. Lucija Čok, Professor Emerita, Scientific Counselor, Former Rector, University of Primorska, Slovenia,
pdf Silver Economy Meeting 18.01.2023 Emeriti, Ethical and Legal Aspects Lucija Čok

Artificial Intelligence in the PEER-TRAIN: AI applications in developing  Erasmus+ projects
Dr. Anna Grabowska, Head, Autodesk Academic Partner and Academy of Third Age
Founder of the Distance Education Centre at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland,
pdf Silver Economy Meeting January 18 2023 AI-in-the-PEER-TRAIN Anna Grabowska

Interlinking Silver Economy Websites. Professors Emeriti Network, November 16, 2022.
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professors Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
Interlinking Websites Joze Gricar November 16 2022

pdf Silver Economy Meeting 18.01.2023 Meeting Outline Luigi Campanella

pdf Silver Economy Meeting 18.01.2023 Participants

Network's eMeetings in 2022

Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 17:00 – 19:00 CET
Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper.

Monday, September 19, 2022, 17.00 – 19:00 CEST
Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. Webinar Position Paper.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 17:00 – 19:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy.
Discussion on further steps in the Network direction.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022, Zoom Meeting, 17:00 – 19:00 CET
The Contribution from a Network of the Associations to the Development of a Silver Economy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022, Zoom meeting, 17:00-19:00 Central European Time/ 11am-1pm Eastern Time/ 9am-11am Mountain Time)
eLearning tools and partnerships used by Professor Emeriti to facilitate teaching/learning among older adults and their families: Some illustrative examples.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 17:15 – 19:00 CET
Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper. Published on September 19, 2022. The Follow-up Actions.
Hall B, Chemistry Department, Sapienza University of Rome
Chair: Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus,

Dear Signatory, Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper
Dear Member, Professors Emeriti Network

On Wednesday, the 16th November, 2022, we will have our next Zoom meeting. We will start from the conclusion of the last meeting I chaired on September 19, and of the Slovenian event on 30th September.

We agreed about the birth and growth of a Network among all the Associations of the Third Age with specific attention to the cultured active components. We also agreed about the relevance of such a network for the development of Silver Economy, to be considered a great opportunity for improving economic situation.

Precious instruments for these two goals are the Institution of a Minister of Seniors (With great pleasure I read that on the birth of the New Italian Government a Minister of Old Age is considered as possible innovation) and of the Council of Old Persons, both instruments being able to give political essence to our proposals. My opinion is that we must go on in this direction collecting adhesions in order to reach a critical dimension from which to start with a first concrete step that should be the formal creation of the Network.

Key words:
Network, Silver Economy (I suggest capital letter as initials), Minister, Third Age, Old Persons, Services for Old, Ageing of Population, Emeriti, Retired, Active Researcher

Best greetings and thanks for the attention.
Luigi Campanella

Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper. The Follow-up Actions. Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome. Professors Emeriti Network, October 2022.
pdf Global Network Follow-up Actions Luigi Campanella October 2022

Interlinking Silver Economy Websites. Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor. Professors Emeriti Network, November 16, 2022.
pdf Interlinking Websites Joze Gricar November 16 2022

Participants List
pdf Global actions meeting November 16 2022 Participants

Monday, September 19, 2022, Zoom Meeting, 17.00 – 19:00 CEST
Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. Webinar Position Paper.
Hall B, Chemistry Department, Sapienza University of Rome
Chair: Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus,

Wednesday, June 1, 2022, Zoom Meeting, 17:00 – 19:00,  Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy. Discussion on further steps in the Network direction
Chair: Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti

Wednesday, April 6, 2022, Zoom Meeting, 16:00 – 19:00 CET
The Contribution from a Network of the Associations to the Development of a Silver Economy
Chair: Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti

The Contribution from a Network of the Associations to the Development of a Silver Economy
pdf Emeriti Network of Associations & Silver Economy Evelopment Luigi Campanella 06.04.2022

Registered Participants
pdf Emeriti Meeting 06.04.2022 Participants List

Wednesday, February 16, 2022, Zoom meeting, 17:00-19:00 Central European Time/ 11am-1pm Eastern Time/ 9am-11am Mountain Time)
eLearning tools and partnerships used by Professor Emeriti to facilitate teaching/learning among older adults and their families: Some illustrative examples
Chair: Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Associate Professor Emerita
University of Calgary, Canada
Program Co-Director, Emeriti Association of the University of Calgary & Board Member, and LLLL Chairperson:  Later-Life-Learning Committee – College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

pptx Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Carole-Lynne Le Navenec


FamliNet: A Remarkable New App to Prevent Social Isolation of Older Adults
Chieh Teng, MSW
Member, Famlinet Team, University of Toronto, Canada
pdf Professor Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Chieh Teng

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
Barbara Carpio, Retired Associate Professor
Dr. Anthony J. Levinson, MD, FRCPC, Associate Professor & Director
Division of e-Learning Innovation, John Evans Chair in Educational Research
Co-lead, McMaster Optimal Aging Portal and
Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Canada
pdf Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Anthony Levinson

Later Life Learning (LLL): Its Role in Furthering E-learning and Promoting Intergenerational Online Learning Partnerships
Dr. Sandra Hirst, Associate Professor Emerita, University of Calgary & Vice-President-North America, International Federation on Aging – IFA
Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Associate Professor Emerita
pdf Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Sandra Hirst, Carole-Lynne Le Navenec

Seniors Centric eCollaboration: Perspectives from Diverse Professors Emeriti Networks
Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti
pdf Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Luigi Campanella

Seniors 55+ eServices Guide. For Seniors 55+ Taking Care of Parents 75+. Slovenia Experiences Report
Marjeta Vaupot, MBA, Director, Health Community Center
Tilen Klugler, Mayor,
City Municipality of Slovenj Gradec
Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
pdf Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Tilen Klugler & Marjeta Vaupot

Seniors 55+ eServices Guide. For Seniors 55+ Taking Care of Parents 75+. Hungary Experiences Report
Gyula Ocskay, General Secretary
Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary
& Head, European Institute of cross-border studies, Budapest
pdf Professors Emerity Meeting 16.02.2022 Gyula Ocskay

Networks for Complex Problems Solving
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia
& Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion & Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network
pdf Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Joze Gricar
pptx Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Networks

Information about the Workshop on April 6, 2022: Professors Emeriti Networks Contributing to Seniors Cross-border eCollaboration
Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti
pdf Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Invitation Luigi Campanella

Questions & Discussion

Dr. Tom O Mottl, Founder and President
Community Networks for Aging in Place Alliance, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
pdf Professors Emeriti Meeting 16.02.2022 Thomas Mottl

Dr. Frank Nicholson, Retired Senior Policy Advisor
Later Life Learning Toronto, Videoconferencing Working Group, Canada


pdf Professors Emeriti Network Meeting 16.02.2022 Participants List

Network's eMeetings in 2021

Potential and factual contribution of emeriti to the strategic development of their universities
Chair: Dr. Bernhard Schrefler, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua, Italy
Opportunities of the Lifelong eLearning & eEducation.
Chair: Dr. Lučka Lorber, Associate Professor, University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education TeachersSlovenia
Ethical and Legal Aspect of Retired Researchers and Professors Emeriti Contribution in Public Goodness
Chair: Dr. Lucija Čok, Professor Emerita, Former Rector, University of Primorska, Slovenia
Possible Directions of Professors Emeriti eCollaboration
Chair: Dr.Dr.h.c. Heinrich C. Mayr, Professor Emeritus, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria
eScience for the eDisciplines Development and eCollaboration. Slovenia & Austria Professors Emeriti Zoom meeting
Chairs: Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, and Dr. Adolf Šostar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Potential and factual contribution of emeriti to the strategic development of their universities

Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 17:00-19:00 CET

Dr. Bernhard Schrefler, Professor Emeritus
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua, Italy


To join the two cultures probably better old than young persons
Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti
pdf Professors Emeriti meeting 17.11.2021 Luigi Campanella

The Senior Excellence Faculty of the Technical University Munich: The Idea and Activities
Dr. Michael Molls, Professor Emeritus
Director, Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Technical University of Munich – TUM, Germany
pdf Professors Emeriti meeting 17.11.2021 Michael Molls

The reconstruction of the history of information retrieval in Italy to provide inspiration and ideas for the research of tomorrow
Maristella Agosti, Professor Emerita
Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy
pdf Professors Emeriti meeting 17.11.2021 Maristella Agosti
pdf Professors Emeriti meeting 17.11.2021 Presentation outline Maristella Agosti

The role of emeriti: results of a quick survey
Dr. Michel Géradin, Professor Emeritus, Hans Fischer Senior Fellow
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Aerospace and Mechanics Department, University of Liège, Belgium
pdf Professors Emeriti meeting 17.11.2021 Michel Geradin

The meeting will be recorded. A link to the archive will be provided after the meeting. Registration to the meeting is required at The registered individuals will receive a link to the Zoom meeting.

pdf Professors Emeriti Meeting 17.11.2021 Participants List

Lifelong eLearning & eEducation

Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 17:00-19:00 CET
Zoom meeting of the Professors Emeriti Network, and the representatives of the network University eLearning & eEducation Group.

European Association of Professors Emeriti is participating. On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, October 1, 2021.

P r o g r a m

Welcome to the Meeting
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network

Opportunities of the Lifelong eLearning & eEducation
Dr. Lučka Lorber, Associate Professor, University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers, Slovenia.
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 Lučka Lorber

Open University – the UK’s largest university: Some questions
Dr. John Brennan, Professor Emeritus
Open University, United Kingdom
Honorary Research Fellow, Oxford University & Visiting Professor, University of Bath, United Kingdom.
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 John Brennan

SLSP and swisscovery – a Swiss success story on how to create a multilingual, national library network
Jürgen Küssow, Vice Director, Head Network Services
SLSP AG – Swiss Library Service Platform, Switzerland.
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 Jürgen Küssow

The University of Maribor Library’s Role in Supporting and Offering (Lifelong) eLearning, eTeaching and eResearch
Mateja Pongrac, Librarian, Head, Learning and Research Support Department & Head, Special Collections: The Austrian Reading Room and The Swiss Book Corner
University of Maribor Library, Slovenia.
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 Mateja Pongrac

Invited Discussants

Christine O’Kelly, Age Friendly Global Network Coordinator
Dublin City University, Ireland
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 Christine O’Kelly
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 Christine O’Kelly Presentation

Dr. Paul Timmers, Professor
Research Associate, University of Oxford / Oxford Internet Institute
Senior Advisor, European Policy Centre – EPC; Adjunct Professor, European University Cyprus; CEO, iivii BV, Belgium
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 Paul Timmers

Dr. Tom O Mottl, Founder and President
Community Networks for Aging in Place Alliance, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 Tom Mottl


The next Network’s Meeting in November 2021
Do emeriti professors create or steal positions for younger generation

Dr. Bernhard Schrefler, Professor Emeritus
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua, Italy

Dr. Michael Molls, Professor Emeritus
Director, Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Technical University of Munich, Germany

Dr. Michel Géradin, Professor Emeritus
Hans Fischer Senior Fellow, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Aerospace and Mechanics Department, University of Liège, Belgium

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti


Participants List
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 29.09.2021 Participants List

Ethical and Legal Aspect of Retired Researchers and Professors Emeriti Contribution in Public Goodness

Wednesday, June 2, 2021, 17:00 – 19:00 CET
Zoom meeting of the Professors Emeriti Network, and the representatives of the network University eLearning & eEducation Group.

P r o g r a m

Welcome to the Meeting: Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network & Dr. Lučka Lorber, Associate Professor, Former Vice Rector, University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers, Slovenia.

Ethical and Legal Aspect of Retired Researchers and Professors Emeriti Contribution in Public Goodness.
Dr. Lucija Čok, Professor Emerita, Former Rector, University of Primorska, Slovenia.
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 02.06.2021 Lucija Čok

Knowledge market inclusion of retired researchers and professor emeriti in Slovenia depends on individual engagement and possibilities. Often their silent presence is required as the operative staff of research institution and universities are not interested in their cooperation, or the legal aspect of their cooperation is limited. But their engagement in civil society is desired, their products are appreciated – what can be done on more transparency of their contribution to public goodness? The comparative discussion among countries and universities on legal, informal and ethical aspects of professor emeriti research and education activities could give a response.

The Austrian Experience.
Dr.Dr.h.c. Heinrich C. Mayr, Professor Emeritus, Former RectorAlpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria, Head, Application Engineering Research Group, Department of Applied Informatics.
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM Meeting 2021-06-02 Heinrich Mayr

The Italian Experience.
Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 02.06.2021 Luigi Campanella

The Canadian Experience.
Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Associate Professor Emerita, University of Calgary, Canada, Program Co-Director, Emeriti Association of the University of Calgary & Board Member, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC.
pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 02.06.2021 Carole-Lynne Le Navenec

The US Experience.
Dr. Gregory M Sadlek, Professor Emeritus & Dean Emeritus, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences – CLASS, Cleveland State University, OH, USA.
pdf Professors Emeriti Zoom meeting 02.06.2021 Gregory M Sadlek


The next Network’s Meeting in September 2021.


pdf Professors Emeriti ZOOM meeting 02.06.2021 Meeting minutes

21.4.2021, 17:00 – 18:30 CET
The GoTo meeting of the members of Professors Emeriti Network, and the representatives of the network University eLearning & eEducation Group.


pdf Emeriti Position Paper Minister of Seniors Appointmet text April 2021
pdf Emeriti Meeting April 21 2021 Minutes

17.2.2021 10:00 – 11:30

The Zoom meeting of the professors emeriti in Austria & Slovenia, members of the network Slovenia Professors Emeriti, and the representatives of Austria & Slovenia in the network University eLearning & eEducation Group.

pdf Emeriti Meeting February 17 2021
pdf Interdisciplinary eCollaboration eScience


Members in Slovenia

Dr. Tadej Bajd, Professor Emeritus, Robotics
University of Ljubljana
& Former President, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana

Dr. Cene Bavec, Professor Emeritus, Informatics
University of Primorska

Dr. Mitja Brilly, Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Water Management
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana

Dr. Lucija Čok, Professor Emerita, Linguistics, Cultural Anthropology
& Former Rector, University of Primorska

Dr. Anuška Ferligoj, Professor Emerita, Statistics
University of Ljubljana

Dr. Peter Glavič, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering
University of Maribor, Slovenia
Head, University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers
Contact person: Active Aging Networks

Dr. Jana Goriup, Professor Emerita, Nursing
Health Sciences, University of Maribor
Head, Social Geronthology, Almamater Maribor

Dr. Anton Gosar, Professor Emeritus, Tourism
University of Primorska

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, Information Systems
University of Maribor
& Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion
& Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network

Dr. Dušanka Mičetić Turk, Professor Emerita, Pediatrics
University of Maribor

Dr. Vladislav Rajkovič, Professor Emeritus, Informatics
University of Maribor

Dr. Danijel Rebolj, Professor Emeritus

Former Rector, University of Maribor


Dr. Ludvik Toplak, Professor Emeritus, Law
University of Maribor, Former Rector
& President, Alma Mater Europaea – ECM


Dr. Lidija Zadnik Stirn, Professor Emerita
Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Officeholder, International Union of Forest Research Organizations

To be updated.

EAPE Membership fee payment instructions

European Association of Professors Emeriti


pdf EAPE Membership 2023


Minister of Seniors Appointment. Position Paper.
April 21, 2021

eSeniors 55+ Network in Slovenia. By Jože Gričar, February 2021.
pdf eSeniors Network in Slovenia February 2021

Slovenia Professors Emeriti. By Jože Gričar. EAPE Bulletin Issue 2020; 1(6): 96-112 PDF. The Bulletin of the European Association of Professors Emeriti. Editor-In-Chief Natale G. De Santo, Naples, January 8, 2021,, p 9.

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
E-sodelovanje profesorjev pri opredeljevanju in reševanju zapletenih problemov.
pdf E-sodelovanje profesorjev 21 december 2020
eCollaboration of Professors Emeriti in Solving Complex Problems.

Links to members in other countries


Dr. Gillian Boulton-Lewis, Professor Emerita, Psychology, Higher Education, Lifespan Learning
Human Resources, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Dr. Samir Chatterjee, Professor Emeritus
School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, Curtin University, Australia

Dr. Heinz V Dreher, Independent Researcher, Professor Emeritus of Informatics
Mahogany Creek, Western Australia


Dr. D. Brynn Hibbert, Professor Emeritus

School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales, Sydney

Honorary Dean of Emeriti, University of New South Wales Association of Retired Faculty & Professional Staff


Dr. Ron Weber, Professor Emeritus
School of Business, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


Dr. Mitchell G. Ash, Professor Emeritus, Modern History
University of Vienna, Austria
Member, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Dr. Gudrun Biffl, Professor Emerita, Migration and Globalization
Danube University Krems, Austria

Dr. Christian Brünner, Professor Emeritus, Public Law
University of Graz, Austria

Dr. Michael Kunze, MD, Professor Emeritus, Public Health
Medical University of Vienna, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Center for Public Health, Austria
Member, Board of Directors, European Association of Professors Emeriti

Dr.Dr.h.c. Heinrich C. Mayr, Professor Emeritus, Application Engineering
Former Rector, Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Head, Application Engineering Research Group, Department of Applied Informatics


Dr. An Hermans, Professor Emerita, History of Education
Catholic University Leuven, Belgium
Former President, European Seniors’ Union – ESU, Brussels
Expert on Media and Information Literacy and Seniors, Council of Europe

Bosnia and Hercegovina

Dr. Adnan Salihbegović¸ Profesor Emeritus

Department of Computing and Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina


Dr. Walter Archer, Professor Emeritus

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

President, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

Book Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Higher Education

Dr. Kenneth Craig OC, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of British Columbia & Director, BC Pain Research Network
Past President, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada (CURAC) & Member, University of British Columbia Emeritus College

Dr. Fred Fletcher, Professor Emeritus
Political Science and Communication Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada
Chairperson, Communications Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

Dr. Sandra Patricia Hirst, Associate Professor Emerita of Nursing
Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Canada

Dr. W. George Lovell, FRSC, Professor Emeritus, Geography
Queen’s University at Kingston, ON, Canada

Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Associate Professor Emerita, Nursing
University of Calgary, Canada
Program Co-Director, Emeriti Association of the University of Calgary
& Board Member, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

Dr. Daniel S. Sitar, Professor Emeritus

Department of Internal Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology), Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Max Rady College, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada


Dr. Davor Juretić, Professor Emeritus, Bioenergetics
University of Split, Croatia

Dr. Damir Kalpić, Professor Emeritus, Business Transformation
University of Zagreb, Croatia

Dr. Mirjana Sanader, Professor Emerita, Archaeology
University of Zagreb, Croatia

Dr. Slavica Singer, Professor Emerita, Entrepreneurship
University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia
& UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship Education



Dr. Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Professor Emeritus

Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg

Past president, Association for Information Systems



Dr. Christer Carlsson, Professor Emeritus

Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland

Head, Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, Inc, Turku


Dr. Matthias Brandis, Professor Emeritus, Pediatrics
Freiburg University Medical School, Germany
Member the Board of Trustees, University Hospital, University of Cologne
Chairman, Foundation for prevention of kidney diseases, Frankfurt


George Christodoulou, Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry
University of Athens Medical School, Greece
President, European Association of Professors Emeriti
& President, Society Preventive Psychiatry


Dr. István Fehér, Professor Emeritus, Food Production, Agricultural Policy, and the Economics and Sociology of Food
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő

Dr. Katalin R. Forray, Professor Emerita
University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hungary

Dr. Tamás Kozma, Professor Emeritus, Education
University of Debrecen, Hungary
Editor, Hungarian Educational Research Journal

Dr. Zoltán Kövecses, Professor Emeritus, Linguistics
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Dr. Tibor Szabó, Professor Emeritus
University of Szeged, Hungary


Dr. Stephen Mennell, Professor Emeritus, Sociology
University College Dublin, Belfield, Ireland
& Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences


Dr. Nava Pliskin, Professor Emerita, Industrial Engineering and Management

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel


Maristella Agosti, Professor Emerita, Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy

Ferdinando Auricchio, Professor Emeritus, Endocrinology
University of Campania, Italy

Vincenzo Bonavita, Professor Emeritus, Neurology
University Federico II, Naples, Italy
& President, Istituto di Diagnosi e Cura Hermitage, Capodimonte, Naples, Italy

Giancarlo Bracale, Professor Emeritus, Vascular Surgery
University Federico II of Naples, Italy

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Natale Gaspare De Santo, Professor Emeritus, Cardiology, Nephrology, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics
University Luigi Vanvitelli Naples, Italy
& Past President, European Association of Professors Emeriti

Paolo Stefano Marcato, MD, Professor Emeritus
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Italy

Gaetano Thiene, MD, Professor Emeritus
University of Padua, Italy

Dr. Bernhard Schrefler, Professor Emeritus, Mechanics of Biological Materials
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua, Italy

Dr. Giuseppe Tridente, Professor Emeritus, Immunology
University of Verona, Italy


Dr. Yuri Merkuryev, Professor Emeritus, Modelling and Simulation
Institute of Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences

New Zealand

Dr. Brian Findsen, Professor Emeritus, Adult Education
University of Waikato Hamilton, New Zealand
Member, Age Concern New Zealand National Office


Dr. Tor Jermund Larsen, Professor Emeritus, Knowledge Management
Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway

The Netherlands

Dr. Ruut Veenhoven, Professor Emeritus, Subjective Quality of Life
Director, World Database of Happiness
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization EHERO, The Netrerlands


Dr. Raymond Saner, Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Basle, Switzerland
Director and Founder, Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development – CSEND, Geneva, Switzerland

United Kingdom

Dr. John Brennan, Professor Emeritus, Higher Education and Social Change
Open University, United Kingdom
Honorary Research Fellow, Oxford University & Visiting Professor, University of Bath, United Kingdom

Dr. Gordon Murray OBE, Professor Emeritus, Management (Entrepreneurship)
University of Exeter, United Kingdom

Dr. Alan Tait, Professor Emeritus, Distance Education and Development
Open University, United Kingdom
Fellow, Centre for Distance Education, University of London
& Former President, EDEN – European Distance and E-Learning Network

United States

Dr. Karen Devereaux Melillo, Professor Emerita, Nursing
Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences, Susan and Alan Solomont School of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA

Dr. Jane Fedorowicz, Professor Emerita, Accounting and Information Systems

Bentley University, United States of America

Dr. Karen Devereaux Melillo, Professor Emerita, Nursing
Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences, Susan and Alan Solomont School of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA

Dr. Michael J. Ginzberg, Professor and Dean Emeritus
School of Business, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Partner, ELM2 Advisors LLC, Strategic Transactions for Higher Education

Dr. Irene Hanson Frieze, Professor Emerita, Psychology
University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Dr. John R. Harrald, Professor Emeritus, Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management
George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
President, Talbot Interfaith Shelter, Easton, Maryland

Dr. Gregory M Sadlek, Professor Emeritus, English
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences – CLASS, Cleveland State University, OH, USA
Dean Emeritus

Dr. Carol Saunders, Professor Emerita, Management
University of Central Florida, USA

Dr. Nina M. Silverstein, Professor Emerita

Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston


Dr. Phillip R. Sloan, Professor Emeritus

Program of Liberal Studies/Program in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame, Indiana

President, Association of Retired Faculty & Professional Staff


Dr. William Strieder, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering

University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States


Dr. Jean Watson, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Nursing
Founder & Director, Watson Caring Science Institute, Boulder, CO, USA

To be updated.

Links to actions in Slovenia

eInclusion in Active Aging & Silver Economy

11.11.2020 eServices for the Seniors 55+ Guide, The Role of Heath Center & the Administration of the Municipality, Experience in Slovenia
5.10.2020 Slovenia Professors Emeriti
28.5.2020 University eLearning & eEducation Group
19.9.2019 Seniors 55+ eServices Guide, Edition 2020. eInclusion in Active Aging. For the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+
22.4.2019 Connected Learning of Internet & English in eCollaboration Network
10.4.2019 International Workshop on Silver Economy
9.4.2019 eServices Provision for the Seniors (55+) in the Cross-border eRegion Consultation
20.10.2018 Seniors Services Guide (55+) in Slovenia
12.9.2018 eServices Provision for the Elderly (55+) Consultation in Ljubljana
6.6.2018 Slovenia Council for eServices Provision for the Elderly (55+)
30.5.2018 Meeting: eInclusion in Active Aging – A Component of Silver eConomy
22.4.2019 Connected Learning of Internet & English in eCollaboration Network
11.4.2018 eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation, Škofja Loka, Slovenia
29.9.2017 Slovenia eSeniors: eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation
10.2.2016 eMuseums Meeting. Škofja Loka Museum.
19.9.2016 Panel: Sustainable Solutions for Demographic Changes in Central Europe – Silver Economy. 6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development
8.6.2016 Silver eConomy Development Meeting in Ljubljana
21.-22.9.2015 The 5th Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2015: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development, Ljubljana:
Panel: Museums eCollaborating on the New eSilk and New eAmber Roads. Tourism & Culture in the eMunicipalities Without Borders Prototype – Workshop.

Cultural Heritage ePromotion

Virtual Academy 2020: Digitize Novo mesto’s Cultural Heritage Materials
6.9.2019 Celebration of the 550th Anniversary of the Franciscans in Novo mesto.
22.5.2019 Academy 2019 – Cultural Heritage ePromotion in the Krka & Kolpa/Kupa River Basin
26.5.2018 Empress Maria Theresa Gymnasiums Network
25.5.2018 Novo mesto Academy at the European Year of Cultural Heritage
08.9.2017 From Maria Theresa Gymnasium in 1746 to Academic Initiative in 2017
17.5.2017 Cultural Heritage & Tourism Cross-border ePromotion Workshop
8.-9.4.2014 Cultural Heritage – Generator of Tourism Development in eRegions Workshop. The Municipality of Škofja Loka & the Municipality of Ribnica.

eLearning & eEducation

 28.5.2020 University eLearning & eEducation Group
6.12.2019 Growing Book of the Grammar Schools’ Memory eBooks in Slovenia
22.4.2019 Connected Learning of Internet & English in eCollaboration Network
26.5.2018 Empress Maria Theresa Gymnasiums Network
21.–22.3.2018 eSchools Collaboration in the eRegion Conference – Celje
5.12.2017 eSchools Collaboration in the Cross-border eRegion Gathering – Celje
19.9.2016 SAP University Alliance Regional Meeting
10.6.2016 Grammar eSchools Prototypes Meeting, Grammar School Vič Ljubljana
20.5.2016 Visiting Dunaújváros Hungary
4.5.2016 Grammar eSchool Prototypes Meeting in Ljubljana
3.2.2016 Grammar eSchools Meeting in Ljubljana
15.1.2016 Basic eSchools Meeting in Ljubljana
13.11.2014 Meeting on Cross-border eCollaboration, University of Primorska

Heathy Food eProcurement

7.2.2017 Food eSupply & eProcurement Meeting. Municipality of Gorenja vas – Poljane.
28.11.2016 Food eSupply & eProcurement Meeting. University Medical Centre Ljubljana.
19.-20.9.2016 The 6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Castle Jable, Mengeš:
Panel: Cross-border Food eProcurement in the eRegion.
17.6.2016 Food eProcurement & eSupply Prototype Meeting. University Medical Centre Ljubljana.
13.5.2016 Food eProcurement & eSupply Prototype Meeting. University Medical Centre Ljubljana, May 13, 2016.
23.3.2016 Thematic Group Food eProcurement Prototype Meeting. University Medical Centre Ljubljana.
10.2.2016 Food eProcurement Meeting. Ministry of Health, Ljubljana.
14.4.2014 Interoperability of Short Local Food eProcurement Chains. Meeting. Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana.
2.9.2014 Short Food eProcurement Chains, 4th Meeting. Grm Novo mesto, Landscape Governance College.
4.7.2014 Short Food eProcurement Chains, 3rd Meeting. Grm Novo mesto, Landscape Governance College.
18.3.2014 Short Local Food eProcurement Chains Interoperability. 1st Meeting, SORA Škofja Loka.

Cross-border eCollaboration

18.6.2018 4th Slovene-Hungarian Annual Forum, Szentgotthárd / Monošter Initiative, Hungary
6.10.2017 Novo mesto, Slovenia & Karlovac, Croatia eCollaboration Gathering, Karlovac, Croatia
22.-23.5.2017 3rd Slovenia-Hungary Forum, Szentgotthárd / Monošter, Hungary
19.-20.9.2016 The 6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Castle Jable, Mengeš:
Panel: Regions on the New eSilk and New eAmber Roads.
Panel: Municipalities Without Borders Collaborating in the eRegions.
Panel: Cross-border eCollaboration of the Actors in the eRegions: Municipality, Chamber of Commerce, Development Centre, and University.
19.5.2016 Cross-border eCollaboration Meeting Slovenia Embassy Budapest
11.-12.4.2016 Second Szentgotthárd / Monošter Seminar on Cooperation, Hungary
15.3.2016 eRegions Think Tank Meeting. Castle Jable, Mengeš nr. Ljubljana.
10.10.2015 New Silk Road.
21.-22.9.2015 The 5th Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2015: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development, Ljubljana:
Panel: eRegions on the New eSilk and New eAmber Roads.
Panel: Ambassadors Collaborating in the Digital Single Market Development.
Panel: Joint eMunicipalities Without Borders Development.
Panel: Possible Universities’ Contributions to the Digital Single Market Development.
9.6.2015 Slovenia’s Involvement in the New eSilk & New eAmber Roads Development.
21.-22.4.2015 New Impetus for Cross-border Collaboration. Szentgotthárd/Monošter Initiative – Hungarian-Slovene cooperation, Hungary.
12.3.2015 eTransport & eLogistics Workshop. Transport Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Ljubljana.
3.2.2015 Municipalities & Cross-border eCollaboration. Town Municipality Murska Sobota.
26.1.2015 Rectors & Deans & Business Directors Meeting on Transport & Logistics Joint EU Opportunities. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Portorož.
22.-23.9.2014 The 4th Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2014: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development, Ljubljana.
17.1.2014 Danube eRegion on the New Silk Road, Meeting. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
29.10.2013 Collaboration in Danube: Creating an Attractive Environment to Facilitate Investments. Panel. Global Forum 2013: Driving the Digital Future, Strategies to Grow Stronger Communities & Businesses, Trieste, Italy.
23.-24.9.2013 DeRC 2013 Conference: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development, Ljubljana. Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion:
Panel: The Ambassadors Sharing Interest in a Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion.
Panel: Mayors of the eMunicipalities Without Borders Working Together.
Panel: University Deans Supporting the Cross-border eCollaboration.
24-25.9.2012 The 2nd Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2012: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development, Ljubljana, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion:
Panel: Institutions Collaborating in the Danube eRegion Development.
Panel: Mayors’ Perspective on the Danube eRegion Development.
17.1.2012 eCollaboration & Diplomacy, 5th Initiative Meeting, Ljubljana.
11.1.2012 Fruit eSupply Chain Prototype in the Danube Region & Israel, SAP Slovenia Ljubljana.
10.1.2012 eCollaboration & Urbanism. Urban Planning Institute of Slovenia.
20.9.2011 The 1st Danube eRegion Conference, Ljubljana (The 4th Initiative Meeting).
9.6.2011 Initiative Meeting, 3rd Meeting, Rectorate, University of Primorska
21.4.2011 Initiative Meeting, 2nd Meeting, Town Municipality of Novo mesto
10.2.2011 Initiative Meeting, 1st Meeting, Rectorate, University of Maribor
30.9.2010 European Initiative: Danube Region on the eSilk & eAmber Roads. 2nd Meeting in the European Parliament, September 30, 2010.
1.6.2010 European Initiative: Danube Region on the eSilk & eAmber Roads. Meeting in the European Parliament, June 1, 2010.
31.3.2010 EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Position Paper of the Alpe Adria Danube universities INitiative – ALADIN.
4.-6.5.2009 The 7th Workshop on the Cross-border Disaster eResponse in the eRegion: Interoperability of Information Systems of the Organizations Involved. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia.
12.11.2008 The 6th Workshop on the Cross-border Disaster Response in the eRegion: Interoperability of Information Systems of the Organizations Involved. Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor.
15.-18.6.2008 The 15th Business, Government, Municipality and Diplomacy Executive Meeting on the Innovative Cross-border eRegions. 21st Bled eConference eCollaboration: Overcoming Boundaries through Multi-Channel Interaction.
4.-6.2007 eSilk & eAmber Roads Innovative Regions Think Tank: Business and Government Executives & Professors’ Commitment To Making A Difference. The 20th Bled eConference: eMergence: Merging and Emerging Technologies, Processes, and Institutions.
5.6.2005 ALADIN – ALpe ADria INitiative Universities’ Network. Cooperation in e-Integration Research & Teaching in the Region. Austria – Croatia – Germany – Hungary – Italy – Serbia & Montenegro – Slovakia – Slovenia.
22.4.2005 The Safe and Secure eRegion LivingLab Workshop. Memorandum of Safe and Secure eRegion. University Medical Centre Ljubljana.

More links to be published

Links to associations and networks

European Association of Professors Emeriti


3rd EAPE Congress in London, England on the 3,4,5 April 2024


2nd International Congress. The Capital of Knowledge. Book of Abstracts. Naples, Italy. European Association of Professors Emeriti. Special Edition of Hellenic Cardiac Society, April 28-30, 2022: 44.


EAPE Publications


The Newsletter














EAPE BULLETIN ISSUE 2021; 2(5): 89-108 PDF

EAPE BULLETIN ISSUE 2021; 2(4): 69-88 PDF

EAPE BULLETIN ISSUE 2021; 2(3): 46-68 PDF

EAPE BULLETIN ISSUE 2021; 2(2): 23-45 PDF

EAPE BULLETIN ISSUE 2021; 2(1): 1-22


EAPE BULLETIN ISSUE 2020; 1(6): 96-112 PDF

EAPE Publications, George Georgiades, Athens, Publisher,

University eLearning & eEducation Group

Active Aging Networks 

Seniors 55+ eServices Guide, Edition 2020

eInclusion in Active Aging. For the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+

University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers

Age-Friendly University Global Network

University of Alberta, Association of Professors Emeriti, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

University of Calgary Emeriti Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Contact person:
Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Associate Professor Emerita
Emeriti Association Executive Committee Program Co-Director
Liaison, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

The eRegion portal is powered by SRC d.o.o. Ljubljana

Attached documents: