3.2.2016 Grammar eSchools Meeting in Ljubljana

3.2.2016 Grammar eSchools Meeting in Ljubljana

Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 13:00
Location: Grammar School Ljubljana Vič, Tržaška 72

C i l j i    s e s t a n k a

Neprestan razvoj izobraževanja je vitalnega pomena za pripravo mladih za enakopravno vključevanje v e-globalno družbo. Za razvojno delovanje pa so nujno potrebna sredstva, ki jih v rednem financiranju šol ni. Za uspešno kandidiranje na evropske razpise so pomembne dobre ideje in oblikovanje pravih povezav med šolami.

Naše prvo srečanje je namenjeno zbiranju različnih idej, ki bodo postale temelj prijav na bodoče evropske razpise in razmisleku o možnih čezmejnih povezavah.

Ravnatelji srednjih šol iščejo odgovore na naslednja vprašanja:

Kateri so priporočljivi načini vključevanja srednjih šol v čezmejno e-sodelovanje?

Kako bi bilo mogoče izrabiti poučevanje informatike in razpoložljivost IKT tehnologij na srednjih šolah za pospešeno e-sodelovanje srednjih šol v makro regiji sosednjih držav: Danube, Adriatic & Ionian,  Alpine regije?

Kako lahko vpetost srednje šole v usposabljanje za čezmejno e-sodelovanje prispeva k izboljšanju sodelovanja šole s podjetji v njenem okolju?

Kako čezmejno e-sodelovanje srednjih šol lahko vpliva na povečanje interesa dijakov, da za maturitetni predmet izberejo informatiko?

Za reševanje katerih skupnih problemov čezmejnega e-sodelovanja se želijo povezovati ravnatelji srednjih šol iz najmanj treh držav regije?

T h e    M e e t i n g ‘ s    O b j e c t i v e s

To help our students to become an equal member of the e-global society it is necessary that we continuously develop our school programs. For the development, some resources are necessary which can be obtained with the EU projects. Good ideas for the projects can be created with collaboration and networking.

The aim of our first meeting is the brainstorming to find proper ideas for the foundation of the application to EU tenders and rethinking of the possible cross-border partners.

The principals of the grammar schools are looking for the answers to the following questions:

What are the suggested ways for a grammar school to be involved in the cross-border eCollaboration?

How could the informatics teaching, and the availability of the ICT technologies in the grammar schools be exploited for an accelerated eCollaboration in a macro region of the neighboring countries: the Danube, the Adriatic & Ionian, and the Alpine regions?

How can the involvement of a grammar school in training of the cross-border eCollaboration contribute to the improvement of the school’s cooperation with the companies in its environment?

How could the eCollaboration of the grammar schools impact the interest of the students to select informatics as the Matura exam elective subject?

For solving of which joint cross-border eCollaboration problems would the grammar school principals in at least three countries like to cooperate?

P a r t i c i p a n t s 

Grammar School Celje Center
Rok Lipnik, Informatics Instructor & Website Editor

Grammar School Josip Jurčič Ivančna Gorica
Darko Pandur, Website Editor

Grammar School Jesenice
Mag. Lidija Dornig, Principal
Marko Kikelj, Informatics Instructor
Andrej Mežik, Website Editor
Lidija.Dornig@guest.arnes.si, Marko.Kikelj@guest.arnes.si,  Andrej.Mezik@guest.arnes.si

Grammar School France Prešeren Kranj
Klemen Urankar, Informatics Instructor

School Centre Kranj
Nataša Kristan Primšar, Head, Intercompany Education and Training Centre (MIC)
Sašo Stanojev, Teacher
Natasa.Kristan@guest.arnes.si, Saso.Stanojev@guest.arnes.si

Secondary School of Technical Professions Ljubljana Šiška
Darinka Martinčič Zalokar, Principal
Peter Krebelj, Informatics Instructor
Darinka.Martincic@SSTS.si, Peter.Krebelj@SSTS.si,

Grammar School Ljubljana Vič
Mag. Alenka Krapež, Principal
Sonja Artač, Biology Instructor & European Projects
Alenka@GimVic.org, Sonja.Artac@guest.arnes.si

School Centre Ljubljana
Nives Počkar, Director & President, Association of Head Teachers of Slovenia

Grammar School Franc Miklošič Ljutomer
Zvonko Kustec, Principal
Karmen Stolnik, Projects Coordinator
Zvonko.Kustec@GFML.si, Karmen.Stolnik@gmail.com

Škofja Loka Grammar School 
Alenka Kolenc Krajnik, Informatics Instructor

Electrical and Computer Science Trade and Technology Grammar School Velenje
Islam Mušić, Informatics Instructor

Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions 
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Program Coordinator

Department for International cooperation and EU, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Republic of Slovenia
Anton Simonič,

Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training
Darko Mali, Head, Research and Development Strategies Department


C o n c l u s i o n s    a n d    r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s

R e l a t e d    l i n k s

15.1.2016 Basic eSchools Meeting in Ljubljana
10.2.2016 eMuseums Meeting in Škofja Loka

Kindergartens, http://eregion.eu/initiative/members/kindergartens
Basic Schools, http://eregion.eu/initiative/members/basic-schools


The prototypes developed and presented within the initiative are published at this portal as the components of the annual Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development DeRC2012, DeRC2013DeRC2014, as well as of the Italy-Slovenia Workshop 2013 .

eMunicipalities Without Borders Mayors Consortium (eMunicipality without borders, eComune senza confini, eGemeinde ohne Grenzen, eÖnkormányzat határok nélkül, eOpština bez granica, eObčina brez meja)

Networks in the eRegion

eSkills – Coding the Future
The challenge of meeting future e-skill demands in the Nordic-Baltic ICT hub. Top of Digital Europe, Baltic Development Forum, April 17, 2015, pp 12

The School IT Administrator. Analysing the profile, role and training needs of network administrators in Europe’s schools.
Authors Roger Blamire and Jean-Noel Colin, European SchoolNet Brussels, July 2015, pp 85.

Identification of Labour Market Needs for Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the Slovak Republic.
Slovak-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SNOPK). Ministry of Education, science, research and sport of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, 2015, pp26

e-Leadership Skills for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Final Report.
Prepared for the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Directorate Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing, October 2015, pp 224.

Future Classroom Lab, Future Classroom Ambassadors, European Schoolnet Brussels

Computing our future. Computer programming and coding. Priorities, school curricula and initiatives across Europe. European Schoolnet (EUN Partnership AIBSL), Brussels, October 2015 (pp 87)

Coding classes trending across EU schools
Special Report. EU Code Week. EurActiv.com, October 12-16, 2015

6th eRegions Conference  2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Ljubljana, Slovenia, Monday-Tuesday, September 19-20, 2016

Attached documents: