Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 10:00 – 14:00
Location: University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Zaloška 7, Meeting Room SAZU, 1st floor
P r o g r a m
P a r t i c i p a n t s (to be updated)
O u t l i n e
P r o b l e m
O b j e c t i v e s
I n t e r n a t i o n a l G r o u p
R e f e r e n c e s
P r o g r a m
Pozdrav udeležencem
Kratka predstavitev udeležencev
Predstavitev obstoječega načina prehranskega e-oskrbovanja – izkušnje proizvajalcev/dobaviteljev hrane
Predstavitev obstoječega načina prehranskega e-oskrbovanja – izkušnje kupcev/porabnikov hrane
Opredelitev skupnih problemov kupcev in dobaviteljev hrane kot podlag za možno izboljšanje e-rešitev z razpravo
Priložnosti vzpostavitve skupin za izdelavo predlogov prototipov (priponka)
Priprave na konferenco 6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Monday-Tuesday, September 19-20, 2016
P a r t i c i p a n t s (to be updated)
General Hospital Izola
Vera Savić, Head, Procurement & Sales
Borut Gregorič, Head, Dietetics and Nutrition Service,,
General Hospital Jesenice
Dr. Lena Tajnšek, Head, Dietetics and Nutrition Service
General Hospital Dr. Franc Derganc Šempeter pri Gorici
Gabrijela Puc, Head, Food Procurement
University Medical Centre Ljubljana
Mojca Blatnik, Head, Dietetics and Nutrition Service
Lučka Lukan, Head, Department of Food Procurement
Mag. Bojan Uran, Deputy Director General for Procurement,,,
Kindergartens in Kranj
Katarina Jevšjak, Food Procurement Manager Kranj & Representative of Gorenjska Region, Association of Food Procurement Managers and Health Hygiene Regime in Kindergartens of the Republic of Slovenia
Marjeta Podpečan, Health Hygienic Regime Manager
Kindergartens in Kranj
Kindergarten Vrhovci Ljubljana
Jasmina Ajster, Food and Health-Hygiene Regime Manager
Jarina, Rural Development Co-operative Ltd Litija
Kristijan Adamlje, Short Food Supply Chains Operator,
Grm Novo mesto, Landscape Governance College
Dr. Jože Podgoršek, Senior Lecturer & Dean & Food Supply Chain Relationships Ombudsman
Marjan Podobnik, Local Food Suppliers Coordinator,,
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Horticulture
Dr. Ana Slatnar, Assistant Professor,
Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Program Coordinator
Development Agencies
Maribor Development Agency
Mag. Danijela Kocuvan, Manager, Region’s Self-procurement Project
Boris Keuc, Head, Department for Regional Development,,
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Republic of Slovenia
Mag. Andrej Potočnik, Undersecretary, Agriculture Markets Department
O u t l i n e – Draft
A thematic group Food eProcurement Prototype has been launched in the meeting in Ljubljana on February 10, 2016. The group is an initiative aiming at preparing a joint EU project proposal involving a consortium of major food buyers (kindergartens, schools, hospitals) and food producers (farmers, cooperatives) in each of the participating countries.
Building upon the EU strategies for the macro regions development (Danube, Adriatic-Ionian, Alpine), the neighboring countries have been invited to the cooperation: Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia. The participating countries assume that the cross-border eCollaboration is an important component of the eRegions development based on methodological approaches of open innovation and experimenting (prototyping).
The initiative will investigate the opportunities in an accelerated ICT (internet) usage in the food supply chains. It will develop a jointly accepted model of e-supported food production and buying – a prototype.
In each participating county the selected representatives of the following organizations will engage in a consortium:
- Major food buyers, such as kindergartens, schools, hospitals: the principal (director), the food and health hygiene regime manager, the food procurement manager, the e-leader.
- Food producers, such as farmers, craftsmen, cooperatives: the owner (director), the e-leader.
- ICT providers: the marketing manager, the e-leader.
- Government agency for agriculture and food.
- Farmers association.
- Organizations of any other type sharing problems in the food procurement chains, and interest in solving them.
For each individual involved, the following data will be published: the name, family name, position, organization, e-mail. Provided will be a link to the organization’s website in English language.
eLeaders are people capable of driving successful innovation and capitalizing on advances in information and communication technologies. eLeaders are both business and digitally savvy, and exhibit a capability to lead strategically. They might be ICT leaders who are also business-savvy or business leaders who are digitally-savvy. eLeadership involves leading and managing e-skilled professionals as well as other professionals.
P r o b l e m
The existing food procurement process is too complicated.
O b j e c t i v e s (draft)
- Buying the food products on the other side of the border is simple, easy and efficient.
- Legal background to cross-border food procurement is assured.
- Interoperability of cross-border local food markets is supported by on-line procurement systems.
- Attractiveness and competitiveness of border areas is improved.
- Organizations involved have websites of comparable structure in English language supporting the cross-border eProcurement.
- The participating organizations are open to experience sharing with others by the meetings, workshops, conferences and publications.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l G r o u p
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Department of Agricultural Sciences (DipSA), Italy
Dr. Maurizio Canavari, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Appraisal
Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary
Gyula Ocskay, General Secretary
Department of Banking and Investment, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
Dr. Radoslav Delina, Associate Professor & Head
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College Business School, South Kensington Campus, London, United Kingdom
Dr. Giaime Berti, Research Associate
R e f e r e n c e s
Priporočila za javno naročanje živil. Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje & Ministrstvo za finance Republike Slovenije, oktober 2013, 25 str.
M e e t i n g s
10. 12. 2013 – Initiative for Food eProcurement Partnerships, Ljubljana
18. 3. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, 1st Meeting, SORA Škofja Loka
12. 4. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, 2nd Meeting, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
16. 5. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, Meeting, Kindergartens Kranj
4. 7. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, 3rd Meeting, Novo mesto
8. 7. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, Slovenia Consulate General, Klagenfurt
2. 9. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, 4th Meeting, Novo mesto
10.2.2016 Food eProcurement Meeting in Ljubljana
Lokalna oskrba s hrano v javnih zavodih
Dr. Klavdija Rižnar, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Bistra, Ptuj. 10. regijska konferenca kratkih verig pri javnem naročanju hrane in živil v javnih zavodih, 16. maja 2014.
Interoperability of Short Local Food eProcurement Chains
Panel. 4th Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2014: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Monday-Tuesday, September 22-23, 2014, September 23, 14:00 – 15:30.
Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in the EU 2014
Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations – COPA, General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union – COGECA, Brussels, 5th February 2015, pp385
ICT & the future of food and Agriculture
Networked Society Lab. Dr. Giaime Berti, Research Associate & Dr. Catherine Mulligan, Research Fellow, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College Business School, London. 2015-02-17, pp 40
Sustainable procurement: the Government Buying Standards (GBS) for food and catering services
Statutory guidance. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Government, UK. Last updated: 27 March 2015
Eating from the Farm: the social, environmental, and economic benefits of local food systems
Friends of the Earth Europe (pp 20), April 2015
Brokering Shorter Food Supply Chains
By Rafal Serafin, Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation, Kraków. The Journal of Partnership Brokering, No 5, 18 May 2015
Obveznosti na področju higiene živil in HACCP v Republiki Sloveniji
Projekt Transarmon. Zaključna konferenca 15. 04. 2015 (Objavljeno 18 June 2015).
Five reasons why healthy food procurement is a promising strategy to address obesity
By Dr. Corinna Hawkes, Honorary research fellow, City University London’s Centre for Food Policy. World Obesity Federation, July 2015
Predlog Zakona o javnem naročanju
Ministrstvo za javno upravo Republike Slovenije, 20. julij 2015
R E S O L U C I J A o nacionalnem programu o prehrani in telesni dejavnosti za zdravje 2015–2025
Uradni list Republike Slovenije, XXV/58, str. 6871 – 6906, 3. 8. 2015.
e-Leadership Skills for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Final Report
Prepared for the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Directorate Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing, October 2015, pp 224.
Innovative Short Food Supply Chain Management
Final Report, EIP-AGRI Focus Group, 30 November 2015
Food Supply Networks, Trust and E-business.
Edited by M Canavari, Alma Mater Studiorum-Universita di Bologna, Italy; M Fritz, University of Bonn, Germany; G Schiefer, University of Bonn, Germany. Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International – CABI. November 2015, pp 212
The Agricultural European Innovation Partnership – EIP-AGRI Network, Brussels
European Single Procurement Document – ESPD
Towards a simple procurement eligibility assessment. European Commission. Published on 05/01/2016
Open Food Network: the Role of ICT to Support Regional Food Supply Chains in Australia
Conference Paper. By Sherah Kurnia · Serenity Hill · Md Mahbubur Rahim · Kirsten Larsen · Patrice Braun · Danny Samson. Australasian Conference on information Systems (ACIS2015), At Adelaide, South Australia, published Jan 07, 2016
Can technology and very short supply chains transform local food availability
Panel Session. The 10th Organic Producers’ Conference, Novotel Bristol City Centre, 27-28 January 2016. The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Collaborative Cross-border Procurement in the EU: Future or Utopia?
By Dr. Albert Sanchez-Graells, Senior Lecturer in Law. University of Bristol Law School, February 18, 2016 pp 20
A Study of Cross-border Flows within the Agri-food Sector.
A Snapshot of four Border Counties.
Dr. Anthony Soares, Research & Policy Manager and Martin McTaggart, Research Assistant. Queen’s University Belfast, Centre for Cross Border Studies, Northern Ireland, February 2016, pp 71.
6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Ljubljana, Slovenia, Monday-Tuesday, September 19-20, 2016