Location: City Library Ivan Goran Kovačić Karlovac, Banjavčićeva ulica 8
Date: Friday, October 6, 2017 at 10:00
Suggestions on co-operation
Town Municipality of Novo mesto
Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
The participants of the Novo mesto, Slovenia & Karlovac, Croatia eCollaboration Gathering will investigate opportunities in an accelerated cross-border eCollaboration with a particular interest in preparations for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.
Current activities – short oral presentations by the participants.
Areas of joint eCollaboration interest.
Preparations for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.
Possible joint actions in 2018.
Invitation to the organizations in Karlovac County to join the Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion, http://eregion.eu/countries/croatia.
Any other business
Discussion question
What can we jointly prepare for Cross-border Cultural Heritage & Tourism ePromotion in 2018?
Što možemo zajednički poduzeti za prekograničnu e-promociju kulturnog nasleđja i turizma u 2018 godini?
Kaj lahko skupaj pripravimo za čezmejno e-promocijo kulturne dediščine in turizma v letu 2018?
Discussion groups
Moderators: Mrs Snježana Štranjgar & Dr. Jože Gričar
Local Government
Dr. Vesna Hajsan-Dolinar, Deputy Perfect, Karlovac County, Croatia
Dr. Vida Čadonič Špelič, Director, Municipality Administration, Town Municipality of Novo mesto & Member, Historic Villages & Towns Network
Veronika Plut, President, Local Community Drašiči, Municipality of Metlika & Plut Anton, Owner, Plut Wine Cellar and Mill & Member, Historic Villages & Towns Network
Libraries & Museums
Jasmina Milovčić, Director, City Library Ivan Goran Kovačić Karlovac
Irena Muc, Deputy Director, Miran Jarc Library Novo mesto & Member, Cultural Heritage
Mag. Hrvojka Božić, Director, Karlovac City Museum
Davorka Janković Škrtić, Director, National Archive Karlovac
Father Tomaž Hočevar, Guardian & Librarian, Franciscan Monastery Novo mesto & Member, Cultural Heritage
Father Marino Kuzminski, Vicar, Franciscan Monastery and the Church of the Holy Trinity Karlovac
Tihana Bakarić, Director, Tourist Association City of Karlovac
Nikolina Škrinjar, Director, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Karlovac County Chamber
Dr. Mihael Japelj, Professor & Honorary President, Dolenjska Academic Initiative
Dr. Janez Gabrijelčič, Author and Programm Coordinator, The United Growing Books of the World
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
Stanislav Plavec, Former Deputy Director General, Krka Ltd., Novo mesto
& Member, Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging
Snježana Štranjgar, Professor & Acting Principal, Grammar School Karlovac
Mojca Lukšič, Principal, Novo mesto Grammar School
Anita Nose, Deputy Principal, Novo mesto Grammar School
Jelena Božičević, Karlovac Music School
Dr. Branko Wasserbauer, Professor & Dean, Karlovac University of Applied Sciences
Karlovac Delegation
Tihana Bakarić, Director
Tourist Association City of Karlovac
Jelena Božičević
Karlovac Music School
Mag. Hrvojka Božić, Director
Karlovac City Museum
Dr. Vesna Hajsan-Dolinar, Deputy Perfect
Karlovac County, Croatia
Vesna.Hajsan-Dolinar@KaZup.hr, ured.zupana@KaZup.hr
Davorka Janković Škrtić, Director
National Archive Karlovac
Father Marino Kuzminski, Vicar
Franciscan Monastery and the Church of the Holy Trinity Karlovac
Jasmina Milovčić, Director
City Library Ivan Goran Kovačić Karlovac & The Slovenian Central Library, Karlovac
Nikolina Škrinjar
Croatian Chamber of Economy, Karlovac County Chamber
Snježana Štranjgar, Professor & Acting Principal
Grammar School Karlovac
Dr. Branko Wasserbauer, Professor & Dean
Karlovac University of Applied Sciences
Novo mesto Delegation
Dr. Vida Čadonič Špelič, Director, Municipality Administration
Town Municipality of Novo mesto & Member, Historic Villages & Towns Network
Dr. Janez Gabrijelčič, Author and Programm Coordinator
The United Growing Books of the World & Member, Cultural Heritage
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions & Editor, eRegion Portal & Member of Assembly & Member of the Board, Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest
Father Tomaž Hočevar, Guardian & Librarian
Franciscan Monastery Novo mesto & Member, Cultural Heritage
Dr. Mihael Japelj, Professor & Honorary President
Dolenjska Academic Initiative & Committee President, Marking of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Empress Maria Theresa & Honorary President, Council of Krka Awards Foundation & Member, Universities
Mojca Lukšič, Principal
Novo mesto Grammar School
Irena Muc, Deputy Director
Miran Jarc Library Novo mesto & Member, Cultural Heritage
Anita Nose, Deputy Principal
Novo mesto Grammar School
Stanislav Plavec, Former Deputy Director General, Krka Ltd., Novo mesto
& Member, Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging
Veronika Plut, President, Local Community Drašiči, Municipality of Metlika & Plut Anton, Owner, Plut Wine Cellar and Mill & Member, Historic Villages & Towns Network
Suggestions on co-operation
A working meeting of representatives of interested cultural, educational, religious and economic institutions was held on Friday, 6th October 2017, at the Knjižnica za mlade (Youth Library) in Karlovac. Two – hour long bilateral work in groups and socializing has resulted in the following suggestions on co-operation models that could be the platform for future initiatives and activities:
- Tourism – joint promotional activities of the Karlovac Tourist Board, Tourist Board from Novo mesto and their destinations around the River Kupa. The development of the mobile application within the project Green Heart of Croatia, as well as mutual border encounters hosted by the municipality of Drašići in Slovenia should make the whole region more attractive for visitors.
- Culture – to launch a portal of cultural heritage that connects the two regions. Our libraries, archives, museums, theaters and music schools can certainly offer plenty of content for the portal (history sketches, joint research of the past of our region that would be conducted by high school students of both cities, photographing and documentary filming, displaying digitized heritage etc.)
- Representatives of libraries and archives have invited two tourist communities to present their institutions as attractive tourist destinations that can represent the great cultural wealth they have. An example of good co-operation is the manifestation called Trdina’s literary visit to Sveta Gera (Trdinov vrh), a combination of hiking and reading of the literary texts of Janez Trdina.
- The museum collection of the Franciscan monastery in Karlovac and the library of the Franciscan monastery in Novo mesto should be made more available to interested citizens and tourists. As both monasteries are located in the center of the city, it would be necessary to concretize cooperation with tourist communities so that the monastery collections would become part of the usual tourist offer. It was suggested to organize a Christmas concert in December, in Karlovac and Novo mesto, on which students of music schools and high schools of both cities would participate.
- Gimnazija Karlovac will host students and teachers from Gimnazija Novo mesto in November 2017, as to agree on joint research, musical and cultural co-operation.
- High school students from Novo mesto will be hosted by Gimnazija Karlovac in the Museum Night, in January 2018, during which they will organize one workshop.
- A “Growing Book”, created by the students during their schooling, was introduced. It does not only show the maturation process of students but also it encourages positive values and atmosphere. Therefore, it was suggested that the similar common “Growing Book” should be created by the high school students from the two cities
- Pharmaceutical company “Krka” d.d. Novo mesto is a long-term sponsor of the so-called Krka Awards, a prize given for achievements in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacology and science. The renowned representatives from the Krka company have informed about the possibility of rewarding successful scholars and practitioners of the mentioned scientific areas from Karlovac county.
Prepared by Snježana Štranjgar & Martina Pudina
Slovenia eSeniors: eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation , Ljubljana, September 29, 2017
From Novo mesto Gymnasium Founding Charter of Empress Maria Theresa in 1746 to Dolenjska Academic Initiative in 2017, Novo mesto, September 8, 2017
Cultural Heritage & Tourism Cross-border ePromotion Workshop, Ljubljana, May 17, 2017
Cultural Heritage
Historic Villages & Towns Network
Castles & Museums Network
River Basins Network
Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging
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