Global eCelebration of International Day of Older Persons

Global eCelebration of International Day of Older Persons


Purpose of the Initiative


Contact Persons

Links to eCelebrations of International Day of Older Persons 2025

Links to eCelebrations of International Day of Older Persons 2024

Links to ePublications

Purpose of the Initiative

The Global eCelebration of International Day of Older Persons is an initiative presented to the participants of the Zoom meeting of September 25, 2024, entitled Emeriti and Retirees are Still Useful to Our Society and organized by the Professors Emeriti Network..

On October 1, 2024, as a modest contribution to raising awareness about the possibilities of using the knowledge and experience of the elderly in intergenerational cooperation, the website of this initiative came to life. While the average share of seniors in the global population is 30%, their share in societies’ knowledge and wisdom is far higher, and, therefore, not using this potential is a shameful waste – affecting all of us.

The aim of the initiative is to encourage the establishment of e-event websites to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons, discussing the problems and possible solutions of everything concerning seniors 55+. By posting links to the websites in English of the associations and networks around the world, we hope to highlight not only what but also how seniors 55+ contribute to the development of the silver economy, a new kind of economy that is emerging in a long-lived society. Seniors 55+ are a fundamental component of the silver economy. Therefore, the solutions to their needs must be constructed with them, and not merely for them.

The members of this initiative strive for eCollaboration of organizations of seniors 55+ and governmental and non-governmental organizations, companies, and universities that play critical roles in the process of developing the silver economy.

The members of this initiative hope to promote cooperation and best practices related to information technology. We will do this not only at the local level but also on the global level, promoting the eCollaboration of organizations, particularly those organizations that make the most of the latest eTechnologies, such as online meeting software and artificial intelligence tools.

The achievements of the organizations participating in the initiative will be presented by linking the websites of e-events on the occasion of the International Day of the Older Persons – October 1. If you are interested in eCollaboration, contact


ePromoting thematic problem-based and action-oriented online panels in a local or professional environment.

Linking the website (in English) to the websites of similar organizations.

Spreading knowledge about the importance of the silver economy in a long-lived society.

eCollaborating in developing the silver economy.

Contact Persons


Dr. Heinz V Dreher, Independent Researcher, Professor Emeritus of Informatics. Mahogany Creek, Western Australia,


Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Associate Professor Emerita,, University of Calgary, Canada. Previous program Director, University of Calgary Retirees Association (UCRA), Board Member and Chairperson of their Later Life Learning. Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC . Editor, Academic For LifeUniversity Affairs,


Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor. Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network, Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network, Secretary, Using Digital Technologies for Active Aging Initiative,

United States

Dr. Joann M. Montepare, Professor Emerita of Psychology. Lasell University. Faculty Fellow, Gerontology Department and Institute and University of Massachusetts Boston,

Dr. Nina M. Silverstein, Professor Emerita and Fellow. Gerontology Department and Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston,

Links to eCelebrations of International Day of Older Persons 2025

To be posted.

Links to eCelebrations of International Day of Older Persons 2024

The Problem of the Silver Economy. Meeting and Press Conference to Celebrate October 1, International Day of Older Persons 2024. Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia. Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 11-12 AM. Dr. Boris Cizelj, President, Knowledge Economy Network – KENDr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network.


Emeriti and Retirees are Still Useful to Our Society. Collection of Experiences. An Endless Book Written by the Community over all the World. Brainstorming to celebrate October 1, International Day of Older Persons 2024. Zoom Meeting, Professors Emeriti Network, Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 17:00 – 19:00 CET.

Contact person: Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus. Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPEChairman, Ethics Committee, General Secretary, EAPE Italy,


Evidence-Based Strategies for Creating Age-Inclusive Campuses. Gerontological Society of America, Friday, September 27, 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST. Higher education is undergoing a cultural shift in the contemporary world of age-diverse learners.  Join us to hear about the Age Inclusivity Domains of Higher Education model (AIDHE) and learn about transformative, actionable strategies to create age-inclusive campuses as recommended by experts in higher education. Reflecting three core domains of institutional function (Teaching and Learning, Personnel, and Student Affairs), the 23 evidence-based strategies show how addressing challenges of age inclusivity calls for balancing priority, impact, feasibility, and likelihood of implementation considerations. This webinar was supported by the RRF Foundation for Aging and sponsored in partnership with the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Age-Friendly University Global Network (AFU_GN).

Contact person: Dr. Nina M. Silverstein, Professor Emerita. Gerontology Department, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States,

Download Webinar Slides.


Leeds International Day of Older People (IDOP), Tuesday 1st October – 11:00-2:00Age Friendly Leeds is hosting a creative showcase for International Day of Older People embracing the theme of “the part we play”: Celebrating the integral role of older people in our communities. The event aims to highlight the fantastic contributions of older people in Leeds, as well as providing new opportunities. The event is partnered with Leeds Older People’s Forum, Leeds Rhinos Foundation and Leeds City Council and will be hosted by Out Together ambassador Matthew Jameson. There will be a welcome speech from Roger Harington, who is both chair of Leeds Older People’s Forum and a member of the Performance Ensemble.

Contact person: Angela Wade, Administrator, Leeds Older People’s Forum,


Geneva Calls: A Pivotal Moment for Older Persons’ Rights. United Nations International Day of Older Persons 2024. NGO Committee on Ageing (Geneva) and INPEA. Tuesday 1st October 2024, Palais des Nations. Room XXIII, 15:00 – 16:30.

Contact person: Ina Voelcker, Deputy Chair, BAGSO – German National Association of Senior Citizens‘ Organisations,

Links to ePublications

Seniors 55+ Developing Active Longevity ChatGPT 01.02.2025

Seven Trends In Senior Living For 2025 … And Beyond. Dr. Sara Zeff Geber. Forbes, Jan 23, 2025.

Role of the longevity economy in the tourism sector. Gaušas S., Leiputė B., Christenko A., Langham E., Szabó R., Tashkenbayev M., Balderas Cejudo A., Zsarnoczky M. B., Buhalis D. Policy Department, Directorate for Transport, Employment and Social Affairs.Directorate-General for Cohesion, Agriculture and Social Policies, 21 January 2025: 138..

Elevating the Golden Years. Senior living opportunities in India’s evolving market. ASLI – Association of Senior Living India, 15 Nov 2024: 36.

Promoting the labour force participation of older Canadians. Government of Canada, 2024-08-27.

The Age of Experience: How Older Workers Bring Value to a Changing Labor Market. Brian Miller, CEO, Patrice & Associates. Staffing Hub, July 15, 2024

Outlive. The Science and Art of Longevity. Peter Attia, MD and Bill Gifford. Harmony Books, Penguin Random House LLC, 28 Mar 2023. Prevod: Živimo dlje. Znanost in umetnost dolgoživosti. Urška Pajer. Založba Primus d.o.o. Brežice 2024; 487

Aging with purpose: Why meaningful engagement with society matters. Hemant Ahlawat, Anthony Darcovich, Ellen, Madeline Maud, Neeraja Nagarajan, Paula Schabel. McKinsey Health Institute, October 23, 2023.


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