6.6.2018 Slovenia Council for eServices Provision for the Seniors 55+

6.6.2018 Slovenia Council for eServices Provision for the Seniors 55+

Slovenski svet za zagotavljanje e-storitev za seniorje 55+

Zagotavljanje e-storitev za seniorje 55+

eServices Provision for the Seniors (55+) Consultation
taking place in Ljubljana on Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Zapis o sestanku predstavnikov Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije in omrežja Slovenski e-seniorji: E-vključevanje v aktivno staranje 1. junija 2018
Koordinatorji sveta
Sodelujoče organizacije
Skupina za mednarodne stike
Povezave na objave v slovenskem jeziku
Links to the publications in English language


Memo on the meeting of the representatives of the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia & the Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging on June 1, 2018
Council Coordinators
Participating Organizations
International Contacts Group

Zapis o sestanku 1. junija 2018

Kopija pisma  eServices Council pismo ZPIZ 6junij 2018

Memo on the meeting on June 1, 2018

Representatives of the Institute and the non-governmental-organization eSeniors Network: eInclusion and active aging have discussed possible cooperation to promote the use of e-services and information technology among the elderly.  The Institute as an important organization in the life of the seniors, a provider of e-services and the organisation, which managed to largely digitise its business, tries to expand the use of e-services among the seniors in different ways. One aspect of such an approach is also collaboration with the network eSeniors, which aims for the active participation of older people in society through the use of e-services and modern information technologies.  After the initial presentations of the head of the network eSeniors Professor Dr. Jože Gričar and Deputy Director-General of the Institute, Edmond Pajk MSc, it was decided, that future cooperation is important to promote and expand the use of e-services among the elderly, especially on the following fields:

  • Information and awareness-raising on the use of e-services and technology
  • Design Advisory Committee of the design and adaptation of e-services to the needs of the elderly
  • The inclusion of educational content for the use of e-services in non-governmental educational institutions for seniors.

The participants agreed to meet again in the first half of September 2018.


Namen Slovenskega sveta za zagotavljanje e-storitev za seniorje 55+ je

  • v družbi razviti zavest o potrebah in zmožnostih uporabe e-tehnologij za seniorje;
  • spodbujati zagotavljanje splošne blaginje staranja z izobraževalnimi procesi, ki upoštevajo potrebe seniorjev pri uporabi e-storitev;
  • spodbujati interes otrok in mladih za pomoč pri uporabi e-tehnologij z medgeneracijskimi programi vzajemne podpore;
  • pomagati pri razvoju vodstvenih sposobnosti seniorjev z usposabljanjem vodij in izkoriščanjem znanj;
  • z enotnim delovanjem in zavzetostjo doseči pospešeno zagotavljanje e-storitev za seniorje 55+;
  • spremljati razpoložljive e-storitve za seniorje v Sloveniji, da bi zagotovili njihovo polno zastopanost in sodelovanje pri načrtovanju, izvajanju in vrednotenju;
  • sodelovati v procesu oblikovanja, razširjanja in uporabe Kažipota storitev za seniorje 55+: za odrasle otroke (55+), ki skrbijo za svoje starše (75+).


The Purposes of the Slovenia Council for eServices Provision for the Seniors 55+ are to

  • develop awareness in the society about the needs and capabilities of using e-technologies for the seniors;
  • promote the provision of a general welfare of aging through educational processes that take into account the needs of seniors in the use of e-services;
  • promote the interest of children and young people to help with the use of e-technologies through intergenerational reciprocal support programs;
  • develop the leadership skills of the seniors through leadership training and the exploitation of knowledge;
  • accelerate the provision of e-services for the seniors (55+) by a unified action and commitment;
  • monitor available e-services for the seniors in Slovenia in order to ensure their full representation and participation in planning, implementation and evaluation;
  • participate in the process of designing, disseminating and using the Service Guide for the Seniors (55+) – A guide for adult children (55+) who take care of their parents (75+).


Spremljati razpoložljive e-storitve, ki so starejšim na voljo.

Predlagati ponudnikom e-storitev možne izboljšave.

Proučevati priložnosti za zagotavljanje novih vrst e-storitev za starejše.

Organizirati srečanja uporabnikov in ponudnikov e-storitev za starejše (sestanki, delavnice, konference).


Monitoring available e-services for the elderly.

Suggesting e-service providers possible service improvements.

Exploring opportunities of providing new types of e-services for the elderly.

Organizing meetings of e-services users & providers (consultations, workshops, conferences).

Council Coordinators

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions

Mag. Miha Ješe, Mayor
Municipality of Škofja Loka & Coordinator, Neighboring eMunicipalities Gorenja vas – Poljane, Škofja Loka, Železniki, Žiri & Coordinator, eMunicipalities Without Borders Mayors Consortium & Vice-President, Douzelage Association

Mag. Tanja Lesničar, Member, Management Council for Informatics and Intergenerational Cooperation
Andragogic Association – Third Age University Velenje & Former Head, eBusiness Department, Gorenje d.d. Velenje

Niko Matičič, Deputy Director
Anni d.o.o., Computers & IT Solutions, Trzin

Silva Perčič, Secretary
Association of Retired Persons Martin Krpan, Bloke
& Former Deputy Financial Officer for Informatics Elektronabava Ljubljana

Mag. Aco Prosnik, Patient Rights Ombudsman
City Municipality of Maribor

Alenka Reissner, Project Manager & Head
Committee for Education, Publicity & Informatics, Slovene Federation of Pensioners’ Associations Ljubljana

Primož Urgl, Council’s Design
& Student, Third Age University Ljubljana

Martina Uvodić, Contact Person
Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging
& Student, Third Age University Ljubljana

Dr. Božidar Voljč, MD, Advisor
Institut Emonicum for Helthy and Active Life Ljubljana
& Counsellor, Slovenian Academy for Science and Art, Old Age and Aging Area & Member, Task Forces, AGE Platform Europe – The voice of older persons at EU level, Brussels & Former Minister of Health, Republic of Slovenia

Participating Organizations

Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Republic of Slovenia
Mag. Jurij Snoj, Director General, Directorate for Labour Market and Employment
Maja Grašič, Head, Lifelong Learning Department

Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia
Mag. Edmond Pajk
, Deputy General Director & IT Division Director – CIO
Katja Grošelj Ziherl, Head, Public Relations

Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia
Marjan Sušelj, Director General
Damjan Kos, Director, Sector for Informing and Public Relations

National institute of Public Health
Nina Pirnat, Director
Mitja Vrdelja, Head of Communication Office

Slovenian Association of Physiotherapists, Member of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy – WCPT
Gabrijela Starc, President

Telekom Slovenije
Mag. Peter Pustatičnik, Head of eHealth and eCare

Mikropis Holding, Žalec
& Member, Medical Alley Association – Powering the Evolution of Healthcare, Minneapolis, USA
Janez Uplaznik, Founder & CEO

Magazin Vzajemnost
Mag. Jožica Dorniž, Editor in Chief
eServices Vzajemnost julij 2018

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Mag. Aleksandra Gradišnik, Director
Koroška Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dravograd & Head, 55+ Project

Bank Association of Slovenia
Stanislava Zadravec Caprirolo, M.I.A., Managing Director
Aleksandra Žibrat, Website Editor, ePublications and Public Relations Coordinator

Association of People’s Universities of Slovenia 
Mag. Bojan Hajdinjak, President
& Director, Institut Cene Štupar, Centre for Education Ljubljana

Slovenian Public Libraries Association
Vesna Horžen, President

National and University Library 
Mojca Dolgan Petrič, Head, Projects Management Office
Corporate Programmes and Project Management Office

Other organizations to be indicated

International Contacts Group

Age-Friendly University Global Network, Ireland
Christine O’ Kelly, Age-Friendly Coordinator

Association of the Rights of Elderly People Zagreb, Croatia
Mira Čokić, mag. iur., President

Center for Advanced Technology in Health & Wellbeing, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milano, Italy
Dr. Alberto Sanna, Director

Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Hungary
Gyula Ocskay, General Secretary, Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest & Head of Office, Conference of European Cross-border and Interregional City Networks – CECICN, Budapest

Centre for Ageing Better, Good Things Foundation, London, United Kingdom
Jemma Mouland, Senior Programme Manager – Innovation
James Richardson, Research Manager

Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing, Ancona, Italy
Dr. Giovanni Lamura, Head

Community Networks for Aging in Place (CNAP) Alliance, Reading, MA, USA
Dr. Thomas O. Mottl, Founder, President, and CEO

Council on International Educational Exchange – CIEE, Portland, ME, USA
Johnny Young, Member, Board of Directors
& Former U.S. Ambassador and Executive Director of Migration and Refugee Services, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

eSeniors – Network for eInclusion of Seniors and Active Aging
Monique Epstein, General Manager & Founder

Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Dr. Doug Vogel, Professor of Information Systems & eHealth Research Institute Director
Association of Information Systems – AIS Past President

Insiel S.p.A., Trieste, Italy
Dr. Gabriella Taddeo, Friuli-Venezia, Giulia Digital Academy Manager

Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, Auriga Business Centre, Turku, Finland
Dr. Christer Carlsson, Professor & Research Director
& Past President & Fellow, International Fuzzy Systems Association – IFSA
& Senior Member, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society

International Longevity Centre – UK, London
David Sinclair, Director

Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Dr. Liisa Timonen, Head of International Affairs & Global Education Park Finland, Active Ageing

Mikropis USA LLC, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Maja Uplaznik Pantar, CEO

Minnesota Senate, USA
Senator Mary Kiffmeyer (R) District 30, St.Paul, Minnesota

National Federation of Hungarian Pensioners’ Associations – NYOSZ, Budapest
Némethné Jankovics Györgyi, President & Vice President, European Senior Organization – ESO, Brussels

Nordregio, Nordic Research Centre for Regional Development and Planning, Stockholm, Sweden
Linda Randall, Research Fellow

Birgitta Stenius-Mladenov, Co-owner & Manager
Bromarf Bed & Breakfast, Bromarv, Raseborg, Finland
&  Former Ambassador of Finland to the Republic of Slovenia

Parish of Dworp Group, Belgium
Victoria Kizito Timmers-Niemer, Coordinator
Dworp, Belgium

The Global Ageing Network, USA
Katie Smith Sloan, M.Sc., Executive Director
& President and CEO, LeadingAge, Washington, DC, USA

The Pass It On Network *, Paris, France
Moira Allan, Co-founder and International Coordinator

BI Norwegian Business School Oslo, Norway
Dr. Tor Jermund Larsen, Professors Emeritus
Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria
Dr. Heinrich C. Mayr, Professor Emeritus
Head, Application Engineering Research Group & Human Behavior Monitoring and Support Project, Department of Applied Informatics

University of Florida, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Geography Department, USA
Dr. Stephen M. Golant, Professor Emeritus

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
Dr. Angela Christine Lyons, Associate Professor & Director, Center for Economic and Financial Education, Department of Agricultural & Consumer Economics

Medical University of Vienna, Center for Public Health, Austria
Dr. Michael Kunze, MD, Professor Emeritus
& Member, Board of Directors, European Association of Professors Emeriti

University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts , Slovenia
Dr. Lučka Lorber, Associate Professor & Former Vice Rector

NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Helena Canhão, Professor & Head
EpiDoC Unit, NOVA Medical School

University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Dr. Barbara Barbosa Neves, Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Sociology
School of Social and Political SciencesFaculty of Arts
& Secretary and Treasurer, International Sociological Association – ISA, Family Research Committee -RC06 Board

University of Oulu, Finland
Dr. Timo Jämsä, Professor, Center for Life Course Health Research
Dr. Raija Korpelainen, Professor of Health Exercise & GASEL -project Leader, Oulu Deaconess Institute

University of Pécs, Medical School, Hungary
Dr. Emil C. Toescu, MD, Deputy Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries
Honorary Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience & Associated Science Tutor, Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences Program (LANS), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia
Dr. Dragan Čišić, Professor
Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts & Head, Rijeka Innovation LivingLab

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Dr. Giuseppe Liotta, MD, Associate Professor of Hygiene and Public Health
Public Health Department

University of Trieste, Department of Life Sciences, Italy
Dr. Sabina Passamonti, MD, Principal Investigator of the Molecular Nutrition Research Group

University of Turku, Finland
Dr. Jups Jukka Heikkila, Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering; Professor, Information Systems Science & Head, Department of Management and Enterpreneurship, Turku School of Economics & Vice Chair, Finnish University Professors’ Union

Cross-border eCollaboration Consortium

Dr. Donald J. McCubbrey, Clinical Professor Emeritus
Department of Business Information and Analytics, University of Denver, Daniels College of Business, USA

Dr. Henk G. Sol, Emeritus Professor of Business and ICT and Founding Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen & Emeritus Professor of Systems Engineering and Founding Dean, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlans
& Escanet, network of engaged scholars around the world

Dr. Paul Timmers, Senior Advisor
Independent entrepreneur, academic and advisor on technology, policy, economy & society
Former Director, European Commission for Digital Society, Trust & Cybersecurity
Visiting Fellowship in Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation, Oxford University
& Senior Advisor, European Policy Centre Brussels, Belgium


9.4.2019 eServices Provision for the Seniors (55+) in the Cross-border eRegion Consultation. Municipality of Škofja Loka & Slovenia eSeniors

12.9.2018 eServices Provision for the Elderly (55+) Consultation in Ljubljana

18.6.2018 4th Slovene-Hungarian Annual Forum Szentgotthárd / Monošter Initiative

6.6.2018 Slovenia Council for eServices Provision for the Elderly (55+)

30.5.2018 Meeting: eInclusion in Active Aging – A Component of Silver eConomy

11.4.2018 eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation, Škofja Loka, Slovenia

29.9.2017 Slovenia eSeniors: eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation

22-23.5.2017 3rd Szentgotthard-Monoster Slovenia-Hungary Forum

6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Castle Jable, Slovenia, September 19-20, 2016. Silver eEconomy related panels:
– Sustainable Solutions for Demographic Changes in Central Europe – Silver Economy.
– Comprehensive Solutions within the Silver eEconomy Development in the eRegions for Higher Labour and Social Inclusion of Elderly.
– Silver Economy & the Third Age Universities in the eRegions

Memorandum on Silver eConomy Development.  Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions & Slovenian Third Age University, Ljubljana, June 8, 2016

8.6.2016 Silver eConomy Development Meeting in Ljubljana

Povezave na objave v slovenskem jeziku

Smernice za prireditve za odrasle. Delovna skupina, Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana, Apr 9, 2019, str. 76

Smernice za oblikovanje storitev za starejše. Simona Resman, Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana, Jan 8, 2017, str. 34

Links to the publications in English language

Active Aging Networks

Ageing in the digital era – UNECE highlights key actions to ensure digital inclusion of older persons. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe – UNECE, Information Unit, Geneva, 07 July 2021.

CIHR Strategic Plan 2021-2031. A Vision for a Healthier Future. The best health for all, powered by outstanding research. Canadian Institutes of Health Research – CIHR, February 23rd, 2021.

EAPE Bulletin Issue 2020; 1(6): 96-112 PDF. The Bulletin of the European Association of Professors Emeriti. Editor-In-Chief Natale G. De Santo, Naples, January 8, 2021, NataleG.DeSanto@UniCampania.it.

Age-Friendly Approaches and Old-Age Exclusion: A Cross-City Analysis. By Tine Buffel, University of Manchester & Samuele Remillard-Boilard, Université de Sherbrooke. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, Advance access. ResearchGate, July 2020

Global reach of ageism on older persons’ health: A systematic review. By E-Shien Chang, Sneha Kannoth, Samantha Levy, Shi-Yi Wang, John E. Lee, Becca R. Levy. Yale School of Medicine. PLOS ONE, San Francisco & Cambridge, January 15, 2020

All ‘seniors’ shouldn’t be lumped together. By Helen Hirsh Spence, Founder and CEO, Top Sixty Over Sixty. The Star, Toronto, Jan. 9, 2020

How Should We Measure the Digital Economy? By Erik Brynjolfsson and Avinash Collis. Harvard Business Review, November–December 2019

The (old) elephant in the room: value of older workers ignored. By Helen Hirsh Spence, Contributor & Founder and CEO, Top Sixty Over Sixty (T60). The Star, Toronto, Nov. 20, 2019

The world is ageing. But our oldest workers could help keep the economy afloat. By Zaria Gorvett, Freelance science journalist. BBC Worklife, 15th November 2019

Active Aging and Universities for Seniors. By Sofía García-Bullé. Observatory, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México, November 6, 2019

La Silver Economy e le sue conseguenze. 1° Rapporto Censis-Tendercapital sui buoni investimenti. Sintesi dei principali risultati. Roma, 29 ottobre 2019, pp 14

‘Silver economy’ provides many golden business opportunities. By Dr. Winnie Tang, Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong. China Daily Hong Kong, October 29, 2019

Technologies in care for older people. European Parliamentary Technology Assessment – EPTA report. Compilation by Dr. Helene Limén with Dr. Grant Hill-Cawthorne, Dr. Maartje Niezen and Tore Tennøe. October 2019, pp 136

The untapped potential of the ‘longevity economy’. By Mari Shibata, Freelance Video Journalist. BBC Worklife, 10th October 2019

Age-tech will be huge for the silver economy. Canada stands to become a leader in an emerging branch of health care technology that is transforming long-term care. And that’s just the start. By Mitchell E. Kutney, Kumanan Wilson. Policy Options, Institute for Research on Public Policy, Montreal, October 8, 2019

The Art of Ageing. Arts and Science Conference and Festival. The Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries in cooperation with the Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Business and Economics and Szentágothai College, University of Pécs, Hungary, 3rd October 2019

Silver Economy and the Development Policy of Rural Areas in Poland. By Grażyna Krzyminiewska and Hanna Pondel. ResearchGate, October 3, 2019

Center for the Future of Aging 2019 Summer Recap. Priority areas: 1) Age-forward economic development, 2) Age-inclusive 21st-century city design, and 3) Resilient networks for healthy aging. Center for the Future of Aging, Milken Institute, Santa Monica, CA, October 1, 2019

Challenges of Regional Development in the Context of Population Ageing. Analysis Based on the Example of Opolskie Voivodeship. By Krystian Heffner, Brygida Klemens and Brygida Solga. Sustainability, MDPI, 23 September 2019, pp 23

Role of health and care services in improving well-being and economic performance: Perspectives from the European Quality of Life Survey. Background paper for ‘The Economy of Wellbeing’, Finnish Presidency conference Helsinki, 18–19 September 2019. By Tadas Leončikas, Senior Research Manager, Social Policies Unit, Eurofound, pp 16

Japan’s Population Problem Is Straining Its Economy. The World Is Watching for a Solution. By Yuko Takeo and Hannah Dormido. Bloomberg, 19 September 2019

Transforming Aging Together. Toronto, Canada, September 17-19, 2019

Fiscal challenges and inclusive growth in ageing societies. Economic Policy Paper No. 27. By Dorothée Rouzet, Aida Caldera Sánchez, Théodore Renault, Oliver Roehn. OECD Publishing, September 10, 2019, pp 70

Usability for Seniors: Challenges and Changes. By Lexie Kane, User Experience Specialist. Nielsen Norman Group, September 8, 2019

Increasing seniors’ ICT skills in an intergenerational setting. By Aizhana Khasanova. European Association for the Education of Adults, Brussels, 03.09.2019

Shaping a Human-Centered Future of Work. Ministerial Declaration, G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting 2019, Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan, September 2, 2019

Library services to an aging population: A nation-wide study in the United States. By Noah Lenstra, Fatih Oguz, Courtnay S. Duvall, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, ResearchGate, August 2019.

Age-friendly initiatives in New Zealand. Super Seniors, Office for Seniors, government services for anyone aged 65+. Ministry of Social Development, Government of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, August 2019

Working Better With Age, Ageing and Employment Policies. By Shruti Singh. OECD Publishing, Paris, August 30, 2019, pp 82

Is an Aging Population Hurting the U.S. Economy? Some analysts think so. Here’s why they’re wrong. By Chris Farrell, Unretirement Expert. Next Avenue, public media’s first and only national journalism service for America’s booming older population, St. Paul / Minneapolis, August 23, 2019

Senior Surfers. Diverse levels of digital literacy among older Australians. Maccora, J., Rees, K., Hosking, D. & McCallum, J. National Seniors Australia, Brisbane, 15 August 2019, pp 52

Age-friendly environments and psychosocial wellbeing: a study of older urban residents in Ireland. By Sarah Gibney, Mengyang Zhang & Cathal Brennan. Department of Health, Healthy & Positive Aging Initiative, Dublin, Ireland. Journal Aging & Mental Health, 12 Aug 2019

The Silver Economy in China: Consumption trends of China’s aging population. Daxue Consulting Beijing, 12 Aug 2019

Will Population Ageing Spell The End Of The Welfare State. A review of evidence and policy options. Editors Anna Sagan, Research Fellow & Dr. Erica Richardson, Technical Officer. Series Editors Dr. Jonathan Cylus, Research Fellow; Dr. Josep Figueras, Director; Charles Normand, Edward Kennedy Professor of Health Policy and Management at Trinity College in Dublin. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28 Jul 2019, pp 43

Evaluating Innovative Projects for and with Elderly People: Insights from Participatory Design Contests. By Camille Jean, François Cluzel, Flore Vallet and Bernard Yannou. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design / Volume 1 / Issue 1 / July 2019, Cambridge University Press, 26 July 2019

No longer just for the young: 70% of seniors are now online. By Deborah Vollmer Dahlke, Adjunct Associate Professor, Texas A&M University; David Lindeman, Director of Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society, University of California, Berkeley; Marcia G. Ory, Regents and Distinguished Professor, Associate Vice President for Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives, Texas A&M University. World Economic Forum, 26 Jul 2019

Independent Living for Seniors. By Lawrence Robinson, Joanna Saisan, M.S.W., and Doug Russell, L.C.S.W. HelpGuide.org International, Santa Monica, CA, USA July 16, 2019

Stop bashing the suburbs: Mobility limitations of older residents are less relevant as connectivity options expand. By Dr. Stephen M. Golant, Professor Emeritus. Science Direct, Elsevier, Journal of Aging Studies, Volume 50, Jul 15, 2019

Solidarity is key to unwrapping the gift of longevity. By Alex Wynaendts, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board and Management Board, Aegon N.V., The Hague, Netherlands. Forum on the Silver Economy, Helsinki. July 12, 2019

Opening remarks of Prime Minister Antti Rinne at the Silver Economy Forum in Helsinki. Prime Minister’s Office, Communications Department, 9 July 2019

First-Ever High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy Assembles World Leaders in Helsinki. Finnish Government & Global Coalition on Aging, New York, 8 July 2019

Japan’s technology leads the way in caring for the elderly. By Claudio Rosmino. Euronews, Lyon, France, 07/11/2019

Older Adults’ Perceptions of ICT: Main Findings from the Technology In Later Life (TILL) Study. By Hannah Ramsden Marston, Rebecca Genoe, Shannon Freeman, Cory Kulczycki  and Charles Musselwhite. Healthcare 2019, 7(3), 86, MDPI, 4 July 2019

RGU to transform public libraries into testbeds for rural entrepreneurship. Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, Scotland,  4 July 2019

Older Adults’ Perceptions of Age-friendliness with an Emphasis on Community Supports and Health Services in a City in South Korea. By Chi-Young Lee, Belong Cho, Youngtae Cho, and Yeon-Hwan Park. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing, June 28, 2019

Cities Alive: Designing for ageing communities. Arup Foresight, Research and Innovation, and Integrated City Planning, June 28, 2019, pp 136

How digital technology could redefine Canada’s economy. By Kristel Van der Elst, Eric Ward, Marcus Ballinger. Policy Options, Montreal, Canada, June 28, 2019

Transforming the Future of Ageing. Science Advice for Policy by European Academies – SAPEA. SAPEA Berlin, Germany, June 27, 2019, pp 294

Active ageing. Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Commission, 17 Jun 2019

Age-friendly cities in the Netherlands: An explorative study of facilitators and hindrances in the built environment and ageism in design. Corresponding author: Joost van Hoof, The Hague University. Sage Publications, Jun 17, 2019

Age+Action Conference. National Council on Aging – NCOA, Arlington, VA. Washington, DC, USA, June 17-20, 2019

ICHAA 2019: 21st International Conference on Healthy and Active Aging. Bringing together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Healthy and Active Aging. Toronto, Canada, June 17 – 18, 2019

The dawn of age-friendly communities. Some forward-thinking initiatives to improve quality of life for people of all ages. By Sally Abrahms. Considerable – A new media brand for people who are redefining what it means to grow older and are looking forward to what’s next, June 13, 2019

Healthy, Active and Connected: Towards Designing an Age-Friendly Digital Neighborhood Platform. By Vogel, Pascal; Jurcevic, Natalija; Meyer-Blankart, Corvin. Proceedings, Twenty-Seventh European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2019), Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden, 8th -14th, 2019. ResearchGate, June, 2019

Finland seeks to lead the silver economy charge. As Nordic economy faces an ageing population, its businesses seek an opportunity. By Richard Milne, Nordic and Baltic Correspondent. Financial Times, June 5, 2019

Co-Creation of Public Services: Why and How. By Francesco Mureddu, Associate Director & David Osimo, Director of Research. The Lisbon Council, Brussels, June 5, 2019, pp 20

2018 Active Ageing Index. Analytical Report. By Giovanni Lamura and Andrea Principi. National Institute of Health and Science on Aging, Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, Ancona, Italy. In consultation with Ettore Marchetti, European Commission Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion & Vitalija Gaucaite Wittich and Olga Kharitonova, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe – UNECE. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe – UNECE & European Commission, June 2, 2019, pp 95

Accelerating Digital Inclusion for the Underserved in High GDP Markets. GSM Association, May 2019, pp 18

Economic Watch: China steps up policy support for silver economy. Xinhua, 2019-05-31

The Promise of Connected Learning. By Rob Reynolds, Ph.D., Chief Product Officer. NextThought, May 22, 2019

The New Social Contract: Empowering individuals in a transitioning world. Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey 2019. May 20, 2019, pp 80

Digital aging as an essential component of active aging: A literature review. By Peishan, Yang, Department of Social Work, and Shan-Ju Lin, Department and Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 7(4), 113-1321, 16 May 2019

Age-friendly cities: challenges for future research. By J Mark Noordzij, Mariëlle A Beenackers, Ana V Diez Roux & Frank J van Lenthe. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2019;97:436-437, 14 May 2019

Synergies of Longevity / Silver Economy and Senior Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Society. The Case of Romania. By Mariana Drăgușin, Mirela Octavia Sîrbu, Raluca Mariana Grosu, Alina-Elena Iosif, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. Springer Link, 14 May 2019

Can We Live Longer but Stay Younger? With greater longevity, the quest to avoid the infirmities of aging is more urgent than ever. By Adam Gopnik. The New Yorker, May 13, 2019

We are leaving older adults out of the digital world. By Jessica Fields, research analyst and program manager. Center for Vulnerable Populations, University of California San Francisco – UCSF. TC . TechCrunch, Online Publisher, Startup and Technology News, Bay Area, United States,. TC – TechCrunch, Startup and Technology News, May 5, 2019

Ageing in a changing place: a qualitative study of neighbourhood exclusion. By Dr. Lena Dahlberg, Associate Professor, School of Education, Health and Social Studies, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden & Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet & Stockholm University, Solna, Sweden. Ageing & Society (2019), 1–19, May 5, 2019

The Future of Work? Work of the Future! On how artificial intelligence, robotics and automation are transforming jobs and the economy in Europe. A report by Michel Servoz. European Commission, 3 May 2019, pp 160

Ageing and Care for the Elderly in Hungary. General Survey and Problems. By Andrea Gyarmati. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Budapest Office, April 2019, pp 26

Creative Careers: The Life Cycles of Nobel Laureates in Economics. By Bruce A. Weinberg, Professor of Economics and Public Administration, Department of Economics, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA & David W. Galenson, Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Chicago, USA. De Economist, Springer Link, September 2019, Volume 167, Issue 3, pp 221–239, 26 April 2019

A Library Manifesto for Europe. europe4libraries2019.eu. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Apr 25, 2019

The Forgotten Middle: Many Middle-Income Seniors Will Have Insufficient Resources For Housing And Health Care. By Caroline F. Pearson, Charlene C. Quinn, Sai Loganathan, A. Rupa Datta, Beth Burnham Mace, and David C. Grabowski. Health Affairs, VOL. 38, NO. 5, April 24, 2019

2019 Technology Survey. Older Adults Age 55-100. Link∙age Connect, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, April 20, 2019, pp 27

Age Strategy’ for Fingal, Ireland 2018-2023. Fingal County Council, April 20 2019, pp 60

ESPON brought together eight cities and city-regions to investigate how to become more age-friendly places for older people. ESPON – European Spatial Planning Observation Network, April 17, 2019

The European Labour Authority – ELA. European Parliament legislative resolution, 16 April 2019

2019 Aging in America Conference. American Society on Aging – ASA. New Orleans, April 15-18

E-Government Closer to the People. E-citizen. Edited by Dr. Katarzyna Sztop-Rutkowska. Co-financed by the European Fund through ERASMUS+ Adult Education project. Fundacja Laboratorium Badań i Działań Społecznych SocLab, Apr 15, 2019, pp 45

Global Perspectives of Silver Economy Development. By Dr. Paul Timmers. International workshop on silver economy, University of Maribor, 10 April 2019

Age-Friendly University. By Christine O’Kelly, Age Friendly University Global Network Coordinator, Dublin City University, Ireland. International workshop on silver economy, University of Maribor, 10 April 2019

Health & Well-being in Socio-Technological Ecosystems. By Alberto Sanna, Director, Research Center Advanced Technologies for Health and Well-being, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano. International workshop on silver economy, University of Maribor, 10 April 2019

International workshop on silver economy. University of Maribor, April 10, 2019

Technology to Support Aging in Place: Older Adults’ Perspectives. By Shengzhi Wang, Khalisa Bolling, Wenlin Mao, Jennifer Reichstadt, Dilip Jeste, Ho-Cheol Kim, and Camille Nebeker. ResearchGate, 10 April 2019

Seniors Services Guide (55+) in Slovenia. A guide for the adult children 55+ taking care of their parents 75+. April 9, 2019

What is Active Ageing and how can Museums help? By Charlotte Coates. MuseumNext, North Shields, England, April 04 2019

A Fairer Scotland for Older People: framework for action. Scottish Government, 3 Apr 2019.

An Acquaintance with an Aging Society. By Kazumasa Yamada. MDPI, Social Sciences, April 3, 2019

Demographic time-bomb: Finland sends a warning to Europe. By Richard Milne. Financial Times, April 3, 2019

How to reach ‘hard-to-reach’ older people for research: The TIBaR model of recruitment. By Dr. Kerstin Kammerer, Katrin Falk, Anna Herzog, Institute for Gerontological Research, Berlin, and Dr. Judith Fuchs, Robert Koch Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Health Monitoring, Berlin. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field online journal, 2.04.2019

Emerging Technologies to Support an Aging Population. A Report by the Task Force on Research and Development for Technology to Support Aging Adults. Committee on Technology of the National Science & Technology Council, The White House, USA, March 2019, pp 40

Home Care Services for Seniors. Services to Help You Age in Place. By Lawrence Robinson, Senior Writer / Editor; Joanna Saisan, M.S.W., and Monika White, Ph.D., Board Chair & Adjunct Associate Professor of Social Work, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work and the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. HelpGuide.org International, Santa Monica, CA, March 2019

Technology for Aging in Place. 2019 Market Overview. By Laurie M. Orlov, Principal Analyst. Aging in Place Technology Watch, 3/28/2019, pp 24

New Technologies: Opportunity or Challenge for the Aging Population? Create a platform bringing together the Central European stakeholders dealing with population aging. (eng)aging! Conference. Keynote s.r.o. and Active Aging Center, Prague, Czech Republic, March 27-28, 2019

Introduction to the Special Issue-Age-Friendly Universities (AFU): Principles, practices, and opportunities. By Dr. Joann M. Montepare, Director, RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies, Lasell College. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education Journal, Taylor & Francis Online, pp 139-141, 27 Mar 2019

A Review of Age Friendly Virtual Assistive Technologies and their Effect on Daily Living for Carers and Dependent Adults. By Hannah Ramsden Marston and Julie Samuels. Healthcare 2019, 7(1), 49, 21 March 2019

HABITAT: An IoT Solution for Independent Elderly. By Elena Borelli et.al. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. NCBI – National Center for Biotechnology Information, Sensors – open access journal, Basel, 2019 Mar 12

The Silver Innovation. Older workers characteristics and digitalisation of the economy. By Pietro Checcucci. ASTRIL, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Working Paper 40/2019, IDEAS, 2019-03-11, pp 25

What does quality of life mean to older adults? A thematic synthesis. PLOS ONE, Open Access Journal, San Francisco, California, and Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2019 Mar 8

What is Positive Aging? 10 Tips to Promote the Positive Aspects of Aging. By Kori D. Miller. PositivePsychology.com, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 08-03-2019

The Digital Divide among Parents and Their Emerging Adult Children: Intergenerational Accounts of Technologically Assisted Family Communication. By Courtney K. Barrie, John P. Bartkowski and Timothy Haverda, Department of Sociology, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA. MDPI, Publisher of Open Access Journals, Social Sciences, 5 March 2019

Emerging Technologies to Support an Aging Population. A Report by the Task Force on Research and Development for Technology to Support Aging Adults. Committee on Technology of the National Science & Technology Council. Washington, DC, pp 30, March 5, 2019

Intra and Intergenerational Digital Divide through ICT Literacy, Information Acquisition Skills, and Internet Utilization Purposes: An Analysis of Gen Z. By Feriha Soysal, Büşra Alma Çalli, Erman Coşkun. TEM Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 264-274, February 2019

The digital age divide: untapped market opportunities in Asia’s aging societies. By Helen Roeth. ELEVATE, Hong Kong, 27 February 2019

Supporting longer working lives: Multistage approaches for decent and productive work. Paper prepared for the 1st Meeting of the G20 Employment Working Group under the Japanese G20 presidency. ILO, Tokyo, Japan, 25-27 February 2019, pp 36

Creation Process of the Digital Platform to Foster Healthy and Active Aging: enbuenaedad. By Sandra Pinzón-Pulido, Mónica Padial-Espinosa, Luz López-Samaniego, Bibiana Navarro-Matillas, Pilar San Juan-Lozano, Juan Manuel Espinosa-Almendro, Josefa Ruiz-Fernández, and Francisco Garrido-Peña. US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Frontiers in Public Health, 2019 Feb 19

Seniors at work: The new norm for ageing in Singapore. By Maegan Liew, Staff Writer. ASEAN Today, Feb 19, 2019

China’s Aging Population Is a Major Threat to Its Future. By Charlie Campbell. Time, February 18, 2019

Seniors’ learning. By David Istance, Senior Analyst, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), OECD’s Education and Skills Directorate. European Journal of Education, Wiley Online Library, Volume54, Issue1, 15 February 2019

Ageing and Aged Care. Australian Government Department of Health, 15 February 2019

Active Ageing. Cyberguide. National Council of Social Service – NCSS Senior, the umbrella body for some 450 member social service organisations in Singapore, Feb 15, 2019

Most Desirable Features for Silver-Economy Insurance. By Werner Rapberger, Principal Director – Customer Insight & Growth Practice for Insurance. Accenture, 15 February 2019

Library Perspectives on the EDUCAUSE 2019 Top 10 IT Issues. By Joan Lippincott, Karen Wetzel, Kristin Antelman, Jon Cawthorne, Peggy Seiden and Jeff Steely. EDUCAUSE Review®, open-access digital and quarterly print flagship publication for the higher education IT community, Louisville, CO, USA, February 11, 2019

Lifelong learning and the continued participation of older Norwegian adults in employment. By Tove Midtsundstad & Roy A. Nielsen, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo. Wiley Online Library, 11 February 2019

Students as Future Workers: Crossborder Multidisciplinary Learning Labs in Higher Education. By Wilfried Admiraal, Lysanne Post, Pengyue Guo, Nadira Saab, Sari Makinen, Ohto Rainio, Johanna Vuori, Jacky Bourgeois, Gerd Kortuem, Gerard Danford. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science – IJTES, Volume 3, Number 2, Feb 04, 2019, pp 11

Digital Citizenship Education Handbook. By Janice Richardson and Elizabeth Milovidov. Council of Europe, January 2019, pp 144

Policy Analysis of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and its impact in Spain. Achievements and recommendations for the 2016-2020 period. By García Lizana F, Castro Rodriguez M, De Manuel E et al. Health Technology Evaluation Agency, Institute of Health Carlos III, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Madrid. Jan 23, 2019, pp 80

Powerful Learning is Collaborative and Connected. By Stefani Pautz, Project Director and Josh Weisgrau, Director of Learning Experience Design. Digital Promise, Accelerate Innovation in Education, Washington DC, USA, January 22, 2019

Work for a brighter future. Global Commission on the Future of Work. International Labour Organization – ILO, Geneva, 22 January 2019, pp 78

Institutionalization of cross-border regional innovation systems: the role of university institutional entrepreneurs. By Jos van den Broek, Paul Benneworth & Roel Rutten. Journal Regional Studies, Regional Science, Volume 6, 2019 – Issue 1, 17 Jan 2019, pp 55-69

Individualized counselling for active aging: protocol of a single-blinded, randomized controlled trial among older people (the AGNES intervention study). By Taina Rantanen, Katja Pynnönen, Milla Saajanaho, Sini Siltanen, Laura Karavirta, Katja Kokko, Anu Karvonen, Markku Kauppinen, Timo Rantalainen, Merja Rantakokko, Erja Portegijs & Mary Hassandra. Gerontology Research Center, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä. BMC Geriatrics, 7 January 2019

Closing the Digital Learning Gap. By Karen Cator. Digital Promise. Washington, D.C., USA, January 9, 2019

Individualized counselling for active aging: protocol of a single-blinded, randomized controlled trial among older people (the AGNES intervention study). By Taina Rantanen, Katja Pynnönen, Milla Saajanaho, Sini Siltanen, Laura Karavirta, Katja Kokko, Anu Karvonen, Markku Kauppinen, Timo Rantalainen, Merja Rantakokko, Erja Portegijs & Mary Hassandra. Gerontology Research Center, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä. BMC Geriatrics, 7 January 2019

Leading a meaningful life at older ages and its relationship with social engagement, prosperity, health, biology, and time use. By Andrew Steptoe and Daisy Fancourt, Department of Behavioural Science and Health, University College London, United Kingdom. Edited by Kenneth W. Wachter, University of California, Berkeley, CA. January 7, 2019

‘Smart homes’ to equip elderly and disabled people with digital skills. A new ‘smart homes’ scheme will aim to help elderly and disabled people develop digital skills to tackle loneliness in rural areas. Open Access Government, January 7, 2019

Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments – Policy Recommendations of the Thematic Network SHAFE. By C Dantas, W van Staalduinen, A Jegundo, J Ganzarain, M Van der Mark, F Rodrigues, M Illario, and V De Luca. Official Journal of the Medical School of the University of Salerno, 2019 Jan 6

Design Thinking: Get Started with Prototyping. By Rikke Dam and Teo Siang. Interaction Design Foundation, January 5, 2019

Changing the Future of Aging Through Innovative Technologies at the 2018 Age-Well Conference. By Jane Mundy. YouAreUNLTD, January 3, 2019

An ageing workforce isn’t a burden. It’s an opportunity. By Jo Ann Jenkins. World Economic Forum, 03 Jan 2019

A better environment to age in – Working towards age-friendly cities in the Nordic region. Author: Ann Jönsson, Senior Adviser. Editor: Joakim K E Johansson. The Nordic Welfare Centre, Sweden & The Nordic Welfare Centre, Finland, 2018, pp 52

The Sharing Economy and Digital Platforms: A Review and Research Agenda. By  Will Sutherland and Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ResearchGate, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 43, December 2018, pp 328-341

How and Why Entrepreneurs Should Focus on Seniors in 2019. By Jeannette McLennan. Entrepreneur Europe. December 27, 2018

Senior Citizens in the Twenty-First-Century Public Library. By Jalesia Horton, Access Services Librarian, Augusta University, Georgia, USA. Public Library Quarterly, Volume 38, 2019 – Issue 2, Taylor & Francis Online, ResearchGate, 13 Dec 2018

Older workers are the economy’s most underrated natural resource. By Elizabeth Isele. Quartz, December 12, 2018

eHealth and Ageing Well at ICT 2018 – Top 10 things not to miss. Digital Single Market, Vienna, 4-6 December 2018

A look back on four years of Age-Friendly City The Hague. What next? By J (Hans) Oerlemans. GetOud, The Hague, Netherlands, November 2018, pp 100

Memorandum “Work and Technology 4.0 in Professional Care”. 2nd Edition. By Paul Fuchs-Frohnhofen, Andreas Blume, Kurt-Georg Ciesinger, Helga Gessenich, Manfred Hülsken-Giesler, Michael Isfort, Marc Jungtäubl, Andreas Kocks, Martina Patz, Margit Weihrich. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. MA&T Sell & Partner GmbH, Würselen, Germany, November 2018, pp 16

Age-Friendly Progress Report at the three-year mark for FY17 through FY19. Montgomery County, Maryland, November 2018, pp 13

Will population ageing spell the end of the welfare state? A review of evidence and policy options. By Dr. Jonathan Cylus, Charles Normand, MD, Dr. Josep Figueras. World Health Organization, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Nov 27, 2018, pp 43

Japan’s High Quality Healthcare Data and Technological Innovations For Aging Society Present Major Joint Business Opportunities Between Japan and the UK. Provided by The Government of Japan. PRNewswire, London, November 21, 2018

Why Our World Is Aging. By Dr. William A. Haseltine, Chair and President, ACCESS Health International, Inc., New York, United States. Forbes, Nov 19, 2018

Planning ahead: influencing local planning on housing and ageing. A guide for local older people’s forums and groups. Town and Country Planning Association, London. Care & Repair England, Nottingham. High Peak Access, November 18 2018, pp 16

An Overview of Participatory Design Applied to Physical and Digital Product Interaction for Older People. By Christopher R. Wilkinson & Katie Cornish. Multimodal Technologies and Interact, 15 November 2018, pp 12

Improving the Lives of Senior Citizens & Their Families in NY State. Testimony of Gail Myers, Deputy Director, New York StateWide Senior Action Council Inc. Albany,  November 14, 2018, pp 15

Housing America’s Older Adults Report 2018: aging Americans less prepared to afford housing. Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University, November 14 2018

Technology key to keeping Canadian seniors healthy at home. TELUS Health, November 13, 2018

Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments network launches Joint Statement for policy making. Digital Single Market, European Commission, 12 November 2018, pp 18

The Longevity Opportunity. As the global population ages, new consumer opportunities and markets will emerge. Every company should have a strategy for tapping into the needs, wants, and buying power of older customers. By Paul Irving, Chairman, Center for the Future of Aging, Milken Institute, Santa Monica, CA & Distinguished Scholar in Residence, University of Southern California, Davis School of Gerontology. Harvard Business Review, November 8 2018

Implications of the Digital Transformation for the Business Sector. Conference summary. OECD and the United Kingdom Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, London, 8-9 November 2018, pp 9

When No One Retires. You can see the graying of your workforce as a crisis — or an opportunity. By Paul Irving, Chairman, Center for the Future of Aging, Milken Institute, Santa Monica, CA & Distinguished Scholar in Residence, University of Southern California, Davis School of Gerontology. Harvard Business Review, November 7 2018

The Impact of Innovation Across Technology, Health, Care and Urban Design for Super Ageing Societies. By Matt McEnany (Manager, HGPI) and Melissa Gong Mitchell (Executive Director, GCOA). Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) and the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA), November 2, 2018

Healthy Aging: American Geriatrics Society White Paper Executive Summary. By Susan M. Friedman et al. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, November 1, 2018

The Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities: looking back over the last decade, looking forward to the next. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2018, pp 48

Answers on Aging Resource Guide. Larimer County Office on Aging (LCOA), Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, Oct 31, 2018, pp 100

The Promise of Connected Learning. By Rob Reynolds, Ph.D., Chief Product Officer, NextThought, October 31, 2018

Age-Friendly DC 2023 Strategic Plan. Government of the District of Columbia, Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health & Human Services (DMHHS), Washington, DC, USA, October 29, 2018, pp 20

Improving digital health literacy in Europe. IC-Health Final Conference. October 18, 2018, pp 139

Doing digital in government: three tips for getting it right. By Ethan Bowering, Senior Programme Associate. Centre for Public Impact, London, United Kingdom, October 11, 2018

Progress of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. Commission Staff Working Document. European Commission, Brussels, 9.10.2018, pp 27

Logius International Seminar 2018 – Usability & Accessibility: Let’s include all! By Elise Nabbe, Logius, Netherlands, 4 October 2018

The future of world trade: How digital technologies are transforming global commerce. World Trade Report 2018, World Trade Organization, 3 October 2018, pp 236

Digitising social services could further exclude people already on the margins. By Dr. Siobhan O’Sullivan, School of Social Sciences, UNSW Sydney. The Conversation, London, October 3, 2018

Fundamental ‘re-engineering’ of Government to provide better and faster public services: PM Lee. 2018 Developer Conference, Government Technology Agency of Singapore. TheStraitTimes, OCT 2, 2018

The University of the Third Age in Poland. A democratic and holistic approach to the education of the elderly. By Aleksander Kobylarek. Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, Poland. e-mentor, 2018, nr 5 (77), pp 8

Active ageing in Denmark; shifting institutional landscapes and the intersection of national and local priorities. By Evans Adam.B., Nistrup Anne, Pfister Gertrud. Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport (NEXS), University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Elsevier, Journal of Aging Studies, 2018 Sep, 46, 1-9

Arizona State Plan on Aging 2019 – 2022 (October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2022). Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Aging and Adult Services, pp 277

Going Digital: How Healthcare Technology Supports Seniors and Caregivers. Live Healthy, Ministry of Health Singapore, Sep 26, 2018

Lifelong Learning in the EU. European Parliament, Sep 24, 2018

Aging Readiness And Competitiveness Report Assessing 10 Nations’ Preparedness For Massive Growth Of 65+ Population Over Next Generation. Australia, Chile, Costa Rica, Lebanon, Mauritius, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, and Taiwan are Nations Surveyed on Societal Issues Related to Aging Population. American Association of Retired Persons – AARP, Washington DC, September 24 2018

Taiwan – The 2018 Aging Readiness & Competitiveness Report: Small Innovative Economies. FP Analytics in collaboration with American Association of Retired Persons – AARP, Washington DC, September 24, 2018, pp 42

Working Group Report: Digital Entrepreneurship. United Nations Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, September 23, 2018, pp 56

IPads for the elderly — the London loan scheme fighting digital exclusion. By Siobhán McKenna, Senior Policy Officer, Communities & Social Policy Unit, Greater London Authority (City Hall). Apolitical, London, September 21, 2018

Teachers’ Insights Into Connected Learning Networks: Emerging Activities and Forms of Participation. By Henriikka Vartiainen, Saara Nissinen, Sinikka Pöllänen. Philosophical Faculty, School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, University of Eastern Finland (UEF). SAGE Journals, September 18, 2018

In China, retired people are queuing up to go back to university. By Neha Thirani Bagri, Editorial Fellow, Quartz, New York. World Economic Forum, 17 Sep 2018

Accelerating Open Innovation in the Public Sector. How to take your open innovation initiatives further, faster and more effectively. By Jérôme de Badereau, Partner, BearingPoint France, 2018, pp 22

Caring for Family Members. University of Basel, 2018

Going Digital and Remaining Safe. By Sylvia Cronin, Director of Insurance Supervision. Central Bank of Ireland, Dublin, 13 September 2018

Digital government isn’t working in the developing world: Here’s why. By Dr. Rania Fakhoury, Associate Researcher, LaRIFA, Lebanese University. The Conversation, September 11, 2018

Hot Market Alert: Start A Senior Business. By Rieva Lesonsky, CEO, GrowBiz Media. Forbes, Sep 11, 2018

The economic impact of Digital Inclusion in the UK. A report for Good Things Foundation, September 11 2018, pp 60

The Silver Economy – Final Report. A study prepared for the European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology by Technopolis Group & Oxford Economics. European Commission, September 11, 2018, pp 56

What Is Successful Aging? By Dr. Alan D. Castel, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles & Author, ‘Better With Age‘, Oxford University Press, August 29, 2018. Next Avenue, September 10, 2018

The Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities. Looking back over the last decade, looking forward to the next. By Alana Officer and Diane Wu. World Health Organization, August 2018, pp 44

Digital Inclusion in Older Adults: A Comparison Between Face-to-Face and Blended Digital Literacy Workshops. By Claudia I. Martínez-Alcalá, Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, María de los Ángeles Alonso-Lavernia, José Á. Ramírez-Salvador, Brenda Jiménez-Rodríguez, Rosario M. Cepeda-Rebollar, José Sócrates López-Noguerola, María Leticia Bautista-Díaz and Raúl Azael Agis-Juárez. Frontiers in ICT, 28 August 2018

The digital divide: small, social programs can help get seniors online. By Dr. Sue Malta, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne & Dr. Raelene Wilding, Associate Professor, La Trobe University. The Conversation, Science X™ – leading web-based science, research and technology news service, August 26, 2018

HealthCloud: promoting healthy living through co-design of user experiences in a digital service. By Åsa Wikberg-Nilsson, Jörgen Normark, Cecilia Björklund, Sarianne Wiklund Axelsson, Luleå University of Technology. Proceedings. NordDesign 2018, Linköping, Sweden, August 14 – 17, 2018, pp 12

Algorithmic Government: Automating Public Services and Supporting Civil Servants in using Data Science Technologies. By Dr. Zeynep Engin, Senior Research Associate & Dr. Philip Treleaven, Professor and Director of the Financial Computing Centre, Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK. The Computer Journal, 11 August 2018

Will Blockchain Transform Healthcare? By Randy Bean, NewVantage Partners. Forbes, Aug 5, 2018

Connected Learning Summit: Create, Play, Mobilize. Proceedings of the 2018 Connected Learning Summit. Edited by Dr. Jeremiah H. Kalir, Assistant Professor of Information and Learning Technologies, School of Education & Human Development (SEHD), University of Colorado Denver . MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, August 1-3, 2018, pp 423

Public libraries: Community hubs responding to the needs of older adults. McMaster University, Aug 1, 2018

Israeli Technologies for the Elderly. By Eze Vidra, Managing Partner, Remagine Ventures, Media Ventures Israel Ltd. VC Cafe, August 1, 2018

Supporting Active Aging Through A Home Automation: Infrastructure for Social Internet of Things.  By Vittorio Miori, Dario Russo, Luca Ferrucci. Institute of Information Science and Technology “Alessandro Faedo” ISTI, Rome, Italy. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal – ASTES, 29 July 2018

Denmark leads the world in digital government. By Chia Jie Lin. GovInsider 23 Jul 2018

United Nations E-Government Survey 2018. Gearing E-Government to Support Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York, 19 Jul 2018, pp 300

How to land a great job when you are over 50. By Julie Halpert. CNBS @Work, 19 July 2018

Suffolk Healthy Ageing Needs Assessment. By Nowreen Azim, Health and Care Programme Manager & Dr Jeptepkeny Ronoh, Consultant in Public Health Medicine. July 17 2018, pp 138

Stick retirement! Scientists who step back from full-time work can find plenty of ways to remain active in their research field. By Amber Dance, freelance writer in Los Angeles, California. Springer Nature, 17 July 2018

Online government services could change your life. But only if you have access to the internet. By Oren Pinsky, Project Coordinator, Internet for All, Latin America, World Economic Forum Geneva & Rafael Steinhauser, Senior Vice-President and President, Latin America, Qualcomm Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA. The World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, Geneva, Switzerland, 16 Jul 2018

Proceedings of the Open Round Table on the Future of Work. 5 February 2018. European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies. Brussels, 10 July 2018, pp 50

Get online savvy; How are seniors using their digital devices? Lifestyle – technology and the internet. Age Concern New Zealand, Jul 5, 2018

Ageing in an Unequal World: Shaping Environments for the 21st Century. 47th Annual Conference. British Society of Gerontology, The University of Manchester, 4 – 6 July 2018, pp 356

From Connected Learning to Connected Teaching: Editor’s Introduction. By Nicole Mirra, Associate Professor, Rutgers University. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, June 2018, 18(2), 200-202

Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future. Interim Report. Dr. Eric Topol, M.D., Professor, Chair, Technology Review Lead, Executive Vice-President of the Scripps Research Institute. Health Education England, Leeds, UK, June 2018, pp 48

A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2. Information Paper No. 51, June 2018, pp 146

Promoting adult learning in the workplace. Final report of the ET 2020 Working Group 2016 – 2018 on Adult Learning. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission, Jun 28, 2018, pp 58

‘Living labs’ bring old and young together to tap community expertise. TheJapanTimes, June 25 2018

Prioritization of Local Indicators for the Development of an Age-Friendly City: A Community Perspective. By Atiq Uz Zaman, School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Perth & Katharine Thornton, Centre for Urban Transitions, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. Urban Science, 21 June 2018

World Bank to Support Aged Care Project in Anhui. The World Bank, Press Release, June 19, 2018

EDEN 2018 Annual Conference. Proceedings. Edited by Airina Volungeviciene & András Szűcs. European Distance and E-Learning Network – EDEN, Genoa, Italy, 17-20 June 2018, pp 941

The Interplay between Active Ageing and Silver Economy – a QCA Analysis. By Igor Tkalec, Doctoral researcher. RESuME project, University of Luxembourg, 2018.06.18

Rethinking digital transformation of healthcare: The role of technology and institutions in service innovation. By Arto J. Wallin, M.Sc. (Econ.). Dissertation. Aalto University School of Science, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Helsinki, 15 June 2018, pp 139

Professionals in value co-creation through digital healthcare services. Doctoral Dissertation. By Katja Rantala. Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, 15.6.2018

The EU Silver Economy: market size, challenges and opport//urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-7454-1unities. By AAL Market Observatory, ActiveAdvice Project, Vienna, Austria, June 12, 2018

Healthy settings for older people are healthy settings for all: the experience of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. Division of Policy and Governance for Health and Well-being, WHO Regional Office for Europe & Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Jun 8, 2018, pp 90

Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion: Collaborations in Research and Policy (ROSEnet). COST Action Progress Review at 24 months. Leaders: Dr Kieran Walsh, Chair, Ireland & Prof Thomas Scharf, Vice Chair, United Kingdom. 05-06-2018, pp 41

Coming of Age Digitally. By G.C. Kane, D. Palmer, A.N. Phillips, D. Kiron, and N. Buckley, MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte Insights, June 5, 2018, pp 33

Inaugural Singapore Social Work Practice Research Conference 2018. Speech by Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Associate Professor, Senior Parliamentary Secretary. Singapore Government, Ministry of Social and Family Development, Jun 5, 2018

Japan’s Robot Revolution in Senior Care. Being cared for by robots is becoming the method of choice among elderly residents. By Thisanka Siripala. The Diplomat, June 01, 2018

Ageing Well in Wales. Ensuring Wales is a good place to grow older for Everyone. Impact and Reach Report. Foreword by Sarah Rochira, Older People’s Commissioner for Wales & Chair, Ageing Well in Wales. May 2018, pp 60

I am connected: new approaches to supporting people in later life get online. By James Richardson, Research Manager & Jemma Mouland, Senior Programme Manager – Innovation. Good Things Foundation, Centre for Ageing Better, London, May 31 2018, pp 58

Tapping Technology to Maximize the Longevity Dividend in Asia. Asian Development Bank, Metro Manila, Philippines. May 30, 2018, pp 42

Teaching digital literacy skills to the elderly using a social network with linear navigation: A case study in a rural area. By Diana Castilla, Cristina Botellaa, Ignacio Mirallesa, Juana Bretón-Lópeza, Andrea Maria Dragomir-Davisa, Irene Zaragozab, Azucena Garcia-Palacios. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. ResearchGate, 30 May 2018

2018 CLA Senior Living Trends White Paper  Finds Opportunities in Disruptors. By Mario McKenzie, Partner & Cathy Schweiger, Director. CliftonLarsonAllen Wealth Advisors LLP, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 5/30/2018, pp 12

The myth of an “ageing society”. By Dr. Andrew Scott, Professor of Economics, London Business School. The World Economic Forum, 29 May 2018

The Rise of the Silver Economy. Growing population of older adults has businesses scrambling to address challenges, opportunities with aging in the 21st century. By Sona Pai, Editorial Director. Georgetown Business, Alumni Magazine, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, May 29, 2018

Guidelines Towards Better Participation of Older Adults in Software Development Processes using a new SPIRAL Method and Participatory Approach. By Wiesław Kopeć, Radoslaw Nielek, Adam Wierzbicki, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw. CHASE’18 – 11th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 27, 2018, pp 8

e-State: How did Estonia Take the Lead in the Provision of e-Services. By Georgiy Dzhaniashvili, Lawyer. Ilyashev & Partners, 25.05.2018

The 2018 Ageing Report: Economic and Budgetary Projections for the EU Member States (2016-2070). European Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs, Institutional Paper 079, 25 May 2018, pp 406

A Definitive Guide to Healthy Aging (For Older Adults). By Marc Felgar. Lifehack, May 24, 2018

Protect the elderly: UK needs minister to CHAMPION pensioners. By Sarah O’Grady. Daily Express, May 23, 2018

Optimizing Health Related E-Services for the Wellness of Silver Digital Patients in Age-Friendly Smart Environments. By Marilena Ianculescu & Eleonora Tudora, National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, Romania. 17th International Conference on Informatics Economy, Education, Research & Business Technologies, Lasi, Romania. ResearchGate, May 23, 2018

The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Report on Health and Aging in Canada. Findings from Baseline Data Collection 2010-2015. Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), May 22, 2018, pp 210

Digital Transformation: What Is It? By Edmund Clark, CIO, Chief Digital Officer, and VP of Information Technology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota. EDUCAUSE, May 21, 2018

Nordea and DNA are piloting a new service to support senior citizens’ digital skills. Nordea Bank AB, 21.05.18

Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2018. European Commission, Brussels, 18 May 2018

National Platform, Developer Consortium, and Service Provider Community for Home-Based Digital Services for the Elderly. Business Finland, 18.05.2018

Smart Villages: Revitalising Rural Services. European Network for Rural Development – ENRD. EU Rural Review No 26, EC Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, May 17, 2018, pp 52

What The Service Economy Must Learn From Industry 4.0. By Ben Lamm, CommunityVoice, Founder/CEO Conversable, Austin, Texas. Forbes Dallas Business Council, May 15, 2018

The use of online banking by people over 60. By Ángel F. Villarejo-Ramos, Begoña Peral-Persal, Jorge Arenas-Gaitán, University of Seville. SCIENCE, May 11, 2018

Discourses of technology, ageing and participation. By Aysha Fleming, Claire Mason & Gillian Paxton. Palgrave Communications, May 8, 2018

 The Quadruple Helix-Based Innovation Model of Reference Sites for Active and Healthy Ageing in Europe: The Ageing@Coimbra Case Study. By João O. Malva et al. Frontiers in Medicine, 08 May 2018

Canadian Seniors Directory. Our mission is to facilitate information and provide valuable and trusted resources for the benefit of all seniors, older adults and their caregivers across Canada in their search of finding products and services related to enhancing the standard of living for Canadian seniors and elderly population.

A guide to programs and services for seniors in Ontario. Minister of Seniors Affairs, Ontario, Canada, May 8, 2018, pp 103

Seniors’ Guide to Services and Programs. Province of New Brunswick, Canada, May 2017, pp 55

Silver Economy Study: How to stimulate the economy by hundreds of millions of Euros per year. Report / Study. By Technopolis: Peter Varnai, Paul Simmonds,  Kristine Farla and Oxford Economics: Henry Worthington. European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology, 3 May 2018, pp 59

Long-term care: Early planning pays off. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Mayo Clinic, May 2, 2018

Diffusion of the Digital Health Self-Tracking Movement in Canada: Results of a National Survey. By Guy Paré, PhD; Chad Leaver, MSc, MBA; Claire Bourget, MBA. Journal of Medical Internet Research, JMIRF Publications, Vol 20, No 5 (2018), 2 May 2018

Why Hong Kong’s seniors are in favour of working in old age – they can’t survive any other way. By Su Xinqi. Ageing society, Hong Kong News, 01 May, 2018

The Silver economy: from a multisectoral approach to a growing phenomenon. By Jean-Dominique Seta, Portfolio Manager, CPR Asset Management, InvestmentEurope, 1 May 2018

This is Long-Term Care 2018. Ontario Long Term Care Association, April 2018, pp 16

Financing a Forward-Looking Internet for All. White Paper. World Economic Forum, April 2018, pp 34

Active Ageing in Europe: Adding Healthy Life to Years. By Giuseppe Liotta, Helena Canhao, Fabian Cenko, Rita Cutini, Ercole Vellone,Maddalena Illario, Przemyslaw Kardas, Andrea Poscia, Rute Dinis Sousa, Leonardo Palombi, and Maria Cristina Marazzi. Frontiers in Medicine, 2018 Apr 30

ACTIVE ageing strategy. Editors Marijana Bednaš and Alenka Kajzer. Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, April 29, 2018, pp 35

Japan: Promoting Inclusive Growth for an Ageing Society. By Gabriela Ramos and Juan Yermo, Rafał Kierzenkowski and Isabell Koske. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), April 2018, pp 52

Enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market; empowering citizens and building a healthier society. Commission Staff Working Document, Brussels, 25.4.2018, pp 61

How Estonia Is Harnessing The Power Of Data For An Aging Population. By William A. Haseltine, Contributor. Forbes, Apr 25, 2018

How A Swedish City Is Bridging The Gap Between Social And Healthcare For The Elderly. By Dr. William A. Haseltine, Chair and President, ACCESS Health International, Inc., New York, United States. Forbes, Apr 19, 2018

Active and Assisted Living Ecosystem for the Elderly. By Isabel Marcelino, Rosalía Laza, Patrício Domingues, Silvana Gómez-Meire, Florentino Fdez-Riverola and António Pereira. Sensors — Open Access Journal, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, April 17 2018

The 2018 Survey: The Future of Well-Being in a Tech-Saturated World. By Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie. School of Communications, Elon University, April 17, 2018

The silver economy in regional development in light of the concept of human-centred-development. By Grażyna Krzyminiewska, University of Economics and Business in Poznan. Proceedings of the 2018 VII International Scientific Conference Determinants of Regional Development, No 1, Pila 12-13 April 2018, ResearchGate, pp 160-169

The silver economy. Final report p://www.elon.edu/e-web/imagining/surveys/2018_survey/Digital_Life_And_Well-Being_Home.xhtml– Study. Corporate author(s): Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Oxford Economics, Technopolis, 2018-04-12, pp 59

The digital revolution: older people online and on-board? By Iwan Williams, Communities, Local Government and Wellbeing Lead, Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Cardiff. Digital Leaders, London, 11th April 2018

How Technology Is Changing the Future of Libraries. By Chloe Wenborn. Library Services, Wiley, April 11, 2018

Senior Citizen Guidebook 2018. Home Instead Senior Care, Ireland, Apr 7, 2018, pp 180

2018 Memorandum. By Tomaž Banovec et. al. Slovene Federation of Pensioners’ Associations, 5. 4. 2018, pp 24

Measuring the Digital Economy. Policy Papers, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C., April 5, 2018, pp 48

Growing Pains: Is Latin America Prepared for Population Aging? By IMF staff team led by Lorenzo Figliuoli. International Monetary Fund, Western Hemisphere Department, April 5, 2018, pp 193

Aging Populations Will Challenge Healthcare Systems All Over The World. By Dr. William A. Haseltine, Chair and President, ACCESS Health International, Inc., New York, United States. Forbes, Apr 2, 2018

Japan: Promoting Inclusive Growth for an Ageing Society. OECD, Better Policies Series, April 1 2018, pp 52

Forum on Lifelong Participation through Digital Technology: A summary Report. By Dr. Claire Mason, Senior Social Scientist; Shanae Burns, Research Technician; Elinor Bester, Decision Sciences Coordinator; Emma Dawson, Executive Director; Myfan Jordan. CSIRO, Australia, March 2018, pp 10

The Wisdom of Older Technology (Non)Users. By Bran Knowles, Vicki L. Hanson. Communications of the ACM, March 2018, Vol. 61 No. 3, Pages 72-77

What 7-Eleven Can Teach Us about Aging in Community. By Dr. Robyn Stone, Director of Research, Global Ageing Network. 29th March 2018

Study on Cross-Border Cooperation in Healthcare. Capitalising on existing initiatives for cooperation in cross-border regions. Cross-border.Care. Final report. By GOE FP: Julia Bobek, Andrea E. Schmidt. Isabella Röhrling, Johann Seethaler, Alexandra Feichter, Katharina Habimana, Brigitte Piso, Florian Bachner & Maastricht University: Elina Miteniece, Wim Groot, Milena Pavlova. European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, Directorate B— Health systems, medical products and innovation, Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency Health Programme, Mar 27 2018, pp 301

The longevity dividend: Work in an era of 100-year lives. 2018 Global Human Capital Trends. By Dimple Agarwal, Josh Bersin, Gaurav Lahiri, Jeff Schwartz, Erica Volini. Deloitte Insights, March 28, 2018

Supporting Digital Literacy Among Older People. Briefing Paper 5. Age Action Policy Team, Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Ireland, March 23 2018, pp 6

eSchools Collaboration in the eRegion, Conclusions and Recommendations. Conference – Celje, Slovenia. March 21-22, 2018

The suddenly hot job market for workers over 50. By Julie Halpert. @Work, CNBC.com, 20 March 2018

California Department of Aging Sacramento, CA, USA program & services, Mar 20, 2018

Internet-of-Things and Smart Homes for Elderly Healthcare: An End User Perspective. By Debajyoti Pal, Suree Funilkul, Nipon Charoenkitkarn and Prasert Kanthamanon, School of Information Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand. IEEE Access, Special Section on Human-Centered Smart Systems and Technologies, March 15, 2018, pp 14

Developing UNESCO’s Internet Universality Indicators: Help UNESCO to Assess and Improve the Internet, 15 March 2018, pp 33

The age of the universal bank is yet to come. Digitization is sparing nothing and no one, and banking is no exception. Are the banks keeping up with all the changes? Interview with Andreas Kubli, Head of Multichannel Management & Digitization at UBS Switzerland AG. By Pascal Hügli, business editor for financialmedia Ltd. UBS, 14 Mar 2018

Why some older people are rejecting digital technologies. March 12, 2018, Lancaster University

EU industrial policy strategy: Council adopts conclusions. The Council of the European Union, 12/03/2018

Variations in the adoption and willingness to use e-services in three differentiated urban areas. By Tommi Inkinen, Maria Merisalo & Teemu Makkonen. European Planning Studies, 11 Mar 2018

Are you underestimating prototyping for digital services? By Paul Boag. Econsultancy, London, March 9th 2018

We Are Aware Society is Ageing, Yet We Do Nothing. By Radoslaw Antczak, EmergingEurope, March 8, 2018

Regulating the Sharing Economy: new wine in old bottles. By Michael Kende, Senior Adviser, Consulting. Analysys Mason, 6 March 2018

Codeine and the inter-connectedness of rural and remote vulnerability. By Mark Diamond, CEO, National Rural Health Alliance. Partyline, online magazine of the National Rural Health Alliance Australia, 5 Mar 2018

Healthy Active Aging Guide 2018. City of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, February 2018, pp 32

Social capital and Internet use in an age-comparative perspective with a focus on later life. By Barbara Barbosa Neves, Jaime R. S. Fonseca, Fausto Amaro, Adriano Pasqualotti. PLOS ONE, February 26, 2018

Changing Landscape™ Report: The intrinsic value of libraries as public spaces. Civica, Melbourne, 26 February 2018, pp 24

Silver to Gold. The Business of Aging. By Paul Irving, Chairman with Rita Beamish and Arielle Burstein. Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging, Santa Monica, CA, USA, Feb 22, 2018, pp 104

Social research and co-production with older people: Developing age-friendly communities. By Tine Buffel, School of Social Sciences, Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA), The University of Manchester, UK. Elsevier, Journal of Aging Studies, Volume 44, Pages 52-60. ResearchGate, 2018 Feb 20

Why people participate in the sharing economy: an empirical investigation of Uber. By Zach W.Y. Lee et al. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, United Kingdom, 18 February 2018

The future of education and skills. Education 2030. OECD 16 February 2018, pp 23

Silver Economy -Turning the Silver Tsunami into a Silver Lining. By Tanja Rimpilä,  Project Manager. European Commission, European Social Fund, 16/02/2018

Assistance and Support of Primary Caregivers through an eService Platform. By Claudia I. Martínez-Alcalá, José A. Ramírez-Salvador, Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, Brenda Jiménez-Rodríguez. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management, 2018, 3(1), 09, Feb 13, 2018

A Lifetime of Making Art, but New to Selling It Online. By Amy Zipkin, Freelance Writer and Journalist. Retiring, The New York Times, Feb. 9, 2018

Digital natives will get old, too. Why we need to start designing technology that older people can use. By Kai Stinchcombe. Politico Magazine, 2/7/2018

Why are digital skills critical for older persons? Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD), Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), United Nations Secretariat, 2 February 2018

Accelerate to a trusted Digital Single Market. PwC, DigitalEurope, February 1 2018, pp 44

Digitalisation as a tool for sustainable Nordic regional development. Preliminary literature and policy review. Discussion paper prepared for Nordic thematic group for innovative and resilient regions. By Linda Randall, Anna Berlina, Jukka Teräs & Tuulia Rinne, Research Fellows at Nordregio, Stockholm, January 2018, pp 33

Digital Agenda 2020 for Estonia. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Jan 30, 2018, pp 42

Age-friendly environments in Europe. A handbook of domains for policy action. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan 20, 2018, pp 160

A Manifesto for the Age-Friendly Movement: Developing a New Urban Agenda. By Tine Buffel & Chris Phillipson. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 30:2, 173-192, 24 Jan 2018

‘Dementia towns’: how Japan is evolving for its ageing population. By Justin McCurry. The Guardian, 15 Jan 2018

How Seniors Can Benefit from the Digital Age. Courville Communities, January 11, 2018

Open Innovation: Research, Practices, and Policies. By Marcel Bogers, University of Copenhagen; Henry Chesbrough, University of California, Berkeley; Carlos Moedas European Commission. SAGE journals, January 10, 2018

The 2018 Guide to Best Technology Resources and Tools for Seniors. Institute on Aging (IOA) CONNECT

New Senior Advisor on Aging Selected for Colorado. State of Colorado, USA, Jan 10, 2018

Optimizing Current Practices in E-Services and Mobile Applications. Edited by Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi. IGI Global, USA, 5 Jan 2018, pp 366

Elderly Care in Sweden: A challenge for our future. Sweden, 4 January 2018

Perspectives on a Dutch social policy towards lifecycle-robust neighbourhoods. Doctoral Dissertation. By Susan van Hees. Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI), Department of Health Services Research, Maastricht University. Academia, Dec 19, 2017

Age-Friendly Communities Matter for Older People’s Well-Being. By Anna P. Nieboer & Jane M. Cramm, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Journal of Happiness Studies, Volume 19, Issue 8, pp 2405–2420, Springer Link, Oct 20, 2017

Towards Age-Friendly Built Environment. By Reshma Shrestha, Alpana Sivam, Sadasivam Karuppa, University of South Australia. AGen 2017: The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology, Kobe, Japan, Jun 8 – 11, 2017

We have built a digital society and so can you. E-estonia

How to use e-services. City of Helsinki.

Senior Citizens’ Services Coordinating Council

Council On Aging. Town of Winthrop, MA, United States

Understanding the Quality of Life of Seniors. National Council of Social Service Singapore, 2017, pp 27

2018 Ageing Report: Underlying Assumptions & Projection Methodologies. European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Economy Institutional Paper 065, November 2017, pp 240

Designing Technology for Caregivers: Understanding What Works and Doesn’t. Project Catalist, the power of we. AARP, Real Possibilities, November 2017, pp 34

Digital Inclusion Manifesto. The 20/20 Trust, Wellington, New Zealand, Aug 28, 2017, pp 8

Milton Keynes Older Persons’ Strategy 2017 – 2018. Health and Wellbeing Board. Milton Keynes Council, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, April 2017, pp 6

e-Administration and the e-inclusion of the elderly. By M Viñarás-Abad, L Abad-Alcalá, C Llorente-Barroso, M Sánchez-Valle, M Pretel-Jiménez, Universidad CEU San Pablo, España. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 72, pp. 197 – 219, Feb 23, 2017

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