Network of eCollaborating Retired eAcademics

Network of eCollaborating Retired eAcademics

Network of eCollaborating Retired eAcademics: A Brick of the Networking Associations


Accelerated actions are needed in an aging society and digitization
Retired Academics Using Information Technology (IT)
The Purpose
Collaboration in problem solving can be challenging
Inportance of using Artificle Intelligence (AI) tools
Namen (Slovene)
Founding Members
Supporting Members

Accelerated actions are needed in an aging society and digitization

The combination of an aging society and digitization is creating new challenges and opportunities for individuals, businesses, and governments around the world. Accelerated actions are needed to address these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities.

Firstly, an aging society means that there is a growing population of older adults who may require additional healthcare services, social support, and financial resources. Digitization can help address some of these challenges by providing new ways for older adults to access healthcare services, connect with friends and family, and manage their finances. However, there are still many older adults who may not have the necessary digital skills or access to technology to benefit from these innovations.

Secondly, digitization is also transforming the way we work and do business. Automation and artificial intelligence are changing the nature of work and creating new opportunities for innovation and growth. However, this also means that workers need to acquire new skills and adapt to new ways of working. Older workers, in particular, may need additional support and training to keep up with these changes.

Accelerated actions are needed to ensure that older adults are not left behind in the digital age and that the workforce is prepared for the changing demands of the economy. This includes investing in digital infrastructure, providing digital skills training and support for older adults, and developing policies that support the needs of an aging population. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have a role to play in this process, and the sooner we start taking action, the better prepared we will be for the future.

Retired Academics Using Information Technology (IT)

Retired academics can use information technology (IT) in a variety of ways to stay connected, informed, and engaged with their field of study and the broader academic community. Here are some examples:

Online research: Retired academics can use online databases and search engines to conduct research on topics of interest. They can access academic journals and other scholarly publications to keep up with the latest research in their field.

Social media: Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn provide retired academics with a way to connect with colleagues and stay informed about conferences, events, and other academic opportunities. They can also use social media to share their own research and ideas with others.

Online teaching: Some retired academics may choose to continue teaching online courses or tutoring students remotely. Online teaching platforms such as Zoom, Moodle, and Blackboard make it easy to create and deliver online courses and interact with students.

Writing and publishing: Retired academics can use word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs to write and publish articles, books, and other scholarly works. They can also use online publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing to distribute their work to a wider audience.

Online learning: Retired academics can continue to learn and expand their knowledge by taking online courses and attending webinars and online conferences. Many universities and academic organizations offer online learning opportunities for lifelong learners.

Information technology provides retired academics with a wide range of tools and resources to stay engaged with their field and continue to contribute to the academic community.

University IT Resources Availability to Retired Academics

Retired professors may need to access university IT resources for a variety of reasons, including:

Access to research databases: Universities often subscribe to expensive research databases that are not freely available to the public. Retired professors may need access to these databases to continue their research or stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field.

Library resources: University libraries often have extensive collections of books, journals, and other materials that retired professors may need for their research or personal reading.

Collaboration with colleagues: Retired professors may still collaborate with their former colleagues or students on research projects, and university IT resources can facilitate this collaboration through online communication tools, shared file storage, and other collaboration software.

Continuing education: Retired professors may want to take advantage of continuing education opportunities offered by the university, such as online courses or workshops, to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date.

Availability of IT support: Information technology is developing and expanding fast. Retired professors do need professional IT support when needed to keep-up with new applications.

Administrative tasks: Retired professors may need to access university IT resources for administrative tasks such as managing their retirement benefits, updating their contact information, or accessing online forms and documents.

The Purpose

The website Network of eCollaborating Retired eAcademics was established by the founding members organized within the Professors Emeriti Network on November 16, 2022. The ideas developed in bimonthly Zoom meetings for two years after its founding on October 5, 2020.

Retired eAcademics are the individuals who are extensively using institution’s (university’s) eTechnologies also after retirement. By doing so, they are enabled to keep learning from others and share best practices. In recent decades, life expectancy has risen steadily by ten years in developed countries. Internet based eTechnologies are providing new possibilities for supporting active aging in the emerging Silver Economy.

In the seniors 55+ related networks in which we are involved in the eRegion in recent years, we have been faced with questions about how to speed up and facilitate the use of eTechnologies in accordance with the needs, wishes, and possibilities of the seniors (seniors centricity, a part of the customer centricity). These are the following networks:

Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy
Professors Emeriti Network
eSeniors 55+ Network
Seniors eLearning & eEducation
Central European Seniors 55+ eServices Guide. For the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+
Active Aging Networks

The following reports have been delivered:

Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper (2022)
Minister of Seniors Appointment. Position Paper (2021)

The needs and possibilities seem to be rather clear. They call to actions. There are numerous tasks that arise in a digitized society in which it should be ensured that seniors are not disadvantaged in the benefits that the use of eTechnology brings. It is necessary to ensure that seniors have eTechnologies at their disposal, that they know how to use them and that they can make sure how useful they are for them, for their families, their friends, and the society. These are big opportunities, many organizations and individuals are not able yet to take advantage of, however.

When it comes to retirees from higher education institutions who want to continue using their email accounts, it is necessary that these institutions provide the possibility of using their information technology and appropriate ongoing training even after retirement. It’s about age-friendliness of the institutions in which eAcademics have spent most of their active lives.

We are inviting to eCollaboration with similar existing and emerging networks/associations around the world with the objectives to learn from them and pass on good practices to them. To support an accelerated networking, we propose external interlinking of seniors associations’ and networks’ websites.

The retired eAcademics as individuals, or representatives of relevant networks/associations having interest in digital collaboration are invited to join the Supporting Members group of this network. They are invited to email their coordinates to be published at the website to We look forward to possible joint actions.

Collaboration in problem solving can be challenging

Collaborators often come from different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise, which can lead to varying viewpoints and approaches to problem solving. These differences can sometimes result in conflicts or difficulties in finding common ground.

Effective communication is essential for successful collaboration, but miscommunication or lack of clear communication can hinder the problem-solving process. Different communication styles, language barriers, or poor listening skills can all contribute to misunderstandings or misinterpretations, leading to difficulties in collaboration.

Collaborators may have different goals, priorities, and motivations, which can impact the problem-solving process. Conflicting interests or competing agendas may result in difficulties in aligning efforts and making collective decisions.

Power imbalances or hierarchical structures within a collaborative group can influence the problem-solving process. Unequal distribution of authority or decision-making can hinder open and honest communication, and lead to challenges in achieving a truly collaborative problem-solving approach.

Constraints in terms of time, budget, or other resources can impact collaboration in problem solving. Limited resources may lead to conflicts over resource allocation, or difficulties in implementing solutions due to resource constraints.

Trust is crucial for effective collaboration. Lack of trust among collaborators can hinder open communication, knowledge sharing, and willingness to work together towards a common goal, resulting in difficulties in problem solving.

Collaborative problem solving involves working with a group of individuals, and group dynamics can sometimes pose challenges. Issues such as uneven participation, dominant personalities, or conflicting interpersonal dynamics can all impact the collaborative problem-solving process.

Problem solving often requires change, and resistance to change can hinder collaboration. People may be resistant to letting go of existing practices, ideas, or solutions, which can create challenges in adopting new approaches or solutions through collaborative efforts.

Inportance of using Artificle Intelligence (AI) tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be highly beneficial for retired academics in several ways:

Retired academics have a wealth of knowledge and expertise accumulated over their careers. AI can provide them with opportunities to further expand their knowledge base by exploring new areas of research, accessing vast amounts of data, and discovering emerging trends in their field of interest. AI-powered platforms and tools can help retired academics stay up-to-date with the latest developments, enabling them to continue learning and engaging with their academic interests.

AI platforms can facilitate mentorship and collaboration among retired academics and younger researchers or students. Retired academics can share their wisdom, guidance, and experience through online platforms, virtual classrooms, or even AI-powered tutoring systems. By leveraging AI, retired academics can connect with individuals across the globe, fostering intellectual exchange and offering valuable insights to the next generation of scholars.

AI can assist retired academics in their research endeavors. AI algorithms can efficiently analyze large volumes of data, identify patterns, and provide valuable insights, thereby accelerating the research process. Retired academics can leverage AI tools for data mining, literature reviews, automated citation management, and even writing assistance, making their research efforts more efficient and productive.

Retirement does not mark the end of intellectual growth. AI-powered educational platforms offer retired academics access to online courses, virtual lectures, and interactive learning experiences. They can delve into new disciplines, explore interdisciplinary connections, or acquire new skills through AI-guided learning pathways. These opportunities for lifelong learning can help retired academics stay intellectually stimulated and continue their personal growth.

Retirement can sometimes lead to a sense of isolation from academic communities. AI can bridge this gap by facilitating online forums, discussion platforms, and virtual conferences. Retired academics can engage in meaningful discussions, contribute to scholarly debates, and connect with peers worldwide, fostering a sense of belonging and intellectual camaraderie.

Retired academics often possess unique insights, experiences, and knowledge that are valuable for future generations. AI technologies can help in preserving and disseminating their intellectual legacy. Retired academics can document their research findings, personal memoirs, or scholarly contributions using AI-powered tools like speech-to-text transcription, natural language processing, and content management systems. By doing so, they can ensure that their work continues to inspire and educate others even after retirement.

By embracing interdisciplinarity, AI researchers and practitioners can leverage diverse perspectives, knowledge, and expertise to develop more powerful, reliable, ethical, and socially beneficial AI systems. It allows for a comprehensive understanding of the complex challenges and opportunities AI presents, enabling us to shape its development and deployment in a responsible and inclusive manner.

Omrežje e-sodelujočih upokojenih e-akademikov

Skupina ustanovnih članov je v okviru Omrežja zaslužnih profesorjev (Professors Emeriti Network) 16. novembra 2022 vzpostavila spletno stran Omrežje e-sodelujočih upokojenih e-akademikov (Network of eCollaborating Retired eAcademics). Ideje so se oblikovale na dvomesečnih Zoom sestankih v času dveh let od ustanovitve 5. oktobra 2020.

Upokojeni e-akademiki so posamezniki, ki veliko uporabljajo e-tehnologije svoje institucije (univerze) tudi po upokojitvi. S tem jim je omogočeno, da se učijo od drugih in delijo najboljše prakse. V zadnjih desetletjih se je pričakovana življenjska doba v razvitih državah podaljša za deset let. Na internetu zasnovane ((Internet based) e-tehnologije zagotavljajo nove možnosti za podpiranje aktivnega staranja (active aging) v nastajajoči srebrni ekonomiji (Silver Economy).

V omrežjih, ki so povezana s seniorji 55+, v katera smo vključeni v e-regiji (eRegion), se zadnja leta srečujemo z vprašanji, kako pospešiti in olajšati uporabo e-tehnologij skladno s potrebami, željami in možnostmi seniorjev. Gre za osredotočenost na seniorje kot del osredotočenosti na kupce (customer centricity). To so naslednja omrežja:

Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy
Professors Emeriti Network
eSeniors 55+ Network
Seniors eLearning & eEducation
Central European Seniors 55+ eServices Guide. For the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+
Active Aging Networks

V teh omrežjih so nastala naslednja poročila:

Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper (2022)
Minister of Seniors Appointment. Position Paper (2021)

Zdi se, da so potrebe in možnosti precej jasne. Pozivajo k dejanjem. V digitalizirani družbi se pojavljajo številne naloge, pri katerih je treba zagotoviti, da seniorji ne bodo prikrajšani glede koristi, ki jih prinaša uporaba e-tehnologij. Seniorjem je treba zagotoviti, da imajo e-tehnologije na voljo, da jih znajo uporabljati in se lahko prepričajo, kako koristne so zanje, za njihove družine, prijatelje in družbo. To so velike priložnosti, ki pa jih številne organizacije in posamezniki še ne znajo izkoristiti.

Ko gre za upokojence visokošolskih ustanov, ki želijo še naprej uporabljati svoj e-poštni nabiralnik, je nujno, da te ustanove zagotovijo možnost uporabe svoje informacijske tehnologije in ustreznega stalnega usposabljanja tudi po upokojitvi. Gre za prijaznost do starosti (age-friendliness) ustanov, v katerih so e-akademiki preživeli večino svojega aktivnega življenja.

K e-sodelovanju vabimo podobna obstoječa in nastajajoča omrežja/združenja po vsem svetu s ciljem, da se od njih učimo in jim posredujemo dobre prakse. Za podporo pospešenemu e-sodelovanju (networking) predlagamo zunanje povezovanje spletnih strani (external websites interlinking) zvez in omrežij seniorjev.

Upokojeni e-akademiki kot posamezniki ali predstavniki ustreznih omrežij/združenj, ki jih zanima digitalno sodelovanje (digital collaboration), so vabljeni, da se pridružijo skupini podpornih članov tega omrežja. Vabljeni so, da svoje podatke za objavo na spletni strani sporočijo na Veselimo se morebitnih skupnih akcij.

Founding Members

Dr. Kathryn L. Braun, Professor of Public Health and Social Work, Barbara Cox Anthony Endowed Chair on Aging
Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, United States of America
President, Active Aging Consortium in Asia Pacific – ACAP, Editor, ACAP Bimonthly Bulletins

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Past General Secretary & Chair, Ethics Group, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE
General Secretary of Italian Committee of EAPE
Member, Professors Emeriti Network

George Christodoulou, Professor Emeritus
University of Athens Medical School, Greece
President Elect, European Association of Professors Emeriti
President, Society Preventive Psychiatry
Member, Professors Emeriti Network

Dr. Lucija Čok, Professor Emerita, Scientific Counselor
Former Rector, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
International Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (ICES)

Dr. Fred Fletcher, Professor Emeritus
Political Science and Communication Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada
Chairperson, Communications Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

Dr. Anna Grabowska, Head, Autodesk Academic Partner and Academy of Third Age
Founder of the Distance Education Centre at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Founding Member, Association of Academic E-learning, Advisor U3A online, Member, Steering Committee of U3A Communities

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor EmeritusUniversity of Maribor, Slovenia
Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network
Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network

Dr. An Hermans, Professor Emerita
Catholic University Leuven, Belgium
President, European Seniors’ Union – ESU, Brussels
Expert on Media and Information Literacy and Seniors, Council of Europe

Dr. Ana Krajnc, Professor Emerita
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
President, Slovenian Third Age Universities Network

Edmond Pajk, M.Sc., Deputy Director-General & Chief Information Officer
Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia

Dr. Bernhard Schrefler, Professor Emeritus
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua, Italy

Dr. Doug Vogel, Professor of Information Systems & eHealth Research Institute Director
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Fellow and Past-President, Association for Information Systems – AIS
Member, Cross-border eCollaboration Consortium
Fellow, Australian Institute of Digital Health – AIDH, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in association with the University of the Third Age

Supporting Members

Dr. John Brennan, Professor Emeritus
Open University, United Kingdom
Visiting Professor, University of Bath, United Kingdom

Dr. Shelley Canning RN, Associate Professor, Nursing
Director, Centre for Education & Research on Ageing, University of the Fraser Valley, Canada
President, Gerontological Nurses’ Association of British Columbia

Dr. Boris Cizelj, Professor
DOBA Business School Maribor, Slovenia
Advisor, Slovenian Innovation Hub, European Economic Interest Grouping

Dr. Marco De Marco, Professor of Organization and Information Systems & Dean
Faculty of Economics, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Rome, Italy
Association for Information Systems – AIS Technology Challenge Award Winner (2020)

Dr. Peter Glavič, Professor Emeritus
University of Maribor, Slovenia
Head, University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers
Contact person: Active Aging Networks

Mag. Primož Gričar, Senior Lecturer
MLC Management and Law College Ljubljana, Slovenia
Development Director, Sapphir d.o.o. Ljubljana
& Project Manager, Information System SAP S/4HANA, University of Ljubljana

Dr. André Lapierre, FRSC, O.Ont, Professor Emeritus
Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa, Canada
Member, College of Fellows of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society
Member, Board of Directors and Associate Editor of the Newsletter, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

Dr. Andre Lemieux, Professor
Department of Education and Pedagogy, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada
University Third Age Institute of Montréal

Robert A. Stebbins, Professor Emeritus
Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, Canada

Dr. Michel Tousignant, Associate Professor
Department of Psychology, University of Quebec in Montreal – UQAM, Canada

Dr. David Zitner, Professor, Retired Family Physician
Founding Director, Medical Informatics, Dalhousie University, Canada
Chairperson, Health Care Policy Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

To be updated


Silver Economy According to the New Circular Model of Economy. Professors Emeriti Luigi Campanella and Jože Gričar. Network of eCollaborating Retired eAcademics, December 30, 2022.
pdf Silver Economy & Circular Economy Campanella Gricar December 2022

Interlinking Silver Economy Websites. Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor. Professors Emeriti Network, November 16, 2022.
pdf Interlinking Websites Joze Gricar November 16 2022

Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper. The Follow-up Actions. Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome. Professors Emeriti Network, October 2022.
pdf Global Network Follow-up Actions Luigi Campanella October 2022

Entering the next chapter: the value of university retiree associations. Members benefit from social and intellectual engagement as well as important information to guide a successful retirement. Dr. Fred Fletcher, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Communications Studies, York University, Toronto & Chairperson, Communications Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC. Academic for Life, University Affairs (UA) online Magazine, OCT 27 2022.

From dual digitalization to digital learning space: Exploring the digital transformation of higher education. Bendik Bygstad, Egil Øvrelid, Sten Ludvigsen, Morten Dæhlen, University of Oslo, Norway. Computers & Education, Volume 182. Elsevier, Science Direct, June 2022.

In a society of longevity, seniors are more than a “silver economy”Anne-Marie Guillemard, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Université de Paris-Cité. Interview by Richard Robert, Polytechnique Insights, Paris, June 29th, 2022.

ICT4 Elderly Handbook – A toolkit that helps trainers and students working on digital skills for the elderly. Matteo Mirigliano. European Commission, Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, WikiBooks, 17 June 2022.

Including the elderly in our digital society. Dr. Ulli Samuelsson, Assistant Professor & Associate Dean, Education, School of Education and Communication and Sofi Fristedt, Associate Professor & Director, Jönköping Academy, School of Health and Welfare. Jönköping University, Sweden, 2022-06-09.

The Digital Era? Also my Era! Media and information literacy: a key to ensure seniors’ rights to participate in the digital era. Dr. An Hermans, Professor Emerita, KU Leuven, Belgium & President, European Seniors’ Union (ESU). Information Society Department, Council of Europe, May 2022: 44.

Retired Professors Entitlements for Access to University IT: Universities Policy. Report. By Jože Gričar. Professors Emeriti Ethical and Legal Aspect Group, Professors Emeriti Network, March 2022: 24.
pdf Retired professors entitlements for access to university IT March 2022

Addressing the Senior Digital Divide: Evaluating the Technology, Access and Support for Seniors (TASS) Project. A Community‐Academic Partnership. Noor Din, CEO, Human Endeavour & Lois Kamenitz, PhD, York Centre for Asian Research; Larry Lam, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology; Nancy Mandell, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ben Zhang, BA, Department of Sociology, York University. Human Endeavour, Jan 12, 2022: 44.

The eRegion portal is powered by SRC d.o.o. Ljubljana


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