The group members from around the region, particularly those working within the higher education field will assess the state of eEducation and eLearning in their respective countries. Two aspects of using eTechnologies in the important processes require the effort envisioned. The major focus of the network (think tank) University eLearning & eEducation Group is eCollaboration for idea sharing and best practice exchange in the eRegion . In an eEnvironment recognizing no borders. The group is open to individuals and networks having similar interests.
Knowledge sharing and best practices exchange
Group Coordinators
Fulbright eMonument
What are the most important opportunities for eLearning and eEducation?
University eLearning & eEducation: Slovenia USAlumni Group
University eLearning & eEducation: eTechnologies Group
University eLearning & eEducation: Fulbright Scholar Award USA Recipients to Study in Slovenia Group
University eLearning & eEducation: Active Aging Faculty Coordinators, University of Maribor Group
Links to Networks
Knowledge sharing and best practices exchange
In the group, we want to take advantage of the wealth of possible eConnections. Therefore, we kindly invite the group members to share the latest insights on the opportunities that eLearning and eEducation bring to the society.
The one-page contribution (up to 400 words) will be published next to the name of the author in the members list. As well as at the end of the website chronologically.
In the text, the authors are expected to provide links to relevant websites of publications or events in order to deepen the insights in the message.
By doing so, the group will contribute to knowledge sharing and best practices exchange. We will demonstrate, that we walk what we talk.
Group Coordinators
Dr. Lučka Lorber, Associate Professor,
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus,
University of Maribor, Slovenia
The initiative was launched on May 29, 2020.
Logo Design: Primož Urgl, Ljubljana,
Fulbright eMonument
The 50th anniversary of the Fulbright Scholarship: US Postal Service February 28, 1996 32c
Today, on the 4th of July, 2020, we, the Fulbrighters eCollaborating in the University eLearning & eEducation Group are establishing this Fulbright eMonument. By doing so, we are recognizing the vision of the US senator J. William Fulbright (1905 – 1995) (President Truman Law on August 1, 1946). He was elected to the United States House of Representatives from Arkansas in 1942 for the first time. In the Senate, he spent three decades (1945 – 1974).
His efforts to establish an international exchange program eventually resulted in the creation of a fellowship program, which bears his name, the Fulbright Program. His commitment to international cultural understanding lives on in the spirit and legacy of the Fulbright Program and its alumni.
Before arriving in Washington, Fulbright had already served as president of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville from 1939 to 1941. He was the youngest college president in the nation. Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences is the largest and most diverse academic unit on campus with 19 departments and more than 30 academic programs and research centers.
Led by the United States government in partnership with more than 160 countries worldwide, the Fulbright Program offers international educational and cultural exchange programs for passionate and accomplished students, scholars, artists, teachers, and professionals of all backgrounds to study, teach, or pursue important research and professional projects. We are expressing our gratitude to the Fulbright Program for the benefits obtained by the participation in the Program.
The University eLearning & eEducation Group focuses at an accelerated eCollaboration for idea sharing and best practice exchange in Central Europe which we understand as the cross-border eRegion. The group is open to the Fulbrighters who share an interest in reaping the benefits of using educational technology in learning and education processes. We are proposing that national Fulbright Alumni Associations (chapters, groups, clubs) interlink their websites in their respective cross-border e-regions.
Slovenia USAlumni Group
Fulbright Scholar Award Recipients in the USA to Study in Slovenia Group
University eLearning & eEducation Group
Links to National Fulbright Alumni Organizations
The Slovak Fulbright Alumni Association, Bratislava
Tomáš Cár, Chairman
What are the most important opportunities
for eLearning and eEducation?
The Group Members have been asked to suggest five answers to the question, what are the most important opportunities for eLearning and eEducation? We received 29 responses from 10 countries (ten responses from USA, eight from Slovenia, two from Ireland, Croatia and Great Britain, individual responses from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Hungary and Portugal). They are presented in the attached document eLearning & eEducation responses July 2020.
Arranging the answers into seven groups and analysis overview were prepared by Dr. Lučka Lorber, Associate Professor of the University of Maribor. They are presented in the attached document eLearning & eEducation responses analysis July 2020. They shared their visions, thoughts and examples of good practice, which they developed and experiences at their institutions and in their environment. The majority opinion is that distance learning can successfully replace teaching at institutions in cases like, for instance Covid-19 pandemic. That it is affordable and in most cases independent of location. Participants presented different views and highlighted several aspects of concrete examples of the impact of eLearning and eEducation on social relations between teachers and students and to the environment. Interestingly, despite the geographical diversity of participants, there are no differences in perceptions of utility and basic approaches to eLearning and eEducation.
Based on better understanding the opportunities for eLearning and eEducation, the Group Members may contribute to exploiting these opportunities in the environments in which they operate. They are invited to propose the actions they plan to initiate or arrange for. Data collected on actions envisioned will be shared with the Group Members. Some common plans are expected to be discovered which may stimulate jointly coordinated cross-border actions.
The Coordinators
University eLearning & eEducation: Slovenia USAlumni Group
The Purpose of the Group
The University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers was established on November 13, 2019. Published are the Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Centre. At the first assembly on February 4, 2020, the members of the Centre endorsed the Age-Friendly University (AFU) principles and an action plan prepared by the Board. The Centre became an active member of Age-Friendly University Global Network on May 1, 2020.
The goal of the group is to collect USAlumni from around the region—particularly those working within the higher education field—to assess the state of virtual education and learning in their respective countries. The group will explore how different educational institutions have handled the distance-learning challenges presented by COVID-19 and how individual institutions and professors have handled these challenges. The group will reach out to colleagues and will hold virtual seminars and virtual lectures on establishing, maintaining, and improving eLearning and eEducation platforms in the eRegion.
The group members will be using videoconference software to conduct the meetings. The group will cooperate with the eTechnologies Group of the initiative. The cooperation of both groups will support the intergenerational and interdisciplinary knowledge and experience exchange.
Dear colleagues, we, the coordinators, believe that the eLearning and eEducation – two aspect of using eTechnologies in the important processes – require the effort envisioned. We are looking forward to the international eCollaboration and sharing good idea and best practice.
You are invited to join the groups!
USAlumni Group Members
Dr. Leonora Flis, Associate Professor, University Nova Gorica, Slovenia
& Assistant Professor of English and Literature and Language, University of Ljubljana &
Translator , Writer, and Literary Critic
August 2011 – June 2012: Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Visiting Scholar in English, Columbia University, New York
Dr. Peter Glavič, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
1979 – The Role of work experience in Higher Education, Fulbright Program. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, October 22 – November 11 & Visit to 10 universities, Chemical Engineering Departments: Minneapolis, Corvallis, Berkeley, Stanford, Caltech, Madison, Northwestern, Ann Arbour, MIT, Newark, November 11 – December 24
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
1991 – Fulbright Travel Grantee, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, autumn semester
2000 – U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of International Visitors, Washington, DC, Individual program (Washington DC, Baltimore, October 10-13, 2000)
2001 – U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of International Visitors, Washington, DC, Electronic Commerce and the U.S. Economy A Regional International Visitor Project for Europe (Washington DC, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Boston, January 29 – February 16, 2001)
Guest lecturer, Department of Information Systems, University of Denver (autumn semesters 1991-1993)
Dr. Dr. Klemen Jaklič, Professor, Judge
Constitutional Court, Republic of Slovenia
2002-03: Fulbright Scholar, Carr Center For Human Rights, Harvard Law School, Harvard University
Dr. Dušanka Janežič, Professor, University of Primorska
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
1994-95: Senior Fulbright Scholar, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič, Professor, University of Maribor
1982 – United States Information Agency – USIS, October
1988/89 – Fulbright Scholar, University of Yale, History, International studies, Pittsburgh & University of Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center, Minneapolis/St.Paul, September 1988 – June 1989
Dr. Lučka Lorber, Associate Professor & Former Vice Rector, University of Maribor
1996 – International Visitor Program – Professional qualification at higher institutions in USA. United States Information Agency(USIA). Visits to: American Council on Education, American Association of Community Colleges, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, United States Department of Education, The Institute for Higher Education Policy, The Library of Congress, National Digital Library, Washington; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; National Geographic Society, Washington; Vanderbilt University, Tennessee State University, Cumberland University, Tennessee; University of Texas, Austin Community College, Texas; University of Denver, Colorado; Grinnell College, Iowa; Bryn Mawr University, Philadelphia; Princeton University, New Jersey; UN – United Nations Development, New York
Dr. Arne Marjan Mavčič, Professor Emeritus, New University of Ljubljana
July 2001-February 2002: Fulbright Scholar (a research and co-teaching advanced constitutional law), Washington College of Law, American University, Washington D.C.
Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc, Editor-in-Chief
Časoris – Online Newspaper for Children. Published by Časoris, Information and Education Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
September 2001 – May 2002: Visiting Fulbright Scholar, University of Missouri, Columbia, School of Journalism
Dr. Irena Mrak, Associate Professor of Geography, College of Environmental Protection, Velenje
2012-13: Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Department of Geography, University of Montana
Dr. Irena Ograjenšek, Professor
Academic Unit for Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana
2000: Fulbright Scholar, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, Atlanta & John D. Hromi Center for Quality and Applied Statistics, Rochester Institute of Technology
Dr. Uroš Skalerič, Professor, School of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
1980-81: Fulbright Scholar, School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
1987-88: Fulbright Scholar, National Institute for Dental Research, Bethesda, Maryland
1989-90: Senior Fellow, National Institute for Dental Research, Bethesda, Maryland
Dr. Janko Slavič, Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Laboratory for Dynamics of Machines and Structures
2005-2006: Fulbright scholarship program, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Velimir Srića, Professor of Management and IT, University of Zagreb, School of Business and Economics
& Program Director, Delfin – Management Consulting, Zagreb
1975-76: Fulbright MBA Student, Columbia University, New York
Dr. Nada Šabec, Professor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department of English and American Studies
1983-84: Student Fulbright Grant, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Linguistics, Philadelphia
1984-85: Research Assistant at the Language Analysis Project, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
1987: Honorary Fellowship at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis & Visitng Professor at Cleveland State University, Cleveland
2004: Fulbright Scholar Grant, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Guest lecturer at University of Arizona, Tuscon (1987), University of Kansas, Lawrence (2004), Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (2019), Brigham Young University, Provo (2019)
Dr. Maja Turnšek, Associate Professor & Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor
2016 – WorldChicago’s Tech Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Education Fellowship Program, US Department of State’s Professional Fellows Program, April 28 – June 3, 2016.

Photo: Uroš Skalerič with the Senator Fulbright
A kot Amerika. Zbornik s prispevki članov SAZU, ki so poklicno ali študijsko sodelovali z ustanovami v ZDA. Urednik Uroš Skalerič. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, julij 2020, 226 str.
A as America. Proceedings containing selected texts by members of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts about their professional and study experiences with US institutions. Editor-in-chief Uroš Skalerič. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, July 2020, pp 226.
University eLearning & eEducation: eTechnologies Group
The Purpose of the Group
Technology in global education is a continuing topic of interest among educators, employers and society. Much has been tried going back over many years and much has been learned but much remains to be considered. Many issues remain in the face of change in technology and relevant stakeholders and new issues emerge.
Major trigger of the group creation is the experience of all of us in the corona virus period. Just within a few months, a shift has happened that we expected to come sometimes in the following years. Apparently, this “glacier” of change unexpectedly broke off a decade too soon. The valley that shone behind the new break will never be the same again. It will be much easier to cross and more friendly to people.
The group is gathering action minded individuals who are experienced in using eTechnologies in eLearning and eEducation processes. The idea is to create a “big picture” perspective of the issues and possible solutions related to the schools at all levels of education: primary and grammar school, college/university, and third age university.
In this effort, universities play a particular role since they are developing research and education areas. None of the existing areas alone can cover the whole issue, however. The universities are educating the educators; they have to be prepared for the new environment. Universities are large organizations developing their associates and keeping them developed up-to-date. It is additionally relevant for universities declaring themselves as age-friendly universities. In any aspect, the intensive use of eTechnologies is required. Learning how to use all new eTechnologies wisely is not an easy task for the learners, nor for the educators.
In website publications over recent months (Reference) it can be seen that serious problems are opening up for universities due to the transition of a large share of learning and education from the class to online mode. According to the articles, it depends on the university management whether they see the changes only as a problem, or also as an opportunity. It seems that the opportunities are probably very large, because we have all (pupils, students, professors, parents) discovered how useful eTechnologies can be.
The group represents people of different ages and different disciplines who use eTechnologies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning and education. In business, the emerging related position is Chief Digital Officer – CDO. It is expected that the group will include professors already teaching with intensive use of eTechnologies, as well as the representatives of organizational units of universities/faculties that organize the education of employed and retired associates. In the Corona Virus situation, it is essential that schools collaborate at all levels of education in the cross-border eRegion. The major focus of this network (think tank) is eCollaboration for idea sharing and best practice exchange. The group is open to individuals and networks having similar interests.
eTechnologies Group Members
Dr. Cene Bavec, Professor Emeritus, Informatics
University of Primorska, Slovenia
Dr. Franc Bračun, Assistant to the Management Board & Chief Data Officer
Nova Ljubljanska Banka – NLB d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia
& Executive Board Member, ai4si (AI for Slovenia)
Dr. Helena Canhão, Professor & Head
EpiDoC Unit, NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Dragan Čišić, Professor
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia
Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
& Member, Croatian Academy of Engineering
& Head, Rijeka Innovation LivingLab
Gregor Deleja, Principal
Gimnazija Celje – Center, Slovenia
Dr. Patricia A. Erjavec, President
Pueblo Community College, Colorado, USA
Dr. Zvonko Fazarinc, Inventor and Innovator
Former Senior Science Councillor to the Vice President, Research & Development, Hewlett Packard, USA
Former Consulting Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University
& American Slovenian Education Foundation – ASEF
Matt Glowatz, Assistant Professor, Academic Coordinator for International Students
Academic Director DBS/BBS Part-Time Programme, Management Information Systems, College of Business, University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Izidor Golob, Deputy Secretary General, CIO
Computer Centre, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Mag. Primož Gričar, Senior Lecturer
MLC Management and Law College Ljubljana, Slovenia
& Development Director, Sapphir d.o.o. Ljubljana
& Project Manager, Information System SAP S/4HANA, University of Ljubljana
Tom Holloway, Secretary-General
WorldU3A, International Internet and Web Service, Hyderabad, India & International Advisor for the Indian Society of U3As and the Steering Group Administrator
& Editor, U3A Signpost, the international monthly newsletter
Mag. Alenka Krapež, Principal
Gimnazija Vič Ljubljana, Slovenia
& Member, Commission for General Matura – Informatics, National Examinations Centre
Nevenka Lamut, Principal
Primary School Vižmarje-Brod, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Organizer, Annual Slovene Festival of animated films in the MS PowerPoint environment
Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Associate Professor Emerita, University of Calgary, Canada
Director, The Creative Arts/Integrative Therapies in Health Care Research Group (CAIT)
Program Co-Director, Emerita Association of the University of Calgary
and Chairperson, Laterlife Learning/Active Aging Ad Hoc Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada (CURAC)
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship
Dr. Roberta Maierhofer, Professor, Former Vice Rector for International Relations and Interdisciplinary Cooperation
Director, Center for Inter-American Studies, University of Graz, Austria
& Fulbright Austria Alumna and Board Member
Dr. Rahman Nurković, Professor
Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gyula Ocskay, General Secretary
Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary
& Head, European Institute of cross-border studies, Budapest
Christine O’Kelly, Age-Friendly Coordinator
Age-Friendly University Global Network, Dublin City University, Ireland
Mag. Edmond Pajk, Deputy Director-General & Chief Information Officer
Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia
Mag. Igor Podbrežnik, Managing Director
Library Medvode, Slovenia
Dr. Barbara Ratzenböck, Senior Scientist
Digitalization, Technology & Society Research Group, Center for Inter-American Studies, University of Graz, Austria
Dr. Richard M. Reis, Founder and Editor
Tomorrow’s Professor eNewsletter, a bi-weekly electronic publication
Higher Education Consultant in the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Research Liaison, Nanoscale Prototyping Laboratory, Stanford University, CA, USA
Dr. Zoran Stiperski, Professor
Department of Geography, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Dušan Šoltés, Professor & Director, e-Europe Research & Development Centre
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management, Slovakia
Dr. Paul Timmers, Independent entrepreneur, academic and advisor on technology, policy, economy & society at at iivii BV, Brussels, Belgium
Former Director European Commission for Digital Society, Trust & Cybersecurity
Research Associate in Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation, Oxford University
Visiting Professor, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Senior Advisor, European Policy Centre Brussels
Dr. Emil C. Toescu, MD, Deputy Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience
University of Pécs, Medical School, Hungary
& Associated Science Tutor, Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences Program (LANS), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Dr. Andrew Urbaczewski, Associate Professor
Department of Business Information and Analytics, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, USA
Paul Walton, Principal
British International School of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Nicole Weber, Assistant Vice President of Learning
Online Learning Consortium – OLC, Boston, MA, USA
& Director of Learning Technology, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
Dr. Richard Welke, Professor Emeritus, Director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute
Georgia State University, Computer Information Systems, USA
Dr. Jesús Valverde Berrocoso, Professor
Department of Education Sciences, Faculty of Teacher Training, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
Dr. Doug Vogel, Professor of Information Systems & eHealth Research Institute Director
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Fellow and Past-President, Association for Information Systems – AIS
University eLearning & eEducation: Fulbright Scholar Award Recipients in the USA to Study in Slovenia Group
Since its inception in 1946, more than 390,000 Fulbrighters have joined the Fulbright Program’s diverse and dynamic network of students, scholars, artists, teachers, and professionals. Well beyond the completion of their grants, this vast and talented alumni network continues to foster mutual understanding between the United States and partner nations, share knowledge across communities, and collaborate on projects that improve lives around the world. Read more at Fulbright Alumni.
Fulbright Scholar Award Recipients in the USA to Study in Slovenia Group Members
Dr. Stuart C. Aitken, Albert W. Johnson Distinguished Professor
Department of Geography, San Diego State University
Alumni Association Distinguished Faculty Member, June Burnett Endowed Chair
Director, Center for Research on Youth, Environment, Society and Space (YESS)
Fellow of Aemula Lauri, the Royal Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters,
Fellow of the American Association of Geographers
September 2013 – March 2014: Fulbright Research Scholar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Veronica E. Aplenc, Program Manager, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Division & Adjunct Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
2001-2002: Fulbright Scholar, University of Ljubljana Slovenia
Benjamin Barton, Helen and Charles Lockett Distinguished Professor of Law
College of Law, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2014-15: Fulbright Fellow, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Clyde H. Bentley, Associate Professor Emeritus
University of Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, MO
2019: Fulbright Specialist Fellowship, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Donathan L. Brown, Assistant Provost, Assistant Vice President and Associate Professor
Division of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Faculty Diversity and Recruitment, Rochester Institute of Technology
January – May 2017: Fulbright Fellow, Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Dr. Dom Caristi, Professor of Telecommunications & Fulbright Program Adviser
Ball State University, Muncie, IN
1995: Fulbright Fellow, College of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. James (Jay) Ebben, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
University of Saint Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
2011: Fulbright Scholar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. John Enyeart, Professor of History & History Department Chair
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
October 2018 March 2019: Fulbright Scholar, Department of History, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Carla Guerrón Montero, Associate Professor of Anthropology
University of v Delaware, Newark
& Associate Editor, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (JLACA)
2016: Fulbright Scholar, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana & Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Sarah J. Halvorson, Professor and Chair of Geography
W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana, Missoula
2016: Fulbright Scholar, the Environmental Protection College in Velenje and the Geological Survey of Slovenia
Dr. Mohan Krishnan, Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science Department
University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI
2020-21: Fulbright Scholar, Faculty of Electrical Engineering-Laboratory of Control Systems and Cybernetics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Eric Leake, Assistant Professor, English
Texas State University
September 2019 – January 2020: Fulbright Scholar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Jed Murr, Senior Lecturer
American & Ethnic Studies, MA in Cultural Studies Program, Affiliate Faculty: Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, Faculty Co-Coordinator: American & Ethnic Studies
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington Bothell
2021: Fulbright Fellow, Department of English, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Glenn Smith, Associate Professor
Instructional Technology Program, Department of Educational & Psychological Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
2018-2019: Fulbright Scholar, Computer Science Department and the College of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (web-based eBooks with games, social interaction & Natural Language processing)
Dr. Claire Strom, Rapetti-Trunzo Chair of History & Chair
Department of History, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL
2018: Fulbright Specialist Program, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Peter Verovšek, Assistant Professor in Politics/International Relations
Department of Politics & Int’l Relations, University of Sheffield, Elmfield, UK
2006-07: (Dartmouth College) Fulbright Scholar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
University eLearning & eEducation: Active Aging Faculty Coordinators, University of Maribor Group
The group of coordinators in the faculties of the University of Maribor (Active Aging Faculty Coordinators) is supporting intellectual and social cooperation in matters of common concern with the key goals, increasing the University’s excellence and reputation.
At the University of Maribor, the Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers was established on November 13, 2019. The Centre became an active member of the Age-Friendly University Global Network, AFU on May 1, 2020.
Active Aging Faculty Coordinators, University of Maribor Group Members
Mag. Iztok Bitenc, Lecturer
Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Dr. Boštjan Brumen, Associate Professor & Dean
Faculty of Tourism
Dr. Silvo Devetak, Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Law
Dr. Maja Fošner, Professor & Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs
Faculty of Logistics
Dr. Karl Gotlih, Associate Professor
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Aleš Gregorc, Professor & Vice Dean for Quality Assurance
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Dr. Milena Ivanuš Grmek, Professor & Dean
Faculty of Education
Dr. Željko Knez, Professor & Vice Dean for Research, Head, Laboratory of Separation Processes and Product Design
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Dr. Romana Korez Vide, Assistant Professor
Faculty of Economics and Business
Dr. Stojan Kravanja, Professor & Vice Dean for Science and Research, Head, Chair of Metalic Structures
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Vilma Alina Bezenšek, MSc, Secretary
Faculty of Arts
Dr. Marjan Mernik, Professor & Vice Dean of International Cooperation and Quality Development
Head, Programming methodologies laboratory – LPM, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
& Editor-In-Chief, Journal of Computer Languages
Dr. Dušanka Mičetić Turk, Professor & Head of the Chair for Paediatrics
Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Mitja Slavinec, Associate Professor & Dean
Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics
Dr. Andrej Sotlar, Associate Professor & Dean
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Dr. Sonja Šostar Turk, Professor & Vice Dean for Postgraduate Education, Head, Department for Interdisciplinary Studies
Faculty of Heath Sciences
Links to Networks
21.-22.9.2015 Ambassadors Collaborating in the Digital Single Market Development. Panel. Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. 5th Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2015. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Ljubljana
8.6.2016 Silver eConomy Development Meeting in Ljubljana. Slovenian Third Age University, Ljubljana
19.-20.9.2016 Sustainable Solutions for Demographic Changes in Central Europe – Silver Economy. Panel. 6th eRegions Conference 2016, Castle Jable, Slovenia
29.9.2017 Slovenia eSeniors: eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation.
21.–22.3.2018 eSchools Collaboration in the eRegion Conference – Celje, Slovenia
30.5.2018 Meeting: eInclusion in Active Aging – A Component of Silver eConomy. University of Maribor, Slovenia
12.9.2018 eServices Provision for the Elderly (55+) Consultation in Ljubljana. Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia
10.4.2019 International workshop on silver economy . Škofja Loka, Slovenia
18.11.2019 Establishment of the Centre for Professors Emeriti and retired higher education teachers of the University of Maribor
University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers
Seniors 55+ eServices Guide, Edition 2020. eInclusion in Active Aging. For the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+
Growing Book of the Grammar Schools’ Memory eBooks in Slovenia
Academy 2020: Digitize Novo mesto’s Cultural Heritage Materials
University eLearning & eEducation Group
USAlumni. U.S. Embassy in Slovenia
Global Exchange Network. Empowering U.S. Exchange Alumni to Build a Better World
The eRegion portal is powered by SRC d.o.o. Ljubljana