6th eRegions Conference 2016:
Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development
Location: Castle Jable, Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš, Slovenia
Online Conference Registration
H o t e l a c c o m m o d a t i o n a n d l o c a l t r a n s f e r
Participants are supposed to pay the travel and accommodation expenses by them. The conference organizer has a favorable arrangement with the Ambient Hotel in Domžale, 6 kilometers from the Castle Jable. Free shuttle between the hotel and the Ljubljana Airport is available; however the transport must be booked at least 24 hours before arrival. A group transfer between the Ambient Hotel and Castle Jable will be provided. You are welcome to book the hotel with Marketing@AmbientHotel.si at your earliest convenience. For the hotel guests, parking is provided at no charge.
Preconference Meeting, Monday, September 19, 9:00 – 13:00
SAP University Alliance Regional Meeting with Extended Invitation to Grammar School Principals
Meeting’s Detailed Program & Participants List
R e g i s t r a t i o n
A participant of the pre-conference meeting 19.9.2016 SAP University Alliance Regional Meeting with Extended Invitation to Grammar Schlool Principals and Rectors & Deans in the eRegion is expected to confirm her/his participation to Mr Jaka Črnivec, University Alliances Manager, SAP South East Europe, Jaka.Crnivec@SAP.com . The names of the participants are published at the meeting’s website.
P r o g r a m
8:30 – 9:00 Registration, Refreshment
9:00 – 9:05 Meeting Opening
Jaka Črnivec, University Alliances Manager, SAP South East Europe
Relevance of Universities Involvement in the eRegions Development on the New eSilk & New eAmber Roads
Dr. Stanislav Raščan, Ambassador, Head
Department of Strategic Planning and Analysis, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia & Assistant Professor of International Security Policy, Graduate School of Government and European Studies, Kranj & eRegions Think Tank Chairman
10:30 -12:00 Co-innovation between SAP, Academia and Companies
Jaka Črnivec, University Alliances Manager, SAP South East Europe
12:00 – 13:00 Grammar Schools eCollaboration in the eRegion & Prototypes Development
Vida Vidmar, Assistant Principal
The Upper-Secondary School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technical Gymnasium Ljubljana, Slovenia
13:00 – 13:45 Lunch
P a n e l s
Plenary Panels Monday, September 19 – – Auditorium
14:00 – 15:30
eRegions on the New eSilk and New eAmber Roads
16:00 – 17:30
eMunicipalities Without Borders Collaborating in the eRegions
18:00 – 19:30
Sustainable Solutions for Demographic Changes in Central Europe – Silver Economy
Sections Panels Tuesday, September 20
09:00 – 10:30, 11:00 – 12:30, 12:30 – 14:00 (Lunch) , 14:00 – 15:30
Registration 08:30 – 09:00
Actors in the eRegions – Wedding Hall
09:00 – 10:30
Cross-border eCollaboration of the Actors in the eRegions: Municipality, Chamber of Commerce, Development Centre, University
11:00 – 12:30
Associations for the Cross-border Collaboration Supporting eRegions Development
14:00 – 15:30
Cross-border Food eProcurement in the eRegion
eTechnology – Grof Hall
09:00 – 10:30
Cybersecurity Strategies in the eRegions
11:00 – 12:30
Embracing Digitalization for an Educational Organization – Creating a Paperless School through eDMS Solutions
14:00 – 15:30
Cross-border eCommerce of the SMEs in the eMunicipalities Without Borders
eSchools & Silver eEconomy – Lichtenberg Hall
09:00 – 10:30
Creative, Entrepreneur and Innovative Students in the Grammar Schools Proposing eSolution Prototypes
11:00 – 12:30
Creating Environment for Entrepreneur and Innovative Grammar Schools Students in the eRegion
14:00 – 15:30
Comprehensive Solutions within the Silver eEconomy Development in the eRegions for Higher Labour and Social Inclusion of Elderly
P r o g r a m - P a n e l s
eRegions on the New eSilk and New eAmber Roads
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
Panel members:
Vojko Kuzma, Minister Plenipotentiary
Department of Strategic Planning and Analysis, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia & eRegions Think Tank Administrative Assistant
Presentation: China’s Belt and Road initiative: can Europe expect trade gains?
Dr. Sabina Koleša, Director General
Enterprise, Competitiveness and Technology Directorate, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Republic of Slovenia
Dr. Peter Kukovica, Member of the Management Board in charge of Business Support Functions
Gorenje d.d., Velenje, Slovenia
Darja Teržan, Marketing and R&D Manager
Mlekarna Celeia, d.o.o., Arja vas, Petrovče, Slovenia
H. E. Zurab Bekaia, Ambassador of Georgia to the Republic of Slovenia
Samuel Laurinkari, Senior Manager, EU Government Relations
eBay Inc, Brussels Area, Belgium
Nino Novinec, Public Administration Executive, SAP d.o.o. Ljubljana, Slovenia & SAP Coordinator for the Danube eRegion on the New eSilk & eAmber Roads
Panel outline:
eRegion is a cross-border region of the neighboring countries in which eTechnologies (Information and Communications Technologies – ICT) are extensively used in business processes. The borderless nature of eTechnologies allows and calls for new approaches to efficient and effective cross-border eCollaboration between the organizations within a specific macro region, and between regions themselves. Of particular interest is the interoperability of the eRegions on the New eAmber and New eSilk Roads (Baltic, Danube, Adriatic-Ionian, Alpine), including the cooperation of sixteen Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) with China.
The panel will investigate how diverse organizations in the eRegions could be involved, as well as how they could strengthen and further develop their relations, create synergy opportunities and identify challenges ahead.
eMunicipalities Without Borders Collaborating in the eRegion
Mag. Miha Ješe, Mayor
Municipality of Škofja Loka, Slovenia & eCoordinator, Neighboring eMunicipalities Škofja Loka, Železniki, Gorenja vas – Poljane, Žiri & Coordinator, eMunicipalities Without Borders Mayors Consortium & Vice President, DOUZELAGE 28 European Town Twinning
Panel members:
Milan Čadež, Mayor
Municipality of Gorenja vas – Poljane, Slovenia
Aleš Skalič, Expert
Development Centre Murska Sobota, Slovenia
Gábor Huszár, Mayor & eCoordinator
City of Szentgotthárd, Hungary
Sustainable Solutions for Demographic Changes in Central Europe – Silver Economy
H. E. Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary
Panel members:
H. E. Paolo Trichilo, Ambassador of Italian Republic
Mitja Feri, Board Member
Generali Zavarovalnica d.d. Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Janez Malačič, Professor
Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Panel outline – Questions to be answered:
How much time do we have to find solutions for the aging societies in Central Europe?
What kind of systemic solutions (regulatory, financial, technical, social) are on the table of the policymakers?
Are there any transnational projects devoted to this topic in the macroregional strategies?
What is the answer of the new technologies, especially the digitalization and ICT in general?
What sort of business models would suit all: consumers, provides and insurers?
Cross-border eCollaboration of the Actors in the eRegions: Municipality, Chamber of Commerce, Development Centre, University
Dr. Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, Associate Professor & Vice Dean of Research, Quality, and International Relations
Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, Slovenia
Model outline: eregions-con-actors-model-outline-gorenc-smodej
Conclusions: eregions-con-actors-conclusions-gorenczoran
Slovenia Panel Members:
Gregor Macedoni, Mayor
Town Municipality of Novo mesto
Tomaž Kordiš, Director
Chamber of Commerce of Dolenjska and Bela krajina, Novo mesto
Mag. Tatjana Hutar, Projects Manager
Development Centre Novo mesto
Presentation: eregions-con-actors-novomesto-center-hutar
Dr. Zoran Levnajić, Assistant Professor & Vice Dean for Research
Faculty of Information Studies Novo mesto
Presentation: eregions-con-actors-novomesto-fis-levnajic
Hungary Panel Members
Dr. István Szabó, Development Expert
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dunaújváros (CCID), Hungary
Presentation: eregions-con-actors-dunaujvaros-chamber-szabo
Dr. Rajcsányi-Molnár Mónika, Professor & General and Academic Vice-rector
Dr. Szabó Csilla, Associate Professor & Director, Teacher Training Institute
University of Dunaújváros, Hungary
Panel Outline:
The panel members are leaders with experience in their respective areas. The panel will examine the role of the Municipality, regional Chamber of Commerce, the regional Development Centre, and the possibility of a university. More specifically, the questions that the members will discuss are: Which projects to date have connected these institutions? Who should take on the coordinating role of joint projects among actors in a region, eRegion, and across-borders? What concrete steps need to be taken to increase the competitiveness of the region in terms of increasing the international profile of the municipality as a whole? Can international competitiveness and enhanced international (e)collaboration be risen by focusing on being a knowledge society and attracting specific profiles?
Associations for the Cross-border Collaboration Supporting eRegions Development
Gyula Ocskay, General Secretary
Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary
Presentations: eregions-con-associations-introduction-gyula, eregions-con-associations-cesci-gyula
Panel members:
Hynek Böhm, Chairman
Polish-Czech-Slovak Euroinstitute
Presentation: eregions-con-crossborder-associations-newschola
Ana Nikolov, Coordinator for Balkans
Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), Belgrade, Serbia
Presentation: eregions-con-crossborder-associations-balkan
Panel outline:
The panel is dedicated to the role the civil sphere can play in the enhancement of cross-border cooperation. It is evident that in parallel with the development of institutionalised forms of cooperation, its more informal ways managed by the civil sector actors get less and less importance. How can associations, NGOs and ordinary people contribute to the success of transboundary activities? How can they strengthen citizens’ commitment to openness towards their neighbours? How can they (re-)animate de-bordering activities in a more and more bordered world? And how can e-solutions facilitate their work?
Methods, solutions, experiences are expected to be exchanged by the participants of the panel and new joint project proposals are welcomed.
Cross-border Food eProcurement in the eRegion
Mag. Danijela Kocuvan, Manager, Region’s Self-procurement Project
Maribor Development Agency, Slovenia
Panel members:
Mag. Jana Ramuš, Secretary General of the Grain Sector
Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Petra Lozinšek, Food Procurement
Oton Župančič Kindergarten, Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia
Maja Kovačič, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs
Nursing Home Danica Vogrinec, Maribor, Slovenia
Simona Strnad Vogrin, Head, Meat Processing Plant
Agricultural Cooperative Rače, Slovenia
Simona Krajnc, Key Account Manager
Maja Dajčman, Commercial Representative
Celeia (Dairy), Arja vas, Petrovče, Slovenia
Simona.Krajnc@Mlekarna-Celeia.si, Maja.Dajcman@Mlekarna-Celeia.si
Gregor Hribar, Director
Čarna d.o.o., Green Box, Local organic food supplier, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mag. Andrej Potočnik, Undersecretary, Agriculture Markets Department
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Republic of Slovenia
Panel outline:
The panel members will present experience in prototypes development of major food buyers (kindergartens, schools, hospitals, nursing homes) and food producers (farmers, cooperatives). It is assumed that the cross-border food eProcurement and eSupply are important components of the eRegions development. The panel will investigate the opportunities in an accelerated ICT (Internet) usage in the food supply chains and interest in joint EU project proposal.
Cybersecurity Strategies in the eRegions
Nino Novinec, Public Administration Executive, SAP d.o.o. Ljubljana & SAP Coordinator for the Danube eRegion on the New eSilk & eAmber Roads
How cognitive computing can transform the public sector?
Marko Čenčič, Associated Partner
Business Solution Professional for Public for CEE Region at IBM
What is Cyber Security?
Mag. Mihael Nagelj, Counselor
Section for Cyber Security at Association of Informatics and Telecommunication, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Public Awareness and Prevention capabilities in the fight against cybercrime.
Marko Zavadlav, Head of IT Security Department
Rony Plevnik, Director of Business Solutions
Unistar LC d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cyber Security and SAP
M.Sc. Tomaž Breznik, Solution Specialist
SAP Slovenia, d.o.o.
Panel outline:
The Internet facilitates a level of interoperability that generates considerable innovation and opportunity. Yet threats to governments, businesses, and individuals who use the Internet are increasing exponentially. This panel will address risks in order to examine public sector action and capacity with respect to the multidimensional challenge of cyber-security. Our objectives are threefold: to gain a fuller appreciation of the interplay of political, technological, organizational, and social dimensions of cyber-security; to understand how this interplay is further shaped by clashing values and perceptions of risk; and to offer some prescriptive insight into the sorts of roles for government most likely to maximize systemic resilience and learning in an increasingly interdependent and virtual environment. Governments, the private sector, and civil society must engage in more shared responsibilities and collective learning in what is a highly fragile and dynamic cyberspace.
Embracing Digitalization for an Educational Organization - Creating a Paperless School through eDMS Solutions
Dr. Borut Jereb, Associate Professor & Vice Dean for Quality and International Cooperation
University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Slovenia
Panel members:
Mag. Marjan Kaligaro, Program Manager
SRC d.o.o., Slovenia
Mag. Andrej Petek, Consultant
SRC d.o.o., Slovenia
Miro Mijović, Consultant
SRC Systems Integration, d.o.o., Belgrade, Serbia
Georg Schütz, Managing Director
KaMUX GmbH & Co.KG, Management Consultancy
Pirmasens, Germany
Panel outline:
Education can be considered a paper intensive, document and process driven environment. Streamlining mission-critical business processes in education such as admissions, registration, human resources, accounting, and teacher interactions in various school bodies through digitalization can thus be extremely beneficial to the bottom-line and staff satisfaction. The goal of this panel is to address three main aspects of streamlining through implementation of a customized Document Management System:
– content consolidation through fast and easy content acquisition, indexing, long-term archival and assurance of immediate access to documentation,
– cost reduction through removal of paperwork process challenges with the final goal of the elimination of filing cabinets in overcrowded storage rooms/offices,
– operation streamlining through replacement of paper-based processes with electronic files and automating back-office administrative activities including full legal compliance (digital signatures, etc.).
Cross-border eCommerce of the SMEs in the eMunicipalities Without Borders
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
Panel members:
Samuel Laurinkari, Senior Manager, EU Government Relations
eBay Inc, Brussels Area, Belgium
Outline: eregions-con-2016-ebay-laurinkari
Jože Misson, Director
GEA Consult, Engineering, projecting and consulting ltd, Škofja Loka, Slovenia & President, Chamber of Craft and Small Business Škofja Loka
Presentations: eregion-smes-presentation-gea-consult, eregion-smes-presentation-ozz-skofja-loka
Primož Hafner, Technical Manager
LOTRIČ Metrology ltd, Selca, Slovenia
Presentation: eregion-smes-presentation-lotric
József Máriás, Owner and Business Development Manager
LogiNet Systems Ltd., Budapest – Dunaújváros, Hungary
Presentation: eregion-smes-presentation-marias
Danijel Lamperger, Director
Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia
Presentation: eregion-smes-presentation-lamperger
Panel outline:
Providing for the cross-border eSolutions and eServices may contribute to the increased competitiveness of a company, of the municipality, of the country, of an eRegion. The small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are encouraged to engage in a cross-border eCommerce by using latest eTechnologies to support all trading e-transactions: inquiry, catalog, purchase order, order confirmation, delivery note, invoice, payment.
On a territory of eMunicipalities Without Borders, the SME directors can arrange with the municipality mayor to interlink the SME’s and the Municipality’s websites in order to increase a visibility of the company in the Internet environment.
The panel members will be sharing experience in looking for the answers to the following questions in the cross-border SMEs eCommerce: What are the major benefits/problems on the eCommerce buying side of the SMEs? What are the major benefits/problems on the eCommerce selling side of the SMEs? What do the SME directors suggest about a possible cooperative development of more efficient and effective interlinking of the “e” solutions and services?
Creative, Entrepreneur and Innovative Students in the Grammar Schools Proposing eSolution Prototypes
Romana Vogrinčič, Computer Science Teacher
Murska Sobota High School, Slovenia & President, Computer Science Teachers Section, Association for Computer Machinery – ACM Slovenia
Roman Činč, Principal
Murska Sobota High School, Slovenia
with the students:
Nikolaj Horvat
Nejc Benkovič
Laczó Tamás
Varga Katalin, Teacher
Kovacs Krisztina, Teacher
Körmendi Kölcsey Ferenc Gymnasium, Hungary
with the students:
Kalamár Krisztina
Tornyos Ádám
Presentation: eregions-con-2016-students-vogrincic-varga
Maja Čelan, Computer Science Teacher
Third High School Maribor, Slovenia
Presentation: eregions-con-2016-students-celanmaja
Alenka Jelen, Chemistry Teacher
Murska Sobota High School, Slovenia
Jasna Vuradin Popović, Psychology Teacher
Murska Sobota High School, Slovenia
Presentation: eregions-con-2016-students-popovic
Simon Horvat, Teacher
With the student
Tadej Šinko
Secondary School for Vocational and Technical Education Murska Sobota
Presentation: eregions-con-2016-students-horvatsimon
Enclosure: Students Prototypes, eregions-con-2016-students-prototypes
Creating Environment for Entrepreneur and Innovative Grammar Schools Students in the eRegion
Mag. Tanja Bezić, Senior Adviser, President of the Expert Group for Gifted and Talented Education
National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia & Member, European Council for High Ability – ECHA
Presentation: eregions-con-grammar-schools-tanja-bezic
Sonja Artač, Biology Teacher & Students’ Research Projects Coordinator
Grammar School Ljubljana Vič, Slovenia
Panel members:
Dr. Branko Slivar, Head of Department for Secondary Education
National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Maja Gerden, Teacher & Projects Head
Grammar School Ljubljana Vič, Slovenia
Presentation: eregions-con-grammar-schools-gerden
Ines Dukić, Physics Teacher & Mentor
XV. Grammar School Zagreb, Croatia
Panel outline:
The main goal of this panel is to exchange the best practices for empowering the most motivated talented grammar school students for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and to form new institutional and personal networks for future students’ collaborative, innovative and entrepreneurship projects in the eRegion. The best practices, experiences and evidences should be presented to provide answers to the following questions:
How can we prove that there is a need for “more creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurship” in the present Grammar curriculum? What is more important – the financial resources for School work, or the level of School Autonomy? Which organizational and teaching strategies represent most potential for the development of creativity and innovativeness among students? How can the school leaders support the most creative and innovative teachers and mentors? How does collaborative or competitive school culture influence creativeness, innovativeness and entrepreneurship of students and teachers? Which one is more important for students’ personal and career development and for the large community? What kind of support can local community and the national educational system offer? What are the legal and institutional influences that enable or constrain creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship of students? How can we enhance more partnerships between grammar schools, teachers and mentors, students, with the labour market, researchers and tertiary education? What kind of platforms, data bases, networks and certification system about projects could be more suitable for students, mentors, schools, municipalities?
Comprehensive Solutions within the Silver eEconomy Development in the eRegions for Higher Labour and Social Inclusion of Elderly
Dr. Magda Zupančič, Secretary
Department for Analysis and Development and European Affairs, Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Panel members:
Dr. Ana Krajnc, Professor & President of the Management Board
Slovenian Third Age University
Outline: eregions-con-silvereconomy-krajnc
Dušan Kidrič, Member
Festival of the Third Age Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dare Stojan, Director
Avitel d.o.o. Ljubljana, Slovenia & Member, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), consultative body of the European Union
Dr. Drago Rudel, Director
MKS Electronic Systems Ltd. Ljubljana, Slovenia
Report: The digital pillar of growth: e-seniors, a potential 25% of the European population. Rapporteur Ms Laure Batut, Member of the International and European Affairs Department, General Confederation of Labour – Workers’ Power (CGT-FO). European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, 13 July 2016
Panel outline:
Major EU regions are facing accelerated ageing of population while at the same time searching for effective and innovative solutions for increased labour and social inclusion of elderly. Existing examples of good practices, proven innovative solutions and potential joint projects in this field within the regions can facilitate the phenomena of ageing and improve the access and better matching of labour markets for elderly and at the same time ensuring smooth ageing process, facilitated by e-solutions, available or planned.