13.5.2016 Food eProcurement & eSupply Prototype Meeting in Ljubljana

13.5.2016 Food eProcurement & eSupply Prototype Meeting in Ljubljana

Date: Friday, May 13, 2016, 10:00 – 14:00
Location: University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Zaloška 7, Meeting Room SAZU, 1st floor

P r o t o t y p e      G r o u p s

Nursing Home Food eProcurement Prototype

Prototype Coordinator:
Mag. Danijela Kocuvan, Manager, Region’s Self-procurement Project
Maribor Development Agency


Dr. Bojan Burgar, Director
Jernej Trop, Head, Food Procurement
Nursing Home Ormož

Mag. Marko Slavič, Director
Suzana Žugelj, Public Procurement
Tatjana Peršuh, Head, Food Procurement and Health Hygiene Regime & Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor
Tihomir Vinkovič, Head, Food Procurement, Business Unit Podbrežje
Polona Lah, Projects Manager
Nursing Home Danice Vogrinec Maribor

David Irgolič, Farm Manager
Farm Irgolič, Velika Nedelja

Hinka Hržič, Farm Manager
Farm Hržič

University Hospital Food eProcurement Prototype

Mojca Blatnik, Head, Dietetics and Nutrition Service
Lučka Lukan, Head, Department of Food Procurement
University Medical Centre Ljubljana

Ksenija Ekart, Head, Department of Nutrition and Dietics & Lecturer, Education Centre Piramida, Higher Vocational College Maribor
Lidija Topolovec, Food Procurement
University Medical Centre Maribor

Cooperative Food eSupply Prototype

Gregor Hribar, Sales Manager
Eko Cooperative Ljubljana (Eko Zadruga z.o.o.)

Stanislav Muhič, Cooperation Manager
Cooperative Metlika

Denis Ploj, Director
Cooperative Dobrina z.o.o.

Aleksander Šemrl, President
Aleksandra Waldmann, Director
eCooperative Ljubljana (e-Zadruga – zadruga za povezan nastop na trgu, z.o.o.)

P a r t i c i p a n t s

Ksenija Ekart, Head, Department of Nutrition and Dietics & Lecturer, Education Centre Piramida, Higher Vocational College Maribor
University Medical Centre Maribor

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Program Coordinator
Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions

Gregor Hribar, Sales Manager
Eko Cooperative Ljubljana (Eko Zadruga z.o.o.)

Mag. Danijela Kocuvan, Manager, Region’s Self-procurement Project
Maribor Development Agency

Lučka Lukan, Head, Department of Food Procurement
University Medical Centre Ljubljana

Marjan Lunar, Procurement Manager
Deos, Nursing Home Centres Ljubljana

Stanislav Muhič, Cooperation Manager
Cooperative Metlika

Denis Ploj, Director
Cooperative Dobrina z.o.o.

Marjan Podobnik, Local Food Suppliers Coordinator
Grm Novo mesto, Landscape Governance College

Aleksander Šemrl, President
eCooperative Ljubljana (e-Zadruga – zadruga za povezan nastop na trgu, z.o.o.)

Lidija Topolovec, Food Procurement
University Medical Centre Maribor ,

Aleksandra Waldmann, Director
eCooperative Ljubljana (e-Zadruga – zadruga za povezan nastop na trgu, z.o.o.)

Food eProcurement & eSupply Prototypes  (draft list)

Food buyer perspective:
University Hospital Food eProcurement Prototype
Hospital Food eProcurement Prototype
Kindergarten Food eProcurement Prototype
Basic School Food eProcurement Prototype
Nursing Home Food eProcurement Prototype

Food seller perspective:
Farm Food eSupply Prototype
Cooperative Food eSupply Prototype

Principles of ePrototype Development

Usage of the solution is simple.
The eSolution is in accordance with a need and a desire of its user although the current regulations may perhaps prevent that.
In the eSolution the manual procedures are imbeded which allow the solution to be adopted by the user to her/his current requirements.
Paper documents are replaced by the e-messages.
The organization is enabling the partnering organizations to have an insight into data related to the common buying-selling process.
Data provided by one organization can be used in the other organization without any manual data entry.
Data standards and norms are accessible, unified and useful in all participating organizations.
Prototype development groups cooperate and share the experience gained.
Prototype eSolutions are presented to the professional public.

Izdelovanje prototipa: Sodelovanje kupca in prodajalca hrane v procesu e-oskrbovanja

Kupci in prodajalci hrane, ki sodelujejo v skupini za izdelavo prototipa, bodo pregledali obstoječi način e-poslovanja – izmenjavanja e-sporočil – in predlagali izboljšave, ki bi jih bilo smiselno uvesti za poenostavitev dela, skrajšanje procesa in zmanjšanje stroškov. Vsak za sebe, vendar povezano z vidika koristi za oba.

Skupine bodo izmenjavale izkušnje in svoje zamisli skušale izboljšati s predlogi drugih.

Skupna spoznanja in predloge bodo sodelujoči predstavili vodstvenim predstavnikom svojih organizacij in vladnih inštitucij, ki jih tematika zadeva.

Načela izdelave prototipne e-rešitve

Uporaba rešitve je enostavna.
Prototipna e-rešitev je taka, kakršno rabi in si jo želi njen uporabnik, čeprav trenutni predpisi tega morda ne dopuščajo.
V e-rešitvi so vgrajeni ročni postopki, ki uporabniku omogočajo, da se po svoji presoji prilagaja trenutnim razmeram.
Papirne listine so nadomeščene z e-sporočili.
Organizacija omogoča partnerskim organizacijam vpogled v podatke, ki so povezani s skupnim nakupno-prodajnim procesom.
Podatki so iz ene organizacije posredovani drugi organizaciji na način, da ponovno ročno zajemanje teh podatkov ni potrebno.
Standardi in normativi so dostopni, poenoteni in uporabni v vseh sodelujočih organizacijah.
Skupine, ki izdelujejo vsaka svoj prototip, sodelujejo in izmenjujejo pridobljene izkušnje.
Prototipne e-rešitve so predstavljene strokovni javnosti.

R e f e r e n c e s 

M e e t i n g s

10. 12. 2013 – Initiative for Food eProcurement Partnerships, Ljubljana  
18. 3. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, 1st Meeting, SORA Škofja Loka
12. 4. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, 2nd Meeting, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
16. 5. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, Meeting, Kindergartens Kranj
4. 7. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, 3rd Meeting, Novo mesto
8. 7. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, Slovenia Consulate General, Klagenfurt
2. 9. 2014 – Short Food eProcurement Chains, 4th Meeting, Novo mesto
10.2.2016 Food eProcurement Meeting in Ljubljana
23.3.2016 Thematic Group Food eProcurement Prototype Meeting in Ljubljana

P u b l i c a t i o n s

Local Food and Short Supply Chains. EU Rural Review. A Publication from the European Network for Rural Development, Summer 2012


Priporočila za javno naročanje živil. Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje & Ministrstvo za finance Republike Slovenije, oktober 2013, 25 str.

Lokalna oskrba s hrano v javnih zavodih
Dr. Klavdija Rižnar, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Bistra, Ptuj. 10. regijska konferenca kratkih verig pri javnem naročanju hrane in živil v javnih zavodih, 16. maja 2014.

Interoperability of Short Local Food eProcurement Chains
Panel. 4th Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2014: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Monday-Tuesday, September 22-23, 2014, September 23, 14:00 – 15:30.

Networks in the eRegion

Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in the EU 2014
Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations – COPA, General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union – COGECA, Brussels, 5th February 2015, pp385

ICT & the future of food and Agriculture
Networked Society Lab. Dr. Giaime Berti, Research Associate & Dr. Catherine Mulligan, Research Fellow, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College Business School, London. 2015-02-17, pp 40

Governance Issues in the EU’s e-Procurement Framework
By Sangeeta Khorana, Kirsten Ferguson-Boucher and William A. Kerr
Journal of Common Market Studies – JCMS, Volume 53, Issue 2, pages 292–310, March 2015

Sustainable procurement: the Government Buying Standards (GBS) for food and catering services
Statutory guidance. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Government, UK. Last updated: 27 March 2015

Eating from the Farm: the social, environmental, and economic benefits of local food systems
Friends of the Earth Europe (pp 20), April 2015

Brokering Shorter Food Supply Chains
By Rafal Serafin, Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation, Kraków.  The Journal of Partnership Brokering, No 5, 18 May 2015

Obveznosti na področju higiene živil in HACCP v Republiki Sloveniji
Projekt Transarmon. Zaključna konferenca 15. 04. 2015 (Objavljeno 18 June 2015).

Five reasons why healthy food procurement is a promising strategy to address obesity
By Dr. Corinna Hawkes, Honorary research fellow, City University London’s Centre for Food Policy. World Obesity Federation, July 2015

Predlog Zakona o javnem naročanju
Ministrstvo za javno upravo Republike Slovenije, 20. julij 2015

R E S O L U C I J A  o nacionalnem programu o prehrani in telesni dejavnosti za zdravje 2015–2025
Uradni list Republike Slovenije, XXV/58, str. 6871  – 6906, 3. 8. 2015.

e-Leadership Skills for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Final Report
Prepared for the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Directorate Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing, October 2015, pp 224.

Farm-to-Hospital Research Findings Point to Opportunities for Extension
By Brian Raison, Assistant Professor, Department of Extension, Ohio State University, Columbus. Journal of Extension (JOE), Extension Journal, Inc., October 2015, Volume 53, Number 5

Innovative Short Food Supply Chain Management
Final Report, EIP-AGRI Focus Group, 30 November 2015

Food Supply Networks, Trust and E-business.
Edited by M Canavari, Alma Mater Studiorum-Universita di Bologna, Italy; M Fritz, University of Bonn, Germany; G Schiefer, University of Bonn, Germany. Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International – CABI. November 2015, pp 212

The Agricultural European Innovation Partnership – EIP-AGRI Network, Brussels

European Single Procurement Document – ESPD
Towards a simple procurement eligibility assessment.  European Commission. Published on 05/01/2016

Open Food Network: the Role of ICT to Support Regional Food Supply Chains in Australia
Conference Paper. By Sherah Kurnia · Serenity Hill · Md Mahbubur Rahim · Kirsten Larsen · Patrice Braun · Danny Samson. Australasian Conference on information Systems (ACIS2015), At Adelaide, South Australia, published Jan 07, 2016

Can technology and very short supply chains transform local food availability
Panel Session. The 10th Organic Producers’ Conference, Novotel Bristol City Centre, 27-28 January 2016. The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Collaborative Cross-border Procurement in the EU: Future or Utopia?
By Dr. Albert Sanchez-Graells, Senior Lecturer in Law. University of Bristol Law School, February 18, 2016 pp 20

A Study of Cross-border Flows within the Agri-food Sector.
A Snapshot of four Border Counties.
Dr. Anthony Soares, Research & Policy Manager and Martin McTaggart, Research Assistant. Queen’s University Belfast, Centre for Cross Border Studies, Northern Ireland, February 2016, pp 71.

Agriculture and food: the rise of digital platforms. Editors, ParisTech Review, February 12th, 2016

6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Monday-Tuesday, September 19-20, 2016. Location: Castle Jable, Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš, Slovenia

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