Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper.

Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper.

Issued on September 19, 2022 by the

Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy


Position Paper
Signatories List
Links to Position Paper in National Language
Importance of External Websites Interlinking
Links to Silver Economy Websites
Links to ePublications


Dear Executive, Dear Colleague,

As part of the Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy, we have compiled and published a document Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper regarding the development of the silver economy and related government bodies for seniors.

The Position Paper was developed gradually basing on discussions at three Zoom meetings of network members during 2022 (February 16, April 6, June 1); programs and lists of participants are published. Furtherly relevant published e-materials (articles, reports, scientific papers); links to e-materials (Links to ePublications) were searched, studied, selected and published on the website.

The signatories of the document come from the following countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, China, France, Greece, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Hungary, Malaysia, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Wales, United States of America. The Signatories List is published.

In the document, the signatories indicate the importance of considering four aspects of cooperation for the efficient and successful development of a Society where the mean age is increased:

NETWORK. A worldwide network of associations and preexisting networks dealing with the topic of active aging is needed. As it can be seen from the published materials, they operate within countries and among countries, but rather unconnected and especially much dishomogeneous for organization and role. Therefore, it is not possible to know and learn about the good experiences of others. With eCollaboration enabled by the Internet, it is possible to speed up the exchange of good practices in the shortest possible time to ensure the desired eSolutions that are consistent with the needs and possibilities of seniors (senior centricity). Ensuring the connectivity of websites (interlinking) appears to be essential.

THE SILVER ECONOMY. In a longevity society, it is necessary to connect people who are older (than 55) in an organized way, so that they can live according to their needs and wishes and contribute for long time to the development of individuals, their families and whole society. The share of these people in the population is already large, and it will be even larger in the next ten years. A longevity society is a great achievement of humanity, as a result of a series of beneficial factors in recent decades (health care, nutrition, lifestyle). The silver economy includes everything that concerns people who are 55+. Only by number we know that it is ranged about 20% of Gross National Product. It will not arise by itself; it is necessary to establish and organize it.

MINISTER OF SENIORS. Every country needs a Minister of Seniors who organizes the development of the silver economy and coordinates the efforts of other concerned ministers to increase the welfare of seniors and utilize their contribution to the development of society.

COUNCIL OF SENIORS. A council of seniors is needed as a consultative body in government or parliament. It can be instituted at the level of the country, region, and municipality.

The signatories of the Position Paper undertake to disseminate this document among relevant local organizations; participate in actions that contribute to the realization of the mentioned ideas and proposals; encourage and engage in cross-border eCollaboration; promote events that support the activities of this network, as well as the growth of the number of groups in the network; publish findings on measures to implement these ideas and proposed new measures based on the experience gained.

Some of the signatories have translated the Position Paper into their own language. The translations are published as attachments on the website (Links to Position Paper in National Language). It is useful to publish the Position Paper in as many national languages ​​as possible so that it is read by as many people in the country as possible. Since it is a strategic document, this will help to get as many people as possible ready to help with actions to implement the proposed directions.

The silver economy concerns more and more people of different professions and many organizations of all types, and requires the participation of different age groups in all countries. We use different words for common concepts however, which makes communication difficult. The position in the national language will contribute to the unification of some concepts that are of fundamental importance for the unification of ideas about the components of the silver economy. For example, the words old, elderly, seniors, for which the document suggests “seniors”. Or the appointment of a Minister of Seniors or a Minister for Seniors for whom the suggestion is “Minister of Seniors”. Analogously, for the Council of Seniors as the best expression among the many possible ones.

We kindly invite you to participate in these efforts. We recommend that you forward the Position Paper to persons who are concerned and interested in the topic and in any case promote its knowledge.

This campaign is the first network’s contribution to this year’s celebration of International Day of Older Persons on October 1.

Luigi Campanella and Jože Gričar
Coordinators, Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE
General Secretary of Italian Committee of EAPE

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network
Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network

Position Paper


longevity; aging population; active aging; seniors’ use of eTechnologies, e-services; seniors 55+ eServices Guide; lifelong learning; digital literacy; e-learning; age-friendliness; senior centricity; minister of seniors; seniors’ council; silver economy.


The precarious rights of senior citizens, especially those who are highly educated and who are expected to counsel and guide the younger generations, has stimulated the creation internationally of advocacy associations and opinion leader groups. The strength of these groups, however, varies from country to country.  In some countries, they are supported and are the focus of intense interest; in others, they are practically ignored. For this is reason we believe that the creation of a network of all these associations is essential. The proposed network would act as a support for the already-existing policies of the United Nations’ High Commission for Human Rights, of independent experts, and of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People.  All three have long ago recommended the creation of a recognized instrument for uniting presently scattered efforts. The proposed network, therefore, will seek to promote the international exchange of relevant expertise, and it will reinforce the commitments and actions that single countries are currently taking to meet these objectives. For example, informative public events can be organised to promote particular support initiatives and to provide an opportunity for new members of the network to be presented.  The network will promote health for senior citizens, disease prevention, senior mobility, safe free time for seniors, alimentary education, protection against new risks and dangers, as well as equity in the services necessary for seniors to adopt new information and communication technologies.

In the case of retired academic members, the network will promote equality with respect to continuing use of digital technologies (particularly email), continuing access to research libraries, and the guaranteed ability for seniors to fund their own research programs and to deliver free seminars.


The concept of the “silver economy” covers a host of different but interlinked efforts. Together these can improve the quality of the lives of seniors, particularly the levels of their inclusion in society and their involvement in economic activity.  These objectives can be met through the development of innovative policies, products, and services for meeting the needs of seniors.  This, in turn, will bring more growth and jobs for the overall economy.

The silver economy concept seeks to look holistically at ageing and the opportunities it presents with respect to the future direction of a broad range of policies such as those on the built environment, 50+ employment, life-long learning, and preventive health care. Moreover, it seeks to embrace new technologies (e.g. health-monitoring, smart homes, driverless vehicles, care robots) in order to use them to lower the costs of ageing and to improve the lives of older citizens while, at the same time, boosting the economy.

The first paper of European Commission on the silver economy highlights the importance of this concept.  Due to increasing longevity and low birth rates, the population of the EU is significantly ageing.  The document, for example, predicts that EU will pass from in 2013 having four working age adults (15-64 years of age) for every person aged over 65 years to just two working age adults for each senior by 2060.  Another reported statistic reveals the dramatic datum of one baby born for every five living seniors.  Nevertheless, severe challenges often present unique opportunities.  Weaknesses can be turned into strengths by reinforcing social networks and structure. First, there is the size of the silver economy. Some have calculated that if the community of adults over 50 were a state, the corresponding economy would be the third largest in the world, after the United States and China but ahead of Japan, Germany, and Great Britain.  Second, the silver economy does not refer to a single segment of the national market but rather to an economy cutting across several major segments.  Indeed, the contributions of the senior population impact every market and industry–including housing, transport, the food industry, insurance, robotics, health care, communication (including the internet), sports, leisure, and travel. The importance of this segment of the population must also be calculated by means of the size of its resources. In Italy, for example, a Confindustria report shows that citizens over the age of 75 now retain language skills and memory far better than past cohorts of the same age.  As a result, they generally live in their own homes; have satisfying economic resources; spend free time enjoying holidays, hobbies and cultural events; and practice sports. Thus, they require goods and services and continue to circulate their money.

However, to ensure that their contributions continue as long as possible, society must make more investments in preventive care rather than solely in the treatment of disease.  Society must also invest in sustainable mobility tools and equipment. Barriers to participation in social activities must be removed, and preferential access ways and safe delivery sites for food must be provided.  Some of the needs of seniors can be addressed through technology.  For instance, by means of the Internet of Things, older people can continue to live in their homes while their health is being monitored through a variety of connected sensors.  Other possibilities include mobile health applications that assist with tracking the vital signs of seniors, new ICT products such as care robotics, and new food products developed to address the nutritional needs of older adults.


To meet the needs of the seniors’ growing share of the population will require changes in some social and economic structures as well as in governmental organization. The silver economy will not come into being by itself.  That is why we are proposing the establishment of a Minister of Seniors in every country in the network to help lead and organize change.

So far, only seven countries (Australia, Canada, Ireland, Malta, New Zealand, Scotland, Wales) have such a minister.  The Minister of Seniors is the primary person responsible for creating and implementing policies that guarantee specific senior services, such as health and safety protections. In addition, he or she will represent seniors as a member of the Cabinet so that other ministers will be reminded to consider the specific needs of the elderly as they create and implement policies for their own ministries—ministries having the responsibility for areas such as health, social affairs, industry, environment, education, and transportation.  In sum, seniors must have an equal voice at the table of government ministers.

The Minister of Seniors is specially tasked to support and promote the Silver Economy. He or she must look holistically at the ageing of the population and also at the opportunities and challenges it presents.  One such challenge, for example, will be the establishment of permanent educational initiatives, which will ensure that elderly citizens make responsible choices on referendums and petitions, such as those affecting new available technologies and new sectors of market, as well as those regarding the percentage of the Gross Domestic Product dedicated to the Silver Economy.  Other important issues for seniors will be those affecting preventative health initiatives and those impacting disability services.


For the coordination of governmental activities at national and local levels related to the Silver Economy, an intergovernmental body (a seniors’ forum) will also be needed to share information, discuss new and emerging issues related to seniors, and work collaboratively on key projects.

The Seniors Council is an advisory and consultative body attached to the Minister of Seniors or to the Parliament.  Its goal is to support more participatory decision-making. At the local level, the council can support better informed local decision-making by helping to identify local needs, which will, in turn, contribute to a better allocation of scarce resources.

The main objectives of the Seniors Council are: the determination of the specific needs of senior citizens; promoting and implementing activities and projects conceived for the welfare of seniors; advising the government on matters relating to the welfare of seniors; maintaining effective governmental communication with seniors; and establishing and maintaining contacts with organizations engaged in similar activities in the country.

The influence of Senior Councils is likely to grow over the coming years, given the ageing of the population and the increasing importance of older citizens in the electorate. The councils are an organizational tool for providing guidelines for the development of the silver economy in accordance with the needs and wishes of seniors.  In short, they promote senior- centricity.


o         Disseminate this position paper among relevant local organizations.
o         Participate in campaigns that contribute to the realization of our ideas and proposals.
o         Encourage and engage in cross-border eCollaboration.
o         Promote events that support to the activities of the Network as well as the growth of the number of the networked groups.
o         Publish findings on actions to implement these ideas and suggest new actions based on the experience gained.

Signatories List

Dr. Maristella Agosti, Professor Emerita of Computer Science
Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy

Moira Allan, Co-founder and International Coordinator
The Pass It On Network, Paris, France
Advisors, Network Liaisons

Dr. Ágnes Bene, Associate Professor
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Gerontology, Hungary
Member, Interdisciplinary Gerontology Research Group & Member, Age Platform Europe

Dr. Kathryn L. Braun, Professor of Public Health and Social Work, Barbara Cox Anthony Endowed Chair on Aging & President
Active Aging Consortium in Asia Pacific – ACAP, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA
Editor, ACAP Bimonthly Bulletins

Dr. Luigi Campanella, Senior Professor, Department of Chemistry Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Past General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE
General Secretary of Italian Committee of EAPE

Marek Chałas, President & Founder
Activus Foundation
Member, Citizens’ Parliament of Seniors in Poland & Senior Council of the Łódź Region

Cheah Tuck Wing, President, Third Age Media Association Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, Malaysia
Founding Member, Malaysian Coalition on Ageing

Dr. Dragan Čišić, Professor
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, Croatia
Adjunct Professor, European University Cyprus, Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering
Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts & Member, Croatian Academy of Engineering

George Christodoulou, Professor Emeritus
University of Athens Medical School, Greece
President Elect,  European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE
President, Society Preventive Psychiatry
World Mental Heath Day 2022, 06.10.2022. (Video 2:28:25)
Event Organized by The Society of Preventive Psychiatry, The Mental Health Committee of The EAPE, and The Greek Carers Network EPIONI – A Network of Advocates.

Dr. Elísio Manuel de Sousa Costa, Assistant Professor
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal
Director, Competence Center on Active and Healthy Ageing

Dr. Lucija Čok, Professor Emerita, Scientific Counselor
Former Rector, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Jožica Dorniž, M.Sc., Editor in Chief
Magazin Vzajemnost (Reciprocity)  Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dr. Aleksandar Erceg, Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
International Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (ICES)

Dr. Marzanna Farnicka, Assistant Professor
Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Zielona Góra, Lubuskie, Poland

Dr. Anna Grabowska, Head, Autodesk Academic Partner and Academy of Third Age
Founder of the Distance Education Centre at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Founding Member, Association of Academic E-learning, Advisor, U3A online,  Member, Steering Committee of U3A Communities

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus
University of Maribor, Slovenia
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion
Secretary, Professors Emeriti Network & Secretary, eSeniors 55+ Network

DDr. Anne-Marie Guillemard, Professor Emerita of Sociology & Letters and Human Sciences
Université de Paris Cité, Center for the Study of Social Movements – EHESS, France
Member, Academia Europaea and Honorary Member, University Academy of France
Member, International College of Seniors

Dr. An Hermans, Professor Emerita
Catholic University Leuven, Belgium
President, European Seniors’ Union – ESU, Brussels
Expert on Media and Information Literacy and Seniors, Council of Europe

Helen Hirsh Spence, CEO and Founder
Top Sixty Over Sixty, Age Diversity Consultancy, Greater Ottawa Metropolitan Area, Canada
Former President, Ontario Principals’ Council

Dr. Jan Hively, Co-founder and U.S. Liaison
The Pass It On Network, United States of America
Co-founder, Vital Aging Network, Minnesota

Paul Irving, Senior Fellow and Founding Chair of the Center for the Future of Aging
Milken Institute, Santa Monica, California, USA
Distinguished Scholar in Residence, University of Southern California, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology

Dr. Loredana Ivan, Associate Professor
Communication Department, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Miha Ješe, M.Sc., Former Mayor
Member, Municipal Council & Head of the International Cooperation
Municipality of Škofja Loka, Slovenia
Vice-President, Douzelage – European Town Twinning
Member, eSeniors 55+ Network

Dr. Isaac Kabelenga, Lecturer
University of Zambia, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Social Work and Sociology, Lusaka, Zambia

Dr. Andrzej Klimczuk, Assistant Professor
SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Editorial Secretary, Journal of Public Policy Studies

Jasna Kolar Macur, M.Sc.,Councelor
Mentor & Mentors’ Coordinator, Voluntary Activities
Secondary School for Nursing, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Seniors eLearning & eEducation: Patronage Services & Educational Institutions & Libraries & Social Centers eCollaboration

Annigje Kruytbosch, President
Douzelage, European Town Twinning, Niederanven, The Netherlands

Dušan Luin, President
Village Community Kosovelje na Krasu, Slovenia
Member, eSeniors 55+ Network

Dr.Dr.Hc Heinrich C. Mayr, Professor Emeritus
Former Rector, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Application Engineering Research

Dr. Magen Mhaka-Mutepfa, Associate Professor of Psychology and Puplic Health
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana
& Liaison Officer, Pass it On Network

Dr. Marian Niedźwiedziński, Professor
University of Łódź, Poland
Business Informatics Department, School of Economy and Sociology
Cross-border eCollaboration Consortium

Gyula Ocskay, General Secretary
Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary
Member, Central European Seniors 55+ eServices Guide Development

Christine O’Kelly, Age-Friendly Coordinator, Dublin City University
Age-Friendly University Global Network, Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Nancy Papalexandri, Professor Emerita of Human Resources Management
Department of Marketing and Communication, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
President, Greek Association of University Women
Member, Hellenic Branch, European Association of Professors Emeriti – EAPE

Ermira Pirdeni, Executive Director
Albanian Society for All Ages (ASAG), Tirana, Albania

Tine Radinja, Mayor
Municipality of Škofja Loka, Slovenia
Member, European Committee of the Regions

Anja Rebolj, Head
Service for the Implementation of Regional Activities and Development
Editor, Regional Portal Kamra, Digitized local cultural content from libraries and other local cultural institutions eLibrary
Library Miran Jarc Novo mesto, Coordinator, Seniors Contact Points, Public Libraries in Slovenia
Member, eSeniors 55+ Network

Dr. Gregory M. Sadlek, Professor Emeritus / Dean Emeritus
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences – CLASS, Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA

Dr. Raymond Saner, Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Basle, Switzerland
Director and Founder, Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development – CSEND, Geneva, Switzerland

Dr. Lichia Saner-Yiu, Founder
Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development – CSEND, Geneva, Switzerland

Dr. Bernhard Schrefler, Professor Emeritus
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua, Italy

Ana João Sepúlveda, Managing Partner
40+ Lab Lisbon, Portugal & President, Age Friendly Portugal Association & Ambassador, Aging 2.0 Network
Lecturer, European University Lisbon

Dr. Giuseppe Stellin, Professor Emeritus
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua, Italy

Dr. Dušan Šoltés, Professor & Director
e-Europe Research & Development Centre
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management, Slovakia
Member, eSeniors 55+ Network

Dr. Adolf Šostar, Professor Emeritus
Member of the Board, University of Maribor Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teachers, Slovenia

Dr. Paul Timmers, Professor, European University Cyprus
Research Associate University of Oxford, Visiting Professor KU Leuven
Former Director, European Commission for Digital Society, Trust & Cybersecurity
Visiting Fellowship in Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation, Oxford University
Senior Advisor, European Policy Centre Brussels, CEO iivii BV, Belgium

Bojan Tomšič, M.Sc., Senior Lecturer
Procurator, KAKOVOST 2000, d.o.o. Novo mesto, Slovenia
Member, eSeniors 55+ Network

Ljubomir Trajkovski, M.Sc., Principle Consultant, Founder
Trajkovski & Partners Management Consulting, Skopje, North Macedonia

Dr. Bogusława Urbaniak, Professor
Department of Labour and Social Policy, University of Lodz, Poland
Member, Committee of Labour and Social Policy Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

Peter Wintlev-Jensen, Former Senior Programme Manager
Deputy Head of Unit eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing, Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission

Valerie Wood-Gaiger, MBE – Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
Founder, Learn with Grandma – an international network on Facebook
Brynamlwg, Myddfai, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, Wales SA200NZ

Marjeta Vaupot, MBA, Director
Health Community Center Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Coordinator, Central European Seniors 55+ eServices Guide Development

Dr. Doug Vogel, Professor of Information Systems & eHealth Research Institute Director
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Fellow and Past-President, Association for Information Systems – AIS
Member, Cross-border eCollaboration Consortium
Fellow, Australian Institute of Digital Health – AIDH, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
in association with the University of the Third Age

Links to Position Paper in National Language

Entwicklung der „Silver Economy“ und verwandter staatlicher Ressourcen für Seniorinnen und Senioren. Ein Positionspapier.
Herausgegeben am 19. September 2022 von Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy.
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Importance of External Websites Interlinking

External website interlinking, also known as outbound linking or external linking, refers to the practice of linking from one website to another website that is hosted on a different domain. External website interlinking is important for several reasons:

When you link to authoritative and reputable websites, it helps establish the credibility and trustworthiness of your own website. By providing external links to reliable sources, you are showing your readers that you have done your research and are supporting your content with credible references. This can enhance your website’s credibility and build trust with your audience.

External website interlinking can improve the user experience of your website. By providing relevant and useful external links, you are offering additional information and resources to your visitors, which can enhance their overall experience on your website. This can lead to increased engagement, longer visit durations, and higher chances of repeat visits.

External website interlinking can also have SEO (Search Engine Optimization) benefits. When you link to authoritative websites with relevant content, search engines may view your website as a valuable resource and may reward it with higher rankings in search results. Additionally, external links can help search engines understand the context of your content and can contribute to the overall relevancy and authority of your website in the eyes of search engines.

External website interlinking can also help you build relationships with other websites and website owners. When you link to other websites, you are creating opportunities for collaboration, networking, and partnerships. Other website owners may notice your links and may reciprocate by linking back to your website, which can result in increased exposure and referral traffic.

Properly citing and referencing external sources through interlinking is also important from a legal and ethical standpoint. It ensures that you are giving credit to the original creators of content and adhering to copyright laws. Providing accurate and legitimate references in your content is an ethical practice that promotes integrity and professionalism in your online presence.

Links to Silver Economy Websites

If we tell someone everything we know, we still have everything left.

Interlinking websites

pdf Interlinking Websites Joze Gricar November 16 2022

The eRegion portal is powered by SRC d.o.o. Ljubljana

Contact Person:
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion,


Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors. A Position Paper (2022)
Minister of Seniors Appointment. Position Paper (2021)


Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy
Professors Emeriti Network
eSeniors 55+ Network
Network of eCollaborating Retired eAcademics
Seniors eLearning & eEducation
Central European Seniors 55+ eServices Guide. For the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+
Active Aging Networks

Age-Friendly University – AFU Global Network, Dublin City University, Ireland
Age Friendly University Network Members and Contact Points

If you wish to make contact with the AFU members please contact the AFU Coordinator in Dublin City University – DCU in advance to facilitate this:
Christine O’Kelly, Age-Friendly Coordinator, Dublin City University,

The Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy, 10/10/2022.

HINCKS CENTRE for Entrepreneurship Excellence

Contact Person:
Dr. Aisling ConwayLenihan, Academic Researcher, Munster Technological University, Cork, Ireland,

Central European Seniors 55+ eServices Guide.
For the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+.

Platform Prototype Development

Contact Person
Marjeta Vaupot, MBA, Director
Health Community Center Slovenj Gradec
Council Member, City Municipality of Slovenj Gradec
Coordinator, Central European Seniors eServices Guide 55+

The links to the eServices for Seniors 55+ Guides in Canada, USA and Australia are published at Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy.


Active Aging Consortium in Asia Pacific (ACAP)

Contact Person:
Dr. Kathryn L. Braun, Professor of Public Health and Social Work, Barbara Cox Anthony Endowed Chair on Aging
Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, United States of America

Smart Silver Labs Network across the Baltic Sea Region – SilverHub

European Silver Economy Network – Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors

Contact Person:
Elmārs Baltiņš, Project Manager
CONNECT Latvia, Riga, Latvia
pdf Seniors Memorandum Latvia January 2023

Links to ePublications

Ageing as a driver of progressive politics? What the European Silver Economy teaches us about the co-constitution of ageing and innovationDr. Benjamin Lipp, Scientific Assistant, Science Studies and Innovation Research, University of Hamburg, and Alexander Peine, Assistant Professor, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University. Cambridge University Press, 05 September 2022.

Stage (Not Age): How to Understand and Serve People Over 60 – the Fastest Growing, Most Dynamic Market in the WorldDr. Susan Wilner Golden, Director, dciX Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute and Adjunct Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Business. Harvard Business Review Press, June 2022.
Author Talks: Older, wiser, and not going anywhere. Interview. Raju Narisetti, Leader, McKinsey Global Publishing, McKinsey&Company, July 14, 2022.

In a society of longevity, seniors are more than a “silver economy”Anne-Marie Guillemard, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Université de Paris-Cité. Interview by Richard Robert, Polytechnique Insights, Paris, June 29th, 2022.

Mature and Older Adults’ Perception of Active Ageing and the Need for Supporting Services: Insights from a Qualitative Study. Valentina Barbaccia, Laura Bravi, Federica Murmura, Elisabetta Savelli and Elena Viganò. Department of Economics, Society, Politics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. MDPI, 23 June 2022.

2022 Rome Ministerial Declaration: “A Sustainable World for All Ages: Joining Forces for Solidarity and Equal Opportunities Throughout Life”. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Information Unit, Rome, 17 June 2022: 9.
Rome Ministerial Conference on Ageing closes with commitment to policy action for solidarity and equal opportunities throughout life. The 5th UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing in Rome, 17 June 2022.

Multisector, All-of-Society Transformation Needed to Ensure Aging Societies Worldwide Are Poised to Thrive by 2050. Report. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, June 3, 2022.

The Digital Era? Also my Era! Media and information literacy: a key to ensure seniors’ rights to participate in the digital era. Dr. An Hermans, Professor Emerita, KU Leuven, Belgium & President of the European Seniors’ Union (ESU). May 2022: 44.

A Digital Collaborative Platform for the Silver Economy: Functionalities Required by Stakeholders in a Multinational Baltic Sea Region Project. By Sidra Azmat Butt, Shweta Suran, Robert Krimmer, Michael Smærup, Dirk Draheim. TechRxiv, 28.05.2022: 40.

Central European Seniors 55+ eServices Guide. For the adult children 55+ taking care of parents 75+.

Interlinking Silver Economy Websites and Portals. Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy, April 8, 2022.

Reviewing the Benefits of Aging Populations: Care Activities Provided by the Older People as a Commons. Dr. Iñigo Calvo-Sotomayor, Department of Management and Dr. Ekhi Atutxa, Department of Finance and Economics, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. 07 April 2022.

The Contribution from a Network of the Associations to the Development of a Silver Economy. Dr. Luigi Campanella, Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome & General Secretary, European Association of Professors Emeriti. Zoom Meeting, Professors Emeriti Network, 06.04.2022.

How research management needs to respond to the international partnership challenge. William Mitchell, Louise Heery and Yolanda Davids. UK Collaborative on Development Research, 9 March 2022.

Researchers at 28 UK universities team up to tackle healthy ageing. UK Aging Network – UKAN, UK Research and Innovation, 9 March 2022.

Why ‘user-centric design’ needs to include older users. Chris Ward, Innovation Lead.  UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge, 2 Mar 2022.

Active ageing policies in Italy. Report on the state of the art. Department for Family Policies, Government of Italy & National Institute for the Care of the Elderly (INRCA), IRCCS, February 2022: 95.

Set up a ministry just for senior citizens, says group. Malaysian Coalition on Ageing. Free Malaysia Today, February 19, 2022.

Collaboration challenge for 2022 – be intentional, transparent, and creative. By Stephanie Spangler, Associate General Counsel, internal functions and client-serving teams on data risk and data management issues. McKinsey & Company, February 16, 2022.

Baltic Sea Region Joint Action Plan for Capitalization of Silver Economy Opportunities. Report. Interreg BSR OSIRIS. By Hanna Takala. Riihimäki Business Development Co., Turku, Finland, February 14, 2022: 49.

The Past, Present and Future Direction of Government-Supported Active Aging Initiatives in Japan: A Work in ProgressDr. Someya, Yoshiko, Health & Medicine Paradigm Shift Consortium (HMPSC), Tokyo and Dr. Cullen T. Hayashida, Department of Sociology, University of Hawaii. MDPI, Social Sciences 11: 65, 9 February 2022: 18.

User-centricity, interoperability and citizens’ data sovereignty: the foundations of cross-border digital public services. Policy Brief. Nathan Carvalho, Grace Milne and David Osimo, The Lisbon Council. European Commission, ACROSS, February 9, 2022: 21.

National Report: Implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and its Regional Implementation Strategy. Government of Canada,  Employment and Social Development Canada, 2022-01-27: 64.

Developing indicators of age-friendly neighbourhood environments for urban and rural communities across 20 low-, middle-, and high-income countries. Emily J. Rugel, Clara K. Chow, Daniel J. Corsi, Perry Hystad, Sumathy Rangarajan, Salim Yusuf & Scott A. Lear. BMC Public Health, Part of Springer Nature, 13 January 2022.

The role of age and digital competence on the use of online health and social care services: A cross-sectional population-based survey. T Heponiemi, A-M Kaihlanen, A Kouvonen, L Leemann, S Taipale and K Gluschkoff, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki. SAGE, Digital Publications, 3 January 2022: 10.

Minister of Seniors Mandate Letter. Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada, December 16, 2021.

AARP’s Searching the World for Better Ways to Age. New collaborative supports long-life innovations. By Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP, January 11, 2022. The Aging Readiness & Competitiveness Report – Third Edition. Driving Innovation in Healthcare and Wellness, October 2021: 73.

Small enterprises and the silver economy. Aisling Conway Lenihan & Helen McGuirk, Management and Enterprise, Munster Technological University, Cork, Ireland. Small Enterprise Research, Informa UK Limited, Taylor & Francis Group, 07 Mar 2022: 6.

An appeal for the establishment of ministries for seniors in all countries of the European Union. By De Santo, Natale Gaspare; Gričar, Jože; Ehrich, Jochen.  The Bulletin of the European association of professors emeriti. 2022, vol. 3, iss. 1, p. 10-12.

The longevity economy. Dr. Andrew J Scott, Professor of Economics, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Consulting Scholar, Stanford University’s Center on Longevity. Science Direct, The Lancet Healthy Longevity. Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2021: pp e828-e835.

The Silver Economy in European Cities. Carolina Foglia, Maria Laura Parisi, Nicola Pontarollo, University of Brescia, Italy. December 2021.

A Knowledge Map for ICT Integration in the Silver Economy. Sidra A. Butta, Emna A. Elhadjamorb, Ingrid Pappela, Enn Õunapuua, Dirk Draheima. Procedia Computer Science 181 (2021) 693–701.

Age friendly Wales: our strategy for an ageing society. What we will do to use the potential of today’s older people and support our ageing society. Welsh Government, 7 October 2021; 60.

Addressing an Aging Population through Digital Transformation in the Western Hemisphere. By Daniel F. Runde, Senior Vice President, Center for Strategic and International Studies, McLean, Virginia, United States, September 27, 2021.

The silver economy in Poland. SHARE 50+ Survey in Europe. Magdalena Święcicka. The Magazine of SGH Warsaw School of Economics, 13.09.2021.

Silver economy & technology. Andrea Ruggiero, Tullio Fatigati, Department of Economics, Management and Institutions, University of Naples Federico II. Tendenze Nuove, Numero 2 – 2021; 1-6.

The Silver Economy as a Constructive Response in Public Policy on Aging. Dr. Andrzej Klimczuk, Assistant Professor. ResearchGate, 4 Jul 2021.

Minister of Seniors Appointment. By Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia. EAPE BULLETIN ISSUE 2021; 2(3): 46-68 PDFEuropean Association of Professors Emeriti, June 2, 2021, pp 51-53.

Silver Economy: An opportunity for economic development in the hands of our Senior Citizens. Top & Hot, Tendercapital Ltd, London, 6 May 2021.

Minister of Seniors Appointment. Position Paper. Professors Emeriti Network, April 21, 2021.

Unlocking the potential of silver economy in the Nordic Region. Mats Stjernberg, Hjördís Rut Sigurjónsdóttir and Mari Wøien Meijer and Mats Stjernberg. Nordregion, Stockholm, Sweden, 16 Mar 2021: 76.

Silver Economy Strategies: A Comparative Study of Japanese and South Korean Governmental Measures. Pauline Gschwendtner. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies 12(1):62-91, ResearchGate, December 2020.

Commentary: It is high time for a Ministry on Ageing Issues. Such a ministry can bring into sharper focus the concerns, challenges and aspirations of seniors. Dr. Helen Ko, Senior Lecturer, Graduate Gerontology Programmes, Singapore University of Social Sciences & Executive Director, Beyond Age. Chanell News Asia – CNA, 17 Aug 2019.

A Fairer Scotland for Older People: framework for action. Scottish Government, 3 April 2019: 72.

Older people in a digital world. BAGSO Position Paper. German National Association of Senior Citizens‘ Organisations, 28 Mar 2019: 8.

Memorandum on Silver eConomy DevelopmentSilver eConomy Development Meeting in Ljubljana, SloveniaeRegion Portal, June 8, 2016.

Additional links to ePublications:
Global Network of Associations & Networks: Retirees Developing Silver Economy.

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