16.10.2017 Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging

16.10.2017 Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging


Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging is a component of the Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion. It has been created to gather the individuals 55+ sharing interest in Silver eConomy and Sharing eConomy development. Its focus is at the cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion by exploiting the eServices. The members are engaging in the related meetings, consultations and workshops. The network is open to interlinking with similar active aging networks & associations.

Healthy ageing is “the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age”. Functional ability is about having the capabilities that enable all people to be and do what they have reason to value (World Health Organization -WHO).

Active ageing means helping people stay in charge of their own lives for as long as possible as they age and, where possible, to contribute to the economy and society (European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion).

All sectors must be engaged in planning for the opportunities of a growing population of older adults to ensure we are not only adding years to life, but life to years (Healthy Aging in Action: Advancing the National Prevention Strategy, November 2016).





  • Links to Past Activities
  • Links to Networks
  • Links to Associations
  • Links to Documents

Links to publications


Network’s Contact Person Martina Uvodić

Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging was  co-organizer of the eServices Provision for the Elderly (55+) Consultation taking place in Ljubljana on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.

Network’s Members Meetings

Next meeting

Wednesday, May 8, 2019    10:00 – 12:30

Location: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije – ZPIZ, (Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia) Kolodvorska 15, Ljubljana, Meeting room, 8th

doc e-seniorji sestanek 8.5.2019

9.4.2019 eServices Provision for the Seniors (55+) in the Cross-border eRegion Consultation

Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2019    17:00 – 19:00

Location: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije – ZPIZ, (Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia) Kolodvorska 15, Ljubljana, Meeting room, 8th Floor

Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2019    17:00 – 19:00

Location: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije – ZPIZ, (Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia) Kolodvorska 15, Ljubljana, Meeting room, 8th Floor
doc e-seniorji sestanek 13.2.2019

Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2019    17:00 – 19:00

Location: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije – ZPIZ, (Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia) Kolodvorska 15, Ljubljana, Meeting room, 8th Floor
doc Vodnik storitev Zapisnik sestanka 16-01-2019

Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018    17:00 – 19:00

Services Guide for Seniors (55+): Participating organizations & Data structure
Provision of eServices for the Elderly (55+) in the Cross-border eRegion Consultation in Škofja Loka on April 9 2019: Panels Development
Any other business

Location: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije – ZPIZ, (Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia) Kolodvorska 15, Ljubljana, Meeting room, 8th Floor

doc e-seniorji sestanek 14.11.2018

Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2018    17:00 – 19:00

Location: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije – ZPIZ, (Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia) Kolodvorska 15, Ljubljana, Meeting room, 8th Floor

Program sestanka:

1. Vtisi s posvetovanja Zagotavljanje e-storitev za starejše (55+), ki je bilo na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije – ZPIZ v sredo, 12. septembra 2018.
2. Priprave Vodiča e-storitev za starejše (55+)- izhodišča in usmeritve ter vzpostavitev skupine urednikov spletnih strani.
3. Priprave mednarodnega posvetovanja Provision of eServices for the Elderly (55+) in the Cross-border eRegion. Consultation, ki bo v Škofji Loki v aprilu 2019.
4. Razno.

eSeniors zapisnik sestanka 10.10.2018

Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 17:00 – 19:00

Location: Slovenian Third Age University, Poljanska 6, Ljubljana, First Floor, Room 4

eSeniors zapisnik sestanka Maj 9 2018

Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 10:00 – 14:00

Location: Municipality of Škofja Loka

Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2018, 17:00 – 19:00

Location: Slovenian Third Age University, Poljanska 6, Ljubljana, First Floor, Room 7

eSeniors zapisnik sestanka Feb14 2018  (Minutes of the meeting – attachment in Slovene language)

Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 17:00 – 19:00

Location: Slovenian Third Age University, Poljanska 6, Ljubljana, First Floor, Room 7

eSeniors zapisnik sestanka Jan10 2018   (Minutes of the meeting – attachment in Slovene language)

Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 17:00 – 19:00

Location: Slovenian Third Age University, Poljanska 6, Ljubljana, First Floor, Room 6

eSeniors zapisnik sestanka Dec13 2017 (Minutes of the meeting – attachment in Slovene language)



Dr. Tomaž Amon, Director
Bioamin Ljubljana & Vice President for Scientific and Educational Activities, Slovene – Chinese Association

Dr. Cene Bavec, Professor Emeritus, University of Primorska, Former State Secretary for Technology

Vanja Borovac Jurečko, Public Relations Consultant
Rectorat, University of Maribor

Dr. Rafael Cajhen, Professor Emeritus, University of Ljubljana

Mag. Andrej Cetinski, Former Member of the Management Board
SKB banka Ljubljana

Slava Divjak, Director
DEOS d.d. Ljubljana, Elderly Home Črnuče

Marjan Fortuna, MD, Specialist of Internal Medicine
Former Head, Department of Intensive Care, University Hospital Ljubljana

Nives Fortunat Šircelj, Director
Institute ZAPOSLISE – Education, Leadership Management,  Intergenerational Cooperation,  Ljubljana

Alenka Gričar, Former Fashion Designer & Student
Italian Language Class, Third Age University Ljubljana

Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
Editor, eRegion Portal
& Student, Italian Language Class, Third Age University Ljubljana
& Member of Assembly & Member of the Board, Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary

Nada Hochkraut

Mag. Anita Hrast, General Manager
Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility (IRDO), Maribor
& President, Social Responsibility and Current Challenges Conference

Barbka Huzjan, Occupational Therapist
University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Rheumatology
& Professional Associate, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana

Mag. Miha Ješe, Mayor
Municipality of Škofja Loka & Coordinator, Neighboring eMunicipalities Gorenja vas – Poljane, Škofja Loka, Železniki, Žiri & Coordinator, eMunicipalities Without Borders Mayors Consortium & Vice-President, Douzelage Association

Franci Koncilija, First Mayor after Slovenia’s Independence
Town Municipality of Novo mesto

Petra Kotnik, Head of Physiotherapists
Terme Krka Šmarješke Toplice

Borjana Koželj, President
The Third Age University Škofja Loka

Dr. Irena Lazar, Professor & Dean
Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska & Vice President, International Association for the History of Glass & Collaborator, UNESCO Chair on Museology and World Heritage

Gregor Lenart, Ph.D, Senior Lecturer
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Mag. Tanja Lesničar, Member, Management Council for Informatics and Intergenerational Cooperation
Andragogic Association – Third Age University Velenje & Former Head, eBusiness Department, Gorenje d.d. Velenje

Niko Matičič, Deputy Director
Anni d.o.o., Computers & IT Solutions, Trzin

Dr. Blaž Mlačak, MD, Former Director, Health Center Metlika
Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Novo mesto

Dr. Damijan Mumel, Professor
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor
& Head, Working Group on Life Quality on the University of Maribor

Dr. Julij Nemanič, Enolog
Assistant Professor for Viticulture, Landscape Governance College Grm Novo mesto
Honorary Citizen of Metlika  & Member, Dolenjska Academic Initiative

Dr. Alenka Oven, Director
Institute for long-term care Ljubljana

Mag. Edmond Pajk, Deputy General Director & IT Division Director – CIO
Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia

Silva Perčič, Secretary
Association of Retired Persons Martin Krpan, Bloke
& Former Deputy Financial Officer for Informatics Elektronabava Ljubljana

Damijan Perne, MD, Psychiatrist
Head, Outpatient Center, University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana

Stanislav Plavec, Former Deputy Director General
Krka Ltd., Novo mesto

Mag. Aco Prosnik, Patient Rights Ombudsman
City Municipality of Maribor

Dr. Vladislav Rajkovič, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
& Procurator, INOVEMA, Business Consulting and Research Ljubljana

Dr. Peter Raspor, Professor & Vicedean
Higher Educational Institution Physiotherapeutica, Ljubljana

Alenka Reissner, Project Manager & Head
Committee for Education, Publicity & Informatics, Slovene Federation of Pensioners’ Associations Ljubljana

Mag. Petra Rozman, Director
Public University Škofja Loka

Mag. Gabrijela Starc, President
Slovenian Association of Physiotherapists Ljubljana, Member of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy – WCPT

Dr. Simona Šarotar Žižek, Associate Professor
& Head, Institute for Organization and Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor

Dr. Vida Škrabar Amon, MD
Community Health Centre Ljubljana Vič

Mojca Škrinjar, Head, Committee for Education, Science and Sport
Slovenian Democratic Party & Former State Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Rožca Šonc, President
Pensioners’ Association of Novo mesto & Head, Project Elderly for the Elderly, Slovene Federation of Pensioners’ Associations

Primož Urgl, Design
& Student, Third Age University Ljubljana

Martina UvodićNetwork’s Contact Person
Procurator, Maritim Ltd., Medical Diagnostics and Laboratory Equipment, Ljubljana
& Student, Computing Class, Third Age University Ljubljana

Marija VelikonjaEditor, ADEES – eNewsLetter
Andragogic Association Slovenia & Associate, Dyslexia Institute, Slovenian Third Age University

Dr. Božidar Voljč, MD, Advisor, Institut Emonicum Ljubljana
& Member, Task Forces, AGE Platform Europe & Former Minister of Health, Republic of Slovenia

Maks Vreča, Former CIO
Ljubljanska banka

Maja Zupanc, Consultant for Chemicals, IRIS – International Trade Ljubljana
& Student, Study Group Interpersonal Relationships and Communications, Third Age University Ljubljana

Dr. Magda Zupančič, Secretary
Department for Analysis and Development and European Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Republic of Slovenia

Barbara Železnik Bizjak, Director
TRIDESIGN d.o.o., Ljubljana & Lecturer, Third Age University Ljubljana, Home, culture of living, design and renovation class


Links to Past Activities

Slovenia eSeniors: eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 29, 2017
Silver eConomy Development, Panel. 3rd Slovenia-Hungary Forum, Szentgotthárd / Monošter, Hungary, May 22 – 23, 2017
6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development. Castle Jable, Slovenia, September 19-20, 2016. Silver eEconomy related panels:
– Sustainable Solutions for Demographic Changes in Central Europe – Silver Economy.
– Comprehensive Solutions within the Silver eEconomy Development in the eRegions for Higher Labour and Social Inclusion of Elderly.
– Silver Economy & the Third Age Universities in the eRegions
Silver eEconomy Development Meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 8, 2016

Links to Active Aging Networks


Active Aging Consortium Asia Pacific – ACAP
Active Agin
g Network
Age-Friendly University Global Network
AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence (NCE)

eSeniors – Network for eInclusion of Seniors and Active Aging

EURAG Europe – European Federation of Older Persons
European Connected Health Alliance
European Network in Aging Studies – ENAS

Family Studies and Research University Centre, Milan
Healthy Aging

Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
International Longevity Centre – UK
Pass It On Network 

Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging
The Global Ageing Network

U3A Online – the first virtual Third Age University


Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions, Slovenia
Cultural Heritage
Historic Villages & Towns Network
Castles & Museums Network
River Basins Network

Links to Associations

Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), Gronau, Germany
Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary
Slovenian Australian Academic Association Incorporated – SAAA, Melbourne, Australia

Links to publication

Publications in English language

Memorandum on Silver eEconomy Development, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 8, 2016

Additional links are available at eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation, Škofja Loka, Slovenia on April 11, 2018

Publications in Slovene language

Srebrna e-ekonomija oktober 2017 (Silver eConomy)
Storitvena e-ekonomija september 2017 (Sharing eConomy)

The eRegion portal is powered by SRC d.o.o. Ljubljana

Attached documents: