Prototype title:
Semantic Web search engine for cross-border smart cities collaboration
Problem owner – current (or designated) prototype user
Janez Sajovic, Manager, iTS ISKRATEL, Skopje, Macedonia
Željko Pulić, Chief Executive Officer (CEO),ISKRATEL D.D., Kranj, Slovenia
Short description of the prototype:
Web search has become an everyday activity for billion of users of the Internet, who search a great variety of information. Regardless of the searching context, the expected result should always be relevant and match as exactly as possible the user query. We propose semantic web search engine for cross-border smart cities, which will provide more relevant and easy to receive information. As part of the proposal we want to include geo-localized data, associated visual representations, community-related information as well as adaptation to the requirement that may concern people affected by various disabilities. The generic principle consists of creating an indexing and search platform that can optimize the processing of data from multiple, heterogeneous sources while providing facilities in terms of specification of community-related requirements and while ensuring the relevance of the search process. The benefit of the proposed solution will have mainly the communities concerning these countries or regions and also will show clear picture of the similarities and dissimilarities between these regions. To this purpose, the project will aim at establishing various levels of correlations, based on learning approaches. Within this framework, the big and open data technologies will play a central role in the project.
The developments will extend the achievements already obtained within the framework of the French SmartCity+ project.
ICT requirements for the prototype deployment in another organization/country:
ICT infrastructure to provide broadband Internet with corresponding QoS necessary for development of eServices
Expected cross-border impacts:
Collaborative space, accurate geo-localize data with proper description, Handicapped people
Prototype Proposer – contact person *
Titus Zaharia, Professor
Institute Mines-Telecom, Sud Paris, Paris, France,
Telephone +33 1 60 76 46 74
Existing partners:
Institute Mines-Telecom, Telecom Sud Paris, CNRS UMR 8145 – MAP5, France, Dancho Panovski, Titus Zaharia, Professor
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia,Danco Davcev, Professor
SIMT, ICT SME, Skopje, Slave Delovski, Macedonia, Manager
What type of partners are we looking for?
SMEs, Universities
* Remark: I, the prototype proposer, do agree that my personal data is published.
Prototype title:
Independent living: Smart tools, personalization, social robots, safety-critical solutions
Problem owner – current (or designated) prototype user: elderly people and people with special needs
Dr. András Lőrincz*, Senior researcher, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary
Current components of the prototype
- MouSense (ELTE, see videos 1, 2, 3)
- Telepresence solution for people with Severe Speech and Physical Impairments (ELTE, see videos 1, 2, 3)
- Solution for people with dementia (DFKI, see link, and videos 1, 2, 3)
- Facial expression estimation (Carnegie Mellon Univ, ELTE, see video)
- Hand pose tracking (Graz University of Technology, see video)
- Robotic help (Technical University of Munich, see video on the Erwin Schrödinger Preis)
- Smart glove for rehabilitation (Dankook University, Neofect, Seoul, South-Korea)
Short Description of the prototype:
Independent living is a health and cost saving option for elderly people, which is also highly beneficial for the aging Europe. There are numbers of related EU projects on (i) ‘health and wellbeing’, (ii) ‘ambient intelligence’ (iii) ‘assistive tools’, (iv) ‘robotic companion’, (v) ‘Internet of Things’, (vi) ‘System of systems’, (vii) ‘Cyber-Physical Systems’ and (viii) ‘Smart Tools’.
Main stakeholders include high tech and hardware companies, like Eye-Tracking Glasses (SMI, Germany, Tobii, Sweden), robotics, including KUKA, iCube developers, software and hardware intensive problems, such as Cyber-Physical Systems with human-in-the-loop that also concerns other fields, such as automotive companies, intelligent transportation systems. Another aspect is the human aspect that also has economic impacts, namely independent living provides freedom for elderly people that may affect social security systems.
As an additional source of information, see. “Revolution in Health and Wellbeing.”KI-Künstliche Intelligenz: 1-4, 2015, written by András Lőrincz
ICT requirements for the prototype deployment in another organization/country:
Some components of the listed infrastructure is needed: WiFi within home, connection to cloud services for data logging and data mining, smart tools, including mobile phones, smart watch for measuring pulse rate and stress level, cameras, 3D camera, eye-tracking glasses, robotic companion. A few of these should be sufficient.
Expected cross-border impacts:
Societal impact: Families spread over three, sometimes four or more generations and are separated in different countries. Connection between family members can be maintained and can support independent living as well as quality assurance of homecare.
Economic impact: software and hardware tools, Internet as a Service, Platform as a Service, Big Data collection and data mining, and many other advances can be expected
Clients using the prototype
Clients of the Hungarian Bliss Foundation
Clients of the kommhelp e.V. Germany
Prototype Proposer – contact person *
Dr. habil. András Lőrincz, Senior Researcher
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, H-1117, Hungary,
Telephone: +36 1 372 2500 / 8347
Partners: DFKI, Germany, Technology University of Graz, Technical University of Munich, Dankook University
What type of partners are we looking for?
1. Professional partners for data collection and data mining during clinical diagnosis on dementia, depression, and schizophrenia.
2. Collaborating pharmaceutical company for data collection and data mining in Phase I – Phase IV clinical trials.
3. Homecare partners for data collection and evaluation.
4. Partner for development of smart tools
* Remark: I, the prototype proposer, do agree that my personal data is published.
Prototype title:
eMunicipality Website
Problem owner – current (or designated) prototype user:
Mag. Miha Ješe, Mayor, Municipality of Škofja Loka, Slovenia & Coordinator, eMunicipalities Without Borders Mayors Consortium
Short description of the prototype:
The municipalities in the Consortium ( are planning to jointly develop a common website (in English language) as a prototype. It will allow access to data on the organizations and activities in each municipality being of interest to business, visitors, and tourists. It will provide the links to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) on a territory of the municipality which are encouraged to engage in a cross-border eBusiness using latest eTechnologies. All transactions of a business process are expected to be e-based: inquiry, catalog, purchase order, order confirmation, delivery note, invoice, payment. The ICT providers are encouraged to look for low-cost, easy-to-use holistic eServices in order to assist numerous SMEs to engage in a cross-border eBusiness.
The Consortium is a component of the Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion ( It has been under way since February 2011. A major focus of the initiative is to encourage organizations having interest in any aspect of cross-border eBusiness in the region to engage in a joint Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based prototype development. A prototype is the beginning of an action leading to a possible joint pilot. The pilot may be a core of an EU project proposal of an eSolution, or an eService development solving a problem shared by the organization in at least three countries.
ICT requirements for the prototype deployment in another organization/country:
Internet access
Expected cross-border impacts:
Contribution to municipality visibility and its competitiveness, acceleration of cross-border eBusiness of SMEs, participation in the Digital Single Market development in the eRegion.
Prototype Proposer – contact person: *
Mag. Miha Ješe, Mayor, Municipality of Škofja Loka, Slovenia
Telephone +386 (04) 511 2317
Existing partners:
Janja Hadalin, Advisor for Environment and Space & Website Editor, Municipality of Idrija
Aleš Skalič, Project Manager, Development Centre Murska Sobota & Municipality Website Editor, Town Municipality of Murska Sobota
Domen Čampa Marinč, Public Relations & Website Editor, Municipality of Ribnica
Jernej Tavčar, Public Relations & Website Editor, Municipality of Škofja Loka
City of Szentgotthárd
Municipality of Lenti
Municipality of Kőszeg
What type of partners are we looking for?
Municipalities (Mayor, Administration Director, Website Editor)
* Remark: I, the prototype proposer, do agree that my personal data is published.
Prototype title:
Cloud based Emergency Medical Services (Cloud EMS)
Problem owner – current (or designated) prototype user
Institute for the emergency medicine of City of Zagreb, Croatia
Short description of the prototype:
High level Functional domains: Dynamic EMS resource allocation optimization; Minimization of on-site arrival time; On field collaborative technology supported emergency medical service; Continual patient monitoring and care with status data transmition during minimized transportation time; Electronic referral and patient transfer to stationary medical institution; EMS monitoring and visualization; Multilevel Statistics, KPI’s and Management.
High level Non-Functional domains: EMS as a Service (EMSaaS): Platform, Infrastructure, Software; Collaborative Clouds; Adaptive Multilevel Security and Privacy.
Expected benefits: Functional and ICT alignment on the national/international level; Minimized Cost per Service
Expansion opportunities: Regional, European, Global
ICT requirements for the prototype deployment in another organization/country: Registered access points to Cloud EMS.
Expected cross-border impacts:
National/regional harmonization and customization of implemented requirements; cross-border EMS cooperation and collaboration.
Prototype Proposer – contact person *
Dr. Mladen Mauher, Vice Dean for Science, Degree Programs and External Affairs
Polytechnic of Zagreb, Croatia,
Mobile: +385 98 279 004
Existing partners:
Institute for the emergency medicine of City of Zagreb, Croatia
Croatian Institute of Emergency Medicine
Polytechnic of Zagreb, Croatia
SPAN Group, Croatia
What type of partners are we looking for?
Regional/international EMS experts.
New frontiers emergency medical equipment integrators.
EM standards and policies experts.
* Remark: I, the prototype proposer, do agree that my personal data is published.