Accounting Services

Connected Learning of Internet & English in eCollaboration Network

Objectives Coordinators The Network Connection with U3A Online Australia Participating organizations Albania France Slovakia Slovenia Records of the meetings Links Accelerating eTechnologies supported education for connecting everyone anywhere. Meeting todays and upcoming demands and opportunities. Supporting eSeniors 55+ in using Internet for Active Aging. Enabling connectivity by providing links to…

22.5.2019 Academy 2019 – Cultural Heritage ePromotion in the Krka & Kolpa/Kupa River Basin

Akademija 2019 – E-promocija kulturne dediščine v porečju Krke in Kolpe Datum: sreda, 22. maja, 2019, od 9:00 do 15:30 Lokacija: Kulturni center Janeza Trdine, Novo mesto Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2019, 9:00 –  15:30 Location: Janez Trdina Cultural Centre, Novi trg 5, Novo mesto, Slovenia Akademija 2019 je nadaljevanje…