The group members from around the region, particularly those working within the higher education field will assess the state of eEducation and eLearning in their respective countries. Two aspects of using eTechnologies in the important processes require the effort envisioned. The major focus of the network (think tank) University eLearning & eEducation…
Connected Learning of Internet & English in eCollaboration Network
Objectives Coordinators The Network Connection with U3A Online Australia Participating organizations Albania France Slovakia Slovenia Records of the meetings Links Accelerating eTechnologies supported education for connecting everyone anywhere. Meeting todays and upcoming demands and opportunities. Supporting eSeniors 55+ in using Internet for Active Aging. Enabling connectivity by providing links to…
22.5.2019 Academy 2019 – Cultural Heritage ePromotion in the Krka & Kolpa/Kupa River Basin
Akademija 2019 – E-promocija kulturne dediščine v porečju Krke in Kolpe Datum: sreda, 22. maja, 2019, od 9:00 do 15:30 Lokacija: Kulturni center Janeza Trdine, Novo mesto Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2019, 9:00 – 15:30 Location: Janez Trdina Cultural Centre, Novi trg 5, Novo mesto, Slovenia Akademija 2019 je nadaljevanje…
6.6.2018 Slovenia Council for eServices Provision for the Seniors 55+
Slovenski svet za zagotavljanje e-storitev za seniorje 55+ eServices Provision for the Seniors (55+) Consultation taking place in Ljubljana on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Zapis o sestanku predstavnikov Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije in omrežja Slovenski e-seniorji: E-vključevanje v aktivno staranje 1. junija 2018 Namen Cilji Koordinatorji sveta…
21.–22.3.2018 eSchools Collaboration in the eRegion Conference – Celje, Slovenia
Time: Wednesday, March 21, 14:00 – 18:00 19:00 Cultural Event: An Evening Dedicated to Bertold Brecht, National Hall Celje Thursday, March 22, 9:00 – 15:30 Location: International School for Social and Business Studies – ISSBS, Celje, Mariborska cesta 7, 3000 Celje, Slovenia Parking at the International School for Social and Business Studies There…