Initiative’s Meetings 2015

9.6.2015 Slovenia’s Involvement in the New eSilk & New eAmber Roads Development

Several panels of the Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC2015 are under preparation. A program under development  is published. One of the panels is eRegions on the New eSilk and New eAmber Roads. The panel chair is Dr. Stanislav Raščan, Director General, Ambassador, Directorate for Economic Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic…

21-22 4. 2015 – New Impetus for Cross-Border Collaboration, Seminar Hungary-Slovenia

New Impetus for Cross-Border Collaboration Location: Seminar in Szentgotthárd-Monošter, Hungary Date: on 21-22 April 2015 BACKGROUND The representatives of  the municipalities, SMEs and universities in the neighboring countries Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Hungary having interest in a cross-border eCollaboration are invited to attend the Seminar. Prototypes of eSolutions and eServices needed…

12. 3. 2015 – eTransport & eLogistics Workshop, Transport Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

Workshop on Cross-border Joint EU Projects Opportunities in the Area of eTransport and eLogistics in the eRegion: Problems and Objectives The Workshop is a follow-up of the Rectors & Deans & Business Directors in the eRegion Meeting on the Cross-border Joint EU Projects Opportunities in the Area of Transport and Logistics,…

24. 2. 2015 – Cross-border Macro eRegions & Chambers of Commerce, Štajerska Chamber

Čezmejno e-sodelovanje v makro regijah Štajerska gospodarska zbornica Maribor 24. 2. 2015, 10:00 – 11:45 Cross-border eCollaboration in the Macro regions Štajerska Chamber of Commerce Maribor 24. 2. 2015 The meeting was chaired by Mag. Aleksandra Podgornik, Director, Štajerska Chamber of Commerce Maribor. Relevance of three macro regions was discussed:…

3. 2. 2015 Municipalities & Cross-border eCollaboration, Town Municipality Murska Sobota

Čezmejno e-sodelovanje & e-poslovanje malih podjetij v Podonavski e-regiji Mestna občina Murska Sobota 3. 2. 2015 ob 10. uri v sejni sobi Urada župana Mestne občine Murska Sobota Zapis o sestanku Cross-border eCollaboration & eBusiness of SMEs in the Danube eRegion Town Municipality of Murska Sobota on 3.2.2015, Mayor’s meeting…

26. 1. 2015 – Rectors & Deans & Business Directors Meeting on Transport & Logistics Joint EU Opportunities

Rectors, Deans and Business Directors in the eRegion Meeting on the Cross-border Joint EU Projects Opportunities in the Area of Transport and Logistics Location: Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Pot pomorscakov 4, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia Date: Monday, January 26, 2015, 10:00 – 15:00 Participants List is attached Objectives – Increased competitiveness of transport and…