22-23.5.2017 3rd Szentgotthard-Monoster Slovenia-Hungary Forum

22-23.5.2017 3rd Szentgotthard-Monoster Slovenia-Hungary Forum

Location: City Hall of Szentgotthárd

Date: Monday-Tuesday, May 22-23, 2017


Spoštovani gospod/gospa!

Pod pokroviteljstvom veleposlanice Republike Slovenije na Madžarskem in veleposlanice Madžarske v Sloveniji so se 21. in 22. aprila 2015 v Monoštru srečali madžarski in slovenski župani, strokovnjaki s področja regionalnega razvoja ter predstavniki univerz z namenom, da odkrivajo priložnosti, ki se odpirajo ob sodelovanju, ter z namenom izmenjave svojih idej, predlogov za razvoj in iskanja partnerjev za uresničitev konkretnih projektnih ciljev. Podpisana je bila Monoštrska izjava o nameri, ki med drugim določa redno organizacijo dogodka vsako leto, kar bo pripomoglo h krepitvi in širitvi sodelovanja med pripadniki sosednjih narodov.

Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Budimpešti in Veleposlaništvo Madžarske v Ljubljani, samouprava mesta Monošter, Organizacija za pomoč čezmejnim pobudam v Srednji Evropi (CESCI), Društvo slovensko-madžarskih poslovnežev ter pobuda , Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions 22-23 maja 2017 organizirajo že tretji monoštrski forum v prostorih monoštrske samouprave, v refektoriju.

Osrednja tematika letošnjega foruma je digitalna tehnologija, ter njena vloga pri gospodarskem razvoju, izobraževanju, turizmu, razvoju sivega gospodarstva in dvojezičnosti ter pri sodelovanju na teh področjih.

Udeležba na dogodku je brezplačna, a je potrebna registracija.

S spoštovanjem,


On the 21st and 22nd of April 2015, under the auspice of the Ambassadors of the Embassy of Slovenia in Budapest and the Embassy of Hungary in Ljubljana, Hungarian and Slovenian mayors, businessmen, experts of regional development and representatives of the academic sphere met in Szentgotthárd / Monošter in order to unfold the potentials of cooperation, to share their ideas with their neighbours and to find partners for concrete projects. The parties signing The Szentgotthárd-Monošter Initiative: New Impetus for Cross-Border Collaboration have initiated a regular annual meeting where the cooperation between stakeholders of the neighbouring nations can be enhanced and enlarged. A follow-up event was the 2nd  Szentgotthárd / Monošter Seminar on Cooperation on Monday-Tuesday, 11th and 12th April 2016.

The two embassies, the Municipality of Szentgotthárd, the Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives – CESCI, the Slovenian-Hungarian Business Association and the Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions organize the 3rdSlovenia-Hungary-Slovenia Forum in the City Hall of Szentgotthárd on the 22nd and 23rd of May 2017.

This year, the key topic of the forum will be the digital technology and its impact on economy, education, tourism development, silver economy and bilingualism as well as on the cooperation on these fields.

The participation is free but registration is required.

Best regards,
The Organizers


May 22 – Monday

15:00 Culture, Tourism and Digitalization

Tourism development based on cultural heritage is a common field of interest and economic potential of the two countries. The panel will be dedicated to regionally defined cultural tourism developments.


Gyula Ocskay, General Secretar
Andrea Bedő, Vice President
Tourism Association Lenti, Green  Path Magic Hetés
István Tama, Director
JUFA Vulkán Hotel
Goran Šoster, Director
Prlekija Development Agency Ljutomer
Sándor Semsei , President
MTDMSZ & Head, Chrome-Soft Kft.

16.35: OOfficial Opening of the Forum

Mr László Kövér, speaker of the Hungarian Parliament (tbc)
H.E. Ms Ksenija Škrilec, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Hungary
H.E. Mrs Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, Ambassador of Hungary to Slovenia
Mr Gábor Huszár, Mayor of Szentgotthard

17.00: Bilingualism and Digitalization in Education 

The session, based on the results of the last year’s successful panel, focuses on the need and the potential of bilingual primary and secondary education, as well as the digital applications which can facilitate thereof.

H.E. Mrs Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, Ambassador of Hungary to Slovenia

19.00: Dinner at Hotel Lipa

May 23 – Tuesday

10:30: Plenary session: Digital Governance, Digital Economy and Smart Cities

Key-note speakers:
Mr Boris Koprivnikar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration of Slovenia
Dr. László Palkovics, Professor, State Minister for Education of the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary
Sándor Kulcsár,
Edutus College
Dr. András Nemeslaki, Assistant Professor
Public Administration University, Budapest
Tanja Mohorič, Director
Innovation Culture and European Projects, Hidria

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Silver eConomy Development

The panel is dedicated to the strengthening economic sector and the potential cooperation in the field – across the border.

H.E. Mrs Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, Ambassador of Hungary to the Republic of Slovenia
Dr. Tanja Angleitner Sagadin, Senior Lecturer & Head of Strategic Partnerships and International Cooperation
Alma Mater Europaea – European Center, Maribor
Dr. Benkei-Kovács Balázs, Senior Lecturer
Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary
Forum 2017 presentation Benkei-Kovacs
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
Forum 2017 presentation Jože Gričar
Mag. Edmond Pajk, Deputy Director-General & Chief Information Officer
Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia
Forum 2017 presentation Edmond Pajk
Mag. Norbert Sepp, Watson Ambassador
Cognitive Business SME, STG Lab Services Consultant, IBM Hungary
Forum 2017 presentation Norbert Sepp

Links to some recent publications are published at the updated site 8.6.2016 Silver eEconomy Development Meeting in Ljubljana

15:00 Business Forum

The meeting of Slovenian and Hungarian businessmen is a permanent element of the Szentgotthárd / Monošter seminars. The business forum is organised by Slovene and Hungarian Chambers of Commerce.

Dr. Robert Kokalj, Director General
Directorate for Economiy and Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia
Dr. János Taller, Executive Director
Pannon Bio-Innováció ltd., Keszthely
Robert Serec, MBA IMD, CEO
Pomurske mlekarne d.d.
Dr. Saša Štraus, Director
Agriculture and Food Technology Centre Pan-Nutri, Panvita Group, Rakičan
Zsolt Kecskés, Precision Farming Consultant

17:00 Closure of the Forum

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