Vseslovesko posvetovanje E-vključevanje v aktivno staranje
Sreda, 11. aprila 2018, 10:00 – 16:30
Kulturni center Sokolski dom, Mestni trg 16-17, 4220 Škofja Loka
Parkiranje za udeležence bo mogoče na parkirišču na Kapucinskem trgu nasproti avtobusne postaje v Škofji Loki ali na območju nekdanje vojašnice v Škofji Loki.
Prospekt posvetovanja z zemljevidom lokacij delavnic eInclusion Prospekt 5apr 2018
Udeležnine za posvetovanje ni. Obvezna je prijava na Gricar@FOV.Uni-Mb.si. Podatki o prijavljenih udeležencih bodo objavljeni.
Vsebina delavnic
Občina Škofja Loka
Slovenski e-seniorji: E-vključevanje v aktivno staranje
10:00 – 11:30
Predstavitve E-opismenjevanje starejših v Škofji Loki
V treh letih bo 80% Škofjeločanov nad 55 let uporabljalo internet
Vodja predstavitev:
Mag. Miha Ješe, župan
Občina Škofja Loka
E- izobraževanje odraslih v Škofji Loki
Mag. Petra Rozman, direktorica
Ljudska univerza Škofja Loka
eInclusion Text Petra Rozman
Alenka Kolenc Krajnik, profesorica informatike
Gimnazija Škofja Loka
IKT – tehnični moduli za tretje življenjsko obdobje
Alojzij Kokalj, vodja
Medpodjetniški izobraževalni center – MIC, Šolski center Škofja Loka
Društvo Univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje Škofja Loka
Borjana Koželj, predsednica
Društvo Univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje, Škofja Loka
eInclusion Text Borjana Kozelj
Delovanja Večgeneracijskega centra Gorenjske
Apolonija Kandus, koordinatorka projekta VCG
Zavod O, zavod škofjeloške mladine
eInclusion Text Miha Peternel
Delovanje programa PUM-O Škofja Loka
Nina Zakotnik, mentorica v programu Projektno učenje mlajših odraslih – PUM-O
Familija – izobraževalni in terapevtski center, Škofja Loka
Društvo narava zdravje Škofja Loka
Lea Leona Mlakar, Shiatsu terapevt
Društvo narava zdravje Škofja Loka
Sem e-vključen – upam si, razumem, znam, uporabljam
Iztok Polak, direktor
E-soft d.o.o., Škofja Loka
Janez Demšar, informacijske storitve
AJD Janez Demšar s.p. Škofja Loka
11:30 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:30
Panel Izrabljanje e-storitev za aktivno staranje
Vodja panela:
Dr. Jože Gričar, zaslužni profesor Univerze v Mariboru
eInclusion Text Joze Gricar
eInclusion Skofja Loka Joze Gricar 2018
Spodbujanje starejših za uporabo digitalnih storitev
Mag. Edmond Pajk, pomočnik generalnega direktorja in vodja sektorja informacijske tehnologije
Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije
eInclusion Skofja Loka Edmond Pajk 2018
Vloge medgeneracijskih centrov za izboljševanje e-pismenosti starejših
Mag. Bojan Hajdinjak, predsednik
Zveza ljudskih univerz Slovenije – ZLUS & direktor, Javni zavod Cene Štupar, Center za izobraževanje Ljubljana
eInclusion Skofja Loka Bojan Hajdinjak 2018
E-sodelovanje seniorjev & omrežja aktivnega staranja
Martina Uvodić, kontaktna oseba, Omrežje slovenskih e-seniorjev: e-vključevanje v aktivno staranje
eInclusion Text Martina Uvodic
eInclusion Skofja Loka Martina Uvodic 2018
Razpoložljivost e-storitev za aktivno staranje: Izkušnje omrežij
Maks Vreča, nekdanji vodja sektorja informatike Ljubljanske banke
eInclusion Text Maks Vreca
eInclusion Skofja Loka Maks Vreča 2018
Vloga srebrne generacije v kulturni dediščini in humanistiki – Skupaj za trajnostni razvoj
Dr. Gregor Pobežin, vodja, Inštitut za kulturne študije, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana
& profesor, Oddelek za arheologijo in dediščino, Fakulteta za humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem
Omrežja sodelujočih organizacij na področju aktivnega staranja: Trenutni projekti
Dr. Boštjan Žvanut, izredni profesor
Fakulteta za zdravstvene znanosti Univerze na Primorskem
eInclusion Skofja Loka Bostjan Zvanut 2018
13:30 – 14:30
14:30 – 16:30
Delavnice se bodo odvijale na 8 različnih lokacijah na Mestnem trgu v Škofji Loki – glej zemljevid. Razpored delavnic bo objavljen.
Delavnica 1
Predstavitev e-opismenjevanja odraslih na Ljudski univerzi Škofja Loka
Damijan Hafner, mentor in Lucija Krznar, organizatorka izobraževanj za odrasle Ljudska univerza Škofja Loka v sodelovanju s prostovoljcema Maticem Pokornom in Sebastjanom Kordišem, Gimnazija Škofja Loka
Delavnica 2
Pravilno sedenje in gibčna hrbtenica pri delu z računalnikom
Lea Leona Mlakar, shiatsu terapevt, Društvo narava zdravje Škofja Loka v sodelovanju s PUM-O Škofja Loka
Delavnica 3
Iz znanega v neznano
Tema 1 Iskanje vsebin na Internetu: Kako kjerkoli in kadarkoli najdem, kar iščem.
Tema 2 Kaj je računalništvo v oblaku: Moj koledar je vedno z mano.
Tema 3 Ko izgubim telefon, ga lahko vedno najdem.
Iztok Polak, direktor, E-soft d.o.o & Janez Demšar, AJD sp.
Delavnica 4
Načrtovanje/risanje/modeliranje s pomočjo računalnika / Auto cad
Peter Kurnik, SŠL v Šolskem centru Škofja Loka
3D tiskanje in skeniranje
Iztok Jože Basaj, SŠS v Šolskem centru Škofja Loka
E- energetsko upravljam svoj dom
Monika Hadalin, SŠS v Šolskem centru Škofja Loka
Delavnica 5
Klik v svet za seniorje in seniorke
Lidija Praprotnik, vodja projekta Večgeneracijski center Planet generacij
Andragoški zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje
Delavnica 6
Lego škatlice za odrasle
Brigita Kropušek Razinger, direktorica
Miha Cojhter in Erik Kapfer, Creative minds behind the pattern.city
Andragoški zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje
Delavnica 7
Uporaba programa Skype – Pogovor v živo s prijateljico/prijateljem preko interneta ob kavici za domačo mizo, enostavno in brezplačno
Maja Zupanc, svetovalka za kemikalije, IRIS, Ljubljana
Nives Fortunat Šircelj, direktorica, Zavod ZAPOSLISE, Ljubljana
Delavnica 8
Uporaba tabličnega računalnika v vsakdanjem življenju
VGC in Društvo U3 v sodelovanju z Iztokom Polakom direktor E-soft d.o.o
Delavnica 9
Tudi neračunalničarji (npr. biologi) lahko naredimo čudovite svetove navidezne resničnosti
Dr. Tomaž Amon, direktor, Bioanim Ljubljana
Delavnica 10
Uporaba sistema Projekt Tomo pri poučevanju starejših programiranje
Mag. Matija Lokar, višji predavatelj, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko
Delavnica 11
E-podpora prostovoljcem pri zagotavljanju pomoči starejšim na domu
Mag. Martina Ozimek, direktorica in Mag. Simon Rener, svetovalec, Oreli, Zavod za socialno podporo, svetovanje, raziskovanje in izobraževanje, Stahovica
Vsebina delavnic
Uporaba programa Skype – Pogovor v živo s prijateljico/prijateljem preko interneta ob kavici za domačo mizo, enostavno in brezplačno
Skype omogoča:
s sogovornikom govorimo kot preko telefona, le da ga tudi vidimo;
v primeru slušne prizadetosti ali nedosegljivosti klicanega omogoča tudi pošiljanje sporočil;
omogoča pogovor med več sogovorniki.
Uporaba je primerna za:
Starejše, ki ne odhajajo več z doma, da s prijatelji lahko ostanejo v stiku.
Starejše, ki imajo prijatelje daleč, pa ne morejo do njih in bi želeli poklepetati z njimi.
Starše, ki imajo otroke daleč stran, pa bi jih želeli videti in govoriti z njimi.
Vse, ki rabijo daljše pogovore, ki so brezplačni in je elektromagnetno sevanje mnogo manjše kot pri telefonu.
Maja Zupanc, svetovalka za kemikalije, IRIS – Mednarodna trgovina Ljubljana & študentka, Študijska skupina za medosebne odnose in komunikacije, Univerza za tretje obdobje Ljubljana
Nives Fortunat Šircelj, direktorica
Zavod ZaposliSe – Center za svetovanje, izobraževanje, informiranje in pomoč pri zaposlovanju Ljubljana
Lego škatlice za odrasle
Na delavnici bomo spoznali, kako lahko pametne igrače, izdelke približamo starejši generaciji z namenom kakovostnega preživljanja prostega časa s svojimi vnuki, družino.
Naučili se bomo, kako delujejo kodni programi, kako programiramo in na kakšen način lahko tehnološko igračo razvijamo.
Brigita Kropušek Ranzinger, direktorica
Miha Cojhter in Erik Kapfer, Creative minds behind the Pattern.City
Andragoški zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje
Brigita@LU-Velenje.si, EriKapfer@gmail.com, Miha.Cojhter@gmail.com
Klik v svet za seniorje in seniorke
Hiter razvoj informacijsko.komunikacijskih tehnologij – IKT posega v javno in zasebno življenje. Vse pogosteje namreč večina naših udejstvovanj, tako poklicnih kot tudi zasebnih, postaja odvisna od informacijsko-tehnoloških rešitev. Poleg tega so se nekatere aktivnosti že v celoti preselile v digitalno obliko oziroma na spletne strani, recimo: komuniciranje prek spletnih strani, spletnih omrežij in elektronske pošte, iskanje informacij, nakupovanje, izobraževanje, urejanje upravnih zadev in podobno. Brez računalniškega znanja starejši ne morejo biti enakovredno vključeni v družbo in se pri uporabi računalnika in dostopu do spleta srečujejo s težavami, ki so največkrat posledica biološkega procesa staranja in spremljajočih bolezni ter zahtevajo določene prilagoditve. Zato v Večgeneracijskem centru Planet generacij izvajamo in širimo računalniška znanja ter uporabo moderne tehnologije med starejšimi. Tako jim omogočamo večje možnosti digitalne komunikacije, enostavnejše dostopanje do zdravstvenih nasvetov, več priložnosti za vseživljenjsko učenje in ustvarjanje novih možnosti za aktivno preživljanje prostega časa. Na delavnici bomo predstavili delovanje Večgeneracijskega centra Planet generacij s poudarkom na vsebinah e-opismenjevanja starejših (npr. konkretno uporaba pametnih telefonov).
Lidija Praprotnik, vodja projekta Večgeneracijski center Planet generacij
Andragoški zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje
Tudi neračunalničarji (npr. biologi) lahko naredimo čudovite svetove navidezne resničnosti!
Izobraževalna programska orodja slovijo kot domena računalniških specializiranih studijev. Vendar moderna tehnologija, če jo dobro poznamo, omogoča tudi navdušenim “amaterjem” vstop v ta svet. Multimedijski proizvodi, še posebno če vključujejo nacidezno resničnost, so ponavadi domena za to specializiranih studijev, kjer pri kreaciji izdelka sodeluje mnogo strokovnjakov. Vendar sem ugotovil, da moderna tehnika omogoča (seveda v določenem obsegu) produkcijo tudi “doma”, kjer izdelek zasnujete in dovršite kar sami. Še več, to ima lahko velike prednosti! Če ste namreč strokovnjak na svojem področju (jaz sem na primer biolog) in se deloma posvetite tudi modernim tehnikam vizualizacije, vam to “odpre oči” in drugače, bolj sveže začnete gledati na rešitve svojih strokovnih problemov. Konec konce prav vi največ veste o problematiki vaše stroke, gotovo več kot računalniški strokovnjak, risar in oblikovalec, ki vam sicer izdelujejo vizualizacijo. Seveda pri resnejših projektih brez timskega dela ne gre. Toda če res dobro ne poznate tehničnih zmožnosti orodij, s katerimi operira vaš team, tudi ne morete dati optimalnih nasvetov za izdelavo produkta. Tudi nove ideje rade obvisijo v zraku, če ne poznamo orodij, s katerimi jih lahko uresničimo. Opiramo se na tisto, kar smo videli na filmu, televiziji ali spletu ter zgoščenkah in avtomatko težimo, da bi se (mogoče celo preveč) oprli na že utrjene tehnologije. Po drugi strani pa tudi studio, kjer naročimo izdelek, rad hodi po že utrjeni poti in toži, da bi nove tehnologije preveč podražile izdelek in zato taka rešitev ne pride v poštev. Torej sploh ni neumno posvetiti nekaj svojega časa učenju novih tehnik, ki povečajo vašo produktivnost in ovežijo vaše razmišljanje podobno kot vam skica, ki jo narišete na papir, olajša reševanje problema, ki ga imate v mislih. Sedanji čas, poln tehničnih pripomočkov, nas vedno bolj sili v vedno novo izobraževanje in računalniška vizualizacije je pač še ena od stvari, ki se jih moramo vsaj malo priučiti. Nova orodja vam pomagajo videti svet in tudi svoje lastne teorije v drugačni luči in vam omogočijo uvid na višjem nivoju. Vstopite v privlačen in ustvarjalen proces, ki vam pokaže nove ideje!
Dr. Tomaž Amon, director
Bioamin Ljubljana
Uporaba sistema Projekt Tomo pri poučevanju starejših programiranje
V zadnjih letih je veliko zanimanja za učenje programskih jezikov tudi med starejšimi odraslimi. Vendar pa primanjkujejo ustrezni viri in tečaji, namenjeni prav njim.
Programiranje je veščina, zato se ga najlažje naučimo tako, da sedimo za računalnikom in pišemo programe. Naloga vodji tečajev je, da učečim se zastavijo veliko nalog in nadzirajo njihove poskuse reševanja teh nalog. Ker pa so dobre in hitre povratne informacije bistvene za hiter napredek in ker jih inštruktorji v večjih skupinah ne morejo zagotoviti vsem, so sistemi za avtomatsko ocenjevanje programskih nalog postali priljubljena izbira pri programskih tečajih.
Na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko smo razvili tak sistem, ki se imenuje Project Tomo (https://www.projekt-tomo.si). Je popolnoma odprt in na voljo vsem. Trenutno vsebuje že več kot 1000 različnih programskih vaj, ki jih je mogoče prilagoditi in ponovno uporabiti v novih tečajih.
V tej delavnici bomo pokazali, kako na podlagi obstoječih nalog pripraviti sklop vaj, prilagojenih starejšim odraslim.
Upamo, da se bo z uporabo zmogljivosti Projekta Tomo pojavilo več tečajev, ki bodo na voljo vsem starejšim odraslim, ki se zanimajo za učenje programiranja.
Mag. Matija Lokar, višji predavatelj
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko
E-podpora prostovoljcem pri zagotavljanju pomoči starejšim na domu
Rešitev vključuje hitro in prijazno podporo starejšim v lokalnem okolju z moduli Informacijska točka, Pro-volunteer, virtualna svetovalko – Veroniko in modulom Mnenja. Nastala je na osnovi dolgoletnega strokovnega dela v praksi in razvoja rešitev poslovnega modela na Ekonomski fakulteti in Fakulteti za informacijske študije.
Delavnica je namenjena vodstvom občin, vodstvom nevladnih organizacij, vsebinskim koordinatorjem in izvajalcem pomoči starejšim.
Na delavnici boste spoznali naslednjo vsebino/module:
– INFORMACIJSKO TOČKO za celovito informiranje starejših in njihovih svojcev na enem mestu.
– Podporni sistem PRO-VOLUNTEER za naročanje prostovoljcev na dom preko spleta in mobilnega telefona ter poslovnega spremljanja izvedbe v celotnem procesu pomoči.
– Virtualno svetovalko VERONIKO za svetovanje, pogovor in za odgovarjanje na pogosta vprašanja (umetna inteligenca).
– Modul MNENJA: za sporočanje mnenj uporabnikov.
Rešitev je razvil Zavod ORELI za namen podpore v občinah. Rešitev uspešno deluje v Občini Kamnik.
Mag. Martina Ozimek, direktorica
Mag. Simon Rener, svetovalec
Oreli, Zavod za socialno podporo, svetovanje, raziskovanje in izobraževanje, Stahovica
Time: Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 10:00 – 16:30
Location: Culture Centre Sokolski dom, Mestni trg 16-17, 4220 Škofja Loka, Slovenia
Workshop Descriptions
Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging
The eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation taking place in Škofja Loka, Slovenia on April 11, 2018 will investigate opportunities for an accelerated eInclusion in active aging development. The consultation participants are open to interlinking with similar networks & associations.
The event is a follow-up of the following previous events:
Slovenia eSeniors: eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation, September 29, 2017
3rd Seminar on Hungary-Slovenia Cooperation, May 22-23, 2017
6th eRegions Conference 2016 Castle Jable, Slovenia, September 19-20, 2016
Silver eConomy Development Meeting in Ljubljana, June 6, 2016
Slovene is the working language of the consultation. The website is in English allowing for the cross-border e-communication.
There is no registration fee, registration is required, however, at Gricar@FOV.Uni-Mb.si.
The objectives of the eInclusion in Active Aging Consultation are the following:
- In three years, 80% of the Škofja Loka citizens over 55+ will be using Internet.
- Gathering ideas of possible solutions to the problems: How to enlarge the scope of the use of eTechnology of the seniors 55+? How to extend the possibilities of eInclusion of the seniors 55+ into active participation in the society?
- Sharing best practices.
- Encouraging the stakeholders in the local communities and municipalities to engage in the development of eInclusion in Active Aging.
- Creating ideas for the joint project proposals to the national and EU tenders in order to timely engage the potential partners in the Danube, Adriatic & Ionian, Alpine regions with collaboration and networking.
10.00 – 11:30 Presentations
E-literacy of the Elderly – Municipality of Škofja Loka Development Plans
Objective: In three years, 80% of the Škofja Loka citizens over 55+ will be using Internet.
Mag. Miha Ješe, Mayor
Municipality of Škofja Loka & Coordinator, Neighboring eMunicipalities Gorenja vas – Poljane, Škofja Loka, Železniki, Žiri & Coordinator, eMunicipalities Without Borders Mayors Consortium & Vice-President, Douzelage Association
Mag. Petra Rozman, Director
People’s University Škofja Loka
eInclusion Text Petra Rozman
Škofja Loka Grammar School
Škofja Loka School Centre
Borjana Koželj, President
Association Third Age University – U3, Škofja Loka
eInclusion Text Borjana Kozelj
Miha Peternel, Director
Zavod O, Youth Association of Škofja Loka
eInclusion Text Miha Peternel
11:30 -12:00 Break
12:00 – 13:30 Panel
Exploiting eServices for Active Aging
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions & Editor, eRegion Portal & Student, Italian Language Class, Third Age University Ljubljana & Procurator, Heath Center Lorena, Ljubljana & Member of Assembly & Member of the Board, Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary
eInclusion Text Joze Gricar
Encouraging Senior Citizens to use Digital Services
Mag. Edmond Pajk, Deputy General Director & IT Division Director – CIO
Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia
The Roles of Multi-Generational Centres in Raising the eLiteracy of the Elderly
Mag. Bojan Hajdinjak, President
Association of People’s Universities of Slovenia & Director, Institut Cene Štupar, Centre for Education Ljubljana
eCollaborating with eSeniors & Active Aging Networks
Martina Uvodić, Contact Person, Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging
& Procurator, Maritim Ltd., Medical Diagnostics and Laboratory Equipment, Ljubljana & Student, Computing Class, Third Age University Ljubljana
eInclusion Text Martina Uvodic
eInclusion Skofja Loka Martina Uvodic 2018
Availability of eServices for Active Aging: Networks’ Experience
Maks Vreča, Former CIO
Ljubljanska banka
eInclusion Text Maks Vreca
The Role of the Silver Generation in Cultural Heritage and Humanities – Together for Sustainable Development
Dr. Gregor Pobežin, Head, Institute for Cultural Studies, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana
& Professor, Department of Archaeology and Heritage, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Koper
Networks of Collaborating Organisations in the Field of Active Aging: Current Projects of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Primorska
Dr. Boštjan Žvanut, Associate Professor
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Primorska
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 16:30 Workshops in several halls in the city center
In 20 minutes, a presenter will show how an innovative internet based solution/service works, how it can be used, how it can be shared. For a discussion, 10 minutes will be allocated. In 15 minutes, the participant will be able to change the location.
Best Practice Sharing
Halls and presenters to be indicated
Workshop Descriptions
Find out what Skype can do for you
Live, vivid conversation with a friend over the Internet, while drinking coffee at home, easy and free of charge.
Skype provides:
– we speak with the person as if we were on the phone, but we also see her/him;
– in case of hearing impairment or unavailability of the called person, it also sends messages;
– it allows conversation among several persons.
The use is suitable for:
– The elderly, who do not leave home anymore, but wish to stay in touch with their friends.
– The elderly, who have friends far away and cannot reach them physically but would like to chat with them.
– The parents, who have their children far away and would want to see and talk to them.
– Anyone, who needs long lasting and long-distance calls that are free of charge and with smaller electromagnetic radiation then talking by phone.
Maja Zupanc, Consultant for Chemicals, IRIS – International Trade Ljubljana
& Student, Study Group Interpersonal Relationships and Communications, Third Age University Ljubljana
Nives Fortunat Šircelj, Director
Institute ZAPOSLISE – Education, Leadership Management, Intergenerational Cooperation, Ljubljana
Authoring Of Educational Visualizations By Educators Themselves – New Tools Make This Possible
Producing multimedia and virtual reality products for the web and offline use is traditionally the task of teams of many experts. On the other hand I discovered that this can be done (in reasonable extend and professional level, of course) also by a single person. Moreover, this can have great benefits. The idea is that the researcher or educator on a specific field, as is in my case the biology, himself discovers the possibilities of modern visualization tools. I think only this way he can optimally implement his ideas into the praxis. Some say: the most important is the idea, than we shall find the technical means to implement it. This is nice, but it has some disadvantages. If you do not know well the tools and techniques, then it is very difficult to imagine something really new. One tends to stick to technology schemes seen in the film or web projects end extends this philosophy to his project. Also communicating with studios dedicated to produce such project leads often to a similar result, namely to use an existing and more or less routine technology to produce a product with as much profit as possible (regarding though the studio’s lens).
So it might be wise to consider why not do dedicate some of your time to learn some techniques which improve your productivity and your way of thinking like a sketch on the paper often gives you clearer ideas about your new scientific theory that you have in mind. I also think that this is somehow our destiny of modern techno times. We had to learn to drive the car, to use computer instead of the typewriter and now slowly to produce rich media outputs instead of the text and image only publications. So I look forward to help you in my workshop to learn to author immersive 3D worlds with freely available software!
Dr. Tomaž Amon, Director
Bioamin Ljubljana
Using system Project Tomo in teaching older adults programming
In the last years, there has been quite a lot of interest in learning programming languages also among the older adults. However, there is a lack of suitable resources and appropriate courses.
It is often said that learning to program can only be learnt by doing it; by sitting at the computer and writing programs. Instructors are required to both encourage learners by exposing them to numerous problems and to supervise their attempts to solve the tasks. Since good and swift feedback is vital for quick progress and as instructors cannot provide it to all in larger groups, systems for automatic assessment of programming tasks have become a popular choice in programming courses.
At the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, we developed such a system called Project Tomo. It is completely open and available to all. Now it has over 1000 different programming exercises, which can be modified and reused in new courses.
In this workshop, we will demonstrate how to prepare a set of exercises tailored to older adults, drawing from the already prepared set of exercises.
We hope that with using capabilities of Projekt Tomo more courses targeted to teach older adults basics of programming languages will appear and be available to all older adults interested in learning programming.
Mag. Matija Lokar, Senior Lecturer
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Lego boxes for adults
At the workshop, we will learn how smart toys and products can be brought closer to the older generation with the purpose of quality spent the time with their grandchildren or family.
We will learn how code programs work, how we program, and how we can develop a technological toy.
Brigita Kropušek Ranzinger, Director
Miha Cojhter & Erik Kapfer, Creative minds behind the Pattern.City
Andragogic Association – Third Age University Velenje
Brigita@LU-Velenje.si, EriKapfer@gmail.com, Miha.Cojhter@gmail.com
Click into World for the Elderly
The rapid development of information and communication technologies – ICT interferes with public and private life. More and more often, most of our engagement, both professional and private, is becoming dependent on information technology solutions. In addition, some activities are already fully transferred to digital form or to websites, for example: website communication, online e-mail networks, information retrieval, shopping, education, administrative matters and the like. Without computer knowledge, older people cannot be socially integrated. When using the computer and the internet access they encounter problems that are most often the result of the biological aging process and accompanying diseases which require certain adjustments. Therefore, we perform and spread wide ICT knowledge and use modern technology among the elderly in the Intergeneration Centre Planet of generations. This gives them greater opportunities for digital communication, easier access to health advice, more opportunities for lifelong learning. It supports the creation of new opportunities for active leisure time. At the workshop, we will present activities of the Intergeneration Centre Planet of generations, focusing on the content of digital literacy improvement of the elderly (e.g. use of smartphones).
Lidija Praprotnik, Project Manager of Intergeneration Centre Planet of Generations
Andragogic Association – Third Age University Velenje
eSupport for Volunteers Providing Home Service for the Elderly
The solution incorporates fast and friendly support for the elderly in a local environment with the following modules: Info Point, Pro-Volunteer, Veronika – Virtual Adviser, and our Feedback Module. It is based on many years of professional experience working in the field and the solution development of the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Information Studies business model.
The workshop is for municipal management, NGO management, content coordinators and senior service providers.
The workshop will present the following content/modules:
– INFO POINT to provide information comprehensively to the elderly and their families.
– PRO-VOLUNTEER Support System to enable the ordering of volunteer home service online or via mobile phone and to keep track of the complete process of service execution for business purposes.
– VERONIKA Virtual Adviser to offer advice, conversation and reply to frequently asked questions (artificial intelligence).
– FEEDBACK Module to gather the users’ feedback.
The solution was developed by ORELI Institute in order to assist municipalities. It has been successfully implemented in the Municipality of Kamnik.
Mag. Martina Ozimek, Director
Mag. Simon Rener, Counselor
Oreli, Institute for Social Support, Consulting, Research and Education, Stahovica
Dr. Tomaž Amon, Director
Bioamin Ljubljana & Vice President for Scientific and Educational Activities, Slovene – Chinese Association
Ludvik Bambič
Branko Celar, President
Club of the Retired Employees of the Ministry of Interior, Region Kranj
Miha Cojhter, Creative minds behind the Pattern.City
Andragogic Association – Third Age University Velenje
Janez Demšar, Information Services
AJD Janez Demšar s.p. Škofja Loka
Andreja Draginc, Lecturer
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Novo mesto
Nežka Fojkar
Škofja Loka
Nives Fortunat Šircelj, Director
Institute ZAPOSLISE – Education, Leadership Management, Intergenerational Cooperation, Ljubljana
Jožef Gašperšič, Member, Expert Council
Slovenian Federation of Pensioners’ Association
Alenka Gričar, Former Fashion Designer & Student
Italian Language Class, Third Age University Ljubljana
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions
Editor, eRegion Portal & Student, Italian Language Class, Third Age University Ljubljana & Procurator, Heath Center Lorena, Ljubljana & Member of Assembly & Member of the Board, Central-European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest, Hungary
Peter Gričar, Business Director Assistant
Health Center Lorena, Ljubljana & Project Manager, Edumedic, Ljubljana
Mag. Bojan Hajdinjak, President
Association of People’s Universities of Slovenia & Director, Institut Cene Štupar, Centre for Education Ljubljana
Helena Hafner, Former Marketing Executive
Student, Italian Language Class, Third Age University Ljubljana
Janez Hafner, Dentist
Aleksandra Hoivik, Secretary
Slovene Sociological Association, Section for Sociology of Time
Slavica Hrastnik, Head, Third Age University
Celje Central Library
Mag. Miha Ješe, Mayor
Municipality of Škofja Loka & Coordinator, Neighboring eMunicipalities Gorenja vas – Poljane, Škofja Loka, Železniki, Žiri & Coordinator, eMunicipalities Without Borders Mayors Consortium & Vice-President, Douzelage Association
Erik Kapfer, Creative minds behind the Pattern.City
Andragogic Association – Third Age University Velenje
Dr. Anamarija Kejžar, Director
Elderly Home Petra Uzarja Tržič
Aleš Kenda, Secretary
Directorate for Social Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Family Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of Slovenia
Alojzij Kokalj, Head
Intercompany Education Centre, – MIC, School Centre Škofja Loka
Alenka Kolenc Krajnik, Informatics Teacher
Škofja Loka Grammar School
Borjana Koželj, President
Association Third Age University – U3, Škofja Loka
Brigita Kropušek Ranzinger, Director
Andragogic Association – Third Age University Velenje
Dr. Vladka Lešer, Assistant Professor & Vice-Dean for Research
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Novo mesto
Urška Lobnikar Paunović, Director
Valvasor Library Krško
Mag. Matija Lokar, Senior Lecturer
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Dušan Luin
Helena Markuta, Teacher of Computer Science
Basic School Škofja Loka
Lea Leona Mlakar, Shiatsu Therapeut
Association Nature Health, Škofja Loka
Simonka Mrak Hartman
Škofja Loka
Mag. Lea Očko, Mentor, eLiteracy
Celje Central Library
Mag. Martina Ozimek, Director
Oreli, Institute for Social Support, Consulting, Research and Education, Stahovica
Mag. Edmond Pajk, Deputy General Director & IT Division Director – CIO
Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia
Anton Perčič, President
Association of Retired Persons Martin Krpan, Bloke
Silva Perčič, Secretary
Association of Retired Persons Martin Krpan, Bloke
Miha Peternel, Director
Zavod O, Youth Association of Škofja Loka
Dr. Gregor Pobežin, Head, Institute for Cultural Studies, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana
& Professor, Department of Archaeology and Heritage, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Koper
Iztok Polak, Director
E-soft d.o.o., Škofja Loka
Lidija Praprotnik, Project Manager of Intergeneration Centre Planet of Generations
Andragogic Association – Third Age University Velenje
Zvonka Pretnar, President of the Council
Elderly Home Petra Uzarja Tržič
Iztok Pungaršek, Informatics Teacher
Economic Grammar School and Secondary School Radovljica
Dr. Vladislav Rajkovič, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor
& Procurator, INOVEMA, Business Consulting and Research Ljubljana
Marija Ravnik
Alenka Reissner, Project Manager & Head
Committee for Education, Publicity & Informatics, Slovene Federation of Pensioners’ Associations Ljubljana
Mag. Simon Rener, Counselor
Oreli, Institute for Social Support, Consulting, Research and Education, Stahovica
Mag. Petra Rozman, Director
People’s University Škofja Loka
Marija Rupert, Secretary
Association Lipa, Third Age University Domžale & Mentor, Lace Circle
& Member, Association of Retired Persons, Domžale
Branko Suhadolnik, Member
Committee for Technical Culture, Slovene Federation of Pensioners’ Associations Ljubljana
Urška Šoštar, Librarian
Valvasor Library Krško
Ivan Špenko, President
Association of Retired Persons, Smlednik
Tomaž Štebe, ICT Consultant
Jernej Tavčar, Office of the Mayor, Public Relations
Municipality of Škofja Loka
Martina Uvodić, Contact Person, Slovenia eSeniors Network: eInclusion in Active Aging
& Procurator, Maritim Ltd., Medical Diagnostics and Laboratory Equipment, Ljubljana & Student, Computing Class, Third Age University Ljubljana
Maks Vreča, Former CIO
Ljubljanska banka
Nina Zakotnik, Mentor, Program of Educating Young Elderly – PUM-O
Familija – izobraževalni in terapevtski center, Škofja Loka
Maja Zupanc, Consultant for Chemicals, IRIS – International Trade Ljubljana
& Student, Study Group Interpersonal Relationships and Communications, Third Age University Ljubljana
Dr. Boštjan Žvanut, Associate Professor
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Primorska, Slovenia
New Frontiers of Ageing: Research, Policy and Practice. Second Engaging Ageing Conference. Age Friendly University Global Network, Dublin City University, Ireland, March 13th/14th, 2018
Social Media Use in 2018. By Aaron Smith, Associate Director of Research on Internet and Technology Issues & Monica Anderson, Research Associate. Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C., March 1, 2018
Silver to Gold. The Business of Aging. By Paul Irving, Chairman with Rita Beamish and Arielle Burstein. Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging, Santa Monica, CA, USA, Feb 22, 2018, pp 104
Digital natives will get old, too. Why we need to start designing technology that older people can use. By Kai Stinchcombe, Co-founder and CEO, True Link Financial Inc., a San Francisco-based financial services firm focused on older Americans. Politico, 2/07/2018
Taobao Hopes to Charm Seniors With Large Print. Alibaba’s online marketplace is seeing dollar signs in the silver economy. By Zhang Liping. Sixth Tone, Shanghai, China, Jan 31, 2018
Expert Panel Brings New Approach to Challenges of Aging in Rural America. By Jill Meyer, Senior Director, Public Relations. Tivity Health, January 25, 2018
Implementing an interdisciplinary intergenerational program using the Cyber Seniors® reverse mentoring model within higher education. By Skye N Leedahl ORCID Icon, Melanie Sereny Brasher, Erica Estus, Bethany M Breck, Cory B Dennis & Samantha C Clark. Journal Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, Taylor and Francis Online, 24 Jan 2018, pp 1-19
Developing an Assessment Method of Active Aging: University of Jyvaskyla Active Aging Scale. By Taina Rantanen, Erja Portegijs, Katja Kokko, Merja Rantakokko, Timo Törmäkangas, Milla Saajanaho, University of Jyvaskyla. Journal of Aging and Health, 22 January, 2018
Germany will hit a significant demographic milestone over the next year. By Jeff Desjardins, Founder and Editor, Visual Capitalist. The World Economic Forum, 18 Jan 2018
Japan’s government to aim for ‘ageless society’ with planned policy encouraging seniors to stay healthy and keep working. The Japan Times, JAN 18, 2018
20 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Learn To Code In 2018. By Christopher Watkins. Udacity, Mountain View, CA, January 11, 2018
The Sharing Economy Meets Reality. By Dr. Michael A. Cusumano, Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management & Founding Director, Tokyo Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center, Tokyo University of Science. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 61 No. 1, Pages 26-28
Seniors and Volunteering: An Italian Study into Gender Differences. By Dr. Lucia Boccacin, Professor & Dr. Linda Lombi, Assistant Professor. Department of Sociology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy. Social Sciences, 2018; 7(1): 36-42
Miami students conducting age-friendly city research study. First Year Research Experience (FYRE) students are partnering with the Scripps Gerontology Center to complete a needs assessment for Oxford’s Age-Friendly City Project. College of Arts and Science, University of Miami, Jan 03, 2018
Problems ahead: Hungary’s population does not stop aging. By Kitti Erdő-Bonyár. Dailynews Hungary, Dec 29, 2017
Selfie Aging Index: An Index for the Self-assessment of Healthy and Active Aging Image. By Judite Gonçalves, Maria Isabel Gomes, Miguel Fonseca, Tomás Teodor, Pedro Pita Barros and Maria-Amália Botelho. Frontiers in Medicine, 22 December 2017
The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. A new cycle for the EIP on AHA (2018-2020). European Commission, 01/12/2017
The Longevity Economy: Unlocking the World’s Fastest-growing, Most Misunderstood Market. By Dr. Joseph F. Coughlin, Founder and Director, MIT AgeLab. Hachette Book Group. November 7, 2017
The 2017 United States Report Card on Walking and Walkable Communities: A Foundation for Assessing Future Progress. By National Physical Activity Plan Alliance. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, November 8, 2017
Seniors in Emerging Markets Represent Huge Opportunity for Innovative Entrepreneurs. By Dr. Ping Jiang, CEO & CIO, Ping Capital Management, Ltd., New York. Entrepreneur.com, November 1, 2017
Remote Care Delivery: Transforming Healthcare and Long-Term Care to Meet 21st Century Aging Realities. Global Coalition on Aging Position Paper, Press Release 10/25/17
The Digital Health Society Declaration. Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia & ECH Alliance, 17/10/2017
Countries must deal with aging societies. Yoshitake Yokokura, MD, President, Inauguration Speech. World Medical Association – WMA General Assembly, Chicago, October 11-14 2017. World Medical Association, Ferney-Voltaire, France
Ministerial Declaration on eGovernment – the Tallinn Declaration. European Commission, Digital Single Market, 06/10/2017
Active and Healthy Ageing: a major concern for the AER and CORAL. By Davide Grison, EU-Projects Intern. Assembly of European Regions – AER, 6 October, 2017
Active and Assisted Living – AAL Forum 2017. The European event for reporting and supporting technological developments and ideas for active and healthy ageing. Coimbra, Portugal, 2-4 October 2017
A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario. Ministry of Seniors Affairs, Ontario. Seniors’ INFOline, September 2017, pp 105
Seniors’ Information Handbook. 6th Edition. Developed in partnership with the NWT Seniors’ Society; the NWT Housing Corporation; and the Department of Education, Culture and Employment; Health and Social Services; Justice; Municipal and Community Affairs; and Transportation. Government of Northwest Territories, Canada, September 2017, pp 88
Act Active Ageing Framework 2015 – 2018. Foreword by Mick Gentleman, MLA, Minister for Ageing. Australian Capital Territory – ACT Government, Community Services Directorate, Canberra, 27 September 2017, pp 7
Ageing research is the first theme for a new collaboration between Stockholm and Tokyo. Karolinska Institutet News, 2017-09-23
Some People Learn to Code in Their 60s, 70s or 80s. By Vivian Marino. The New York Times, Sept. 22, 2017
Follow active-ageing to save and serve elderly talent. By Koji Nagai, President & Group CEO, Nomura Holdings Inc., Tokyo. ShanghaiDaily.com, September 17, 2017
From Triple Win to Triple Sin: How a Problematic Future Discourse Is Shaping the Way People Age with Technology. Essay. By Dr. Louis Neven, Active Ageing Research Group, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Breda & Dr. Alexander Peine, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Societies, 15 September 2017, pp 11
Elderly in the Digital Era. Theoretical Perspectives on Assistive Technologies. By Ioana Iancu, Babes-Bolyai University and Bogdan Iancu, Technical University, Cluj-Napoca. Technologies, September 15 2017
Future of work: Making It e-Easy. Conference organised by the Government of Estonia, in the context of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Tallinn, Estonia, September 13-14, 2017
Senior Centers: Masters of Aging! Program Guide For National Senior Center Month. Center in the Park, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 10, 2017, pp 32
Editorial: digital the new normal – multiple challenges for the education and learning of adults. By Wildemeersch, Danny; Jütte, Wolfgang. European journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 8 (2017) 1, p 7-20
Aging and Organizational Communication. By Dr. Robert M. McCann, Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles. Oxford University Press, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, Aug 2017
Seniorpreneur as a career option for smart active ageing. A study on Romania. By Dr. Carmen Păunescu and Laura Blid. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. De Gruyter Open Ltd, Poland, 2017-08-26
Longevity Economies Unite – How Japan is Collaborating with the World to Reimagine the Future of Aging. By Koichi Narasaki, Chief Digital Officer, SOMPO Holdings, Japan. Aging2.0, San Francisco, August 16, 2017
Investing in Healthy and Active Aging for Sustainable Growth, A Regional Approach to Promoting Innovative LongTerm Care. Forum Report. Japan Center for International Exchange – JCIE. The 3rd APEC Senior Officials Meeting, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam., August 15, 2017, pp 48
Digital Inclusion Centers for all Ages in Argentina. By ITU Digital Inclusion Division · in Digital Literacy, Seniors, Youth and children, The Digital Inclusion Newslog is run by the Special Initiatives Division of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of ITU, August 15, 2017
“Active aging” the young elderly, we cannot do without. The workforce is ageing, but seniors are more than just seniors now. And ageing is not the same as before. Much depends on companies. By Alessandro Rosina, Associate Professor of Demography and Social Statistics, Faculty of Economics, Catholic University of Milan. Newsroom, Morning FUTURE, 4 August 2017
Seniors in the Czech Republic and Modern Information Technologies. By Pala David, Lukas Urbancok and Ivan Kovar. Tomas Bata University in Zlí. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 12, Number 13 (2017), pp. 3941-3943
Impact of digitalisation and the on-demand economy on labour markets and the consequences for employment and industrial relations. Final Study. By Centre for European Policy Studies – CEPS research team Willem Pieter de Groen, Karolien Lenaerts, Romain Bosc and Felix Paquier. European Economic and Social Committee. 28 July 2017, pp 76
The Underlying Motivations for Mobile Device Use by Seniors. By Dr. Susan E. Reid, Professor of Marketing; Dr. Bessam Abdulrazak, Associate Professor; Monica Alas, Director of Research, Québec, Canada. Journal of Health Science 5 (2017) 152-157, July 27, 2017
Thanks to ‘rejuvenation,’ definition of elderly should go up 10 years, Japanese researchers say. By Tomoko Otake, Staff Writer. The Japan Times, Jul 26 2017
How social media and technology are changing the lives of the elderly. By Alicia Matsuura, Deseret News, July 23, 2017
Five Perceptions on Misperceptions of Technology, Aging & Business Innovation. By Joseph F. Coughlin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab. IAAG 2017, July 23 2017
To live is to learn – A lifelong learning journey at the Centre. By Marta Owsik, Project Coordinator. The Sheridan Centre for Elder Research, Canada, July 19, 2017
Internet use for active aging: A systematic literature review. By Dr. Isabel Miguel, Professor, Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Departamento de Psicologia e Educação & Instituto de, Desenvolvimento Humano Portucalense (INPP) & Dr. Helena Amaro da Luz, Associate Professor, CICS.NOVA – Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Lisbon, Portugal. IEEE Xplore, Digital Library, 13 July 2017
The Age of Anti-Aging: Media Hype and the Myth of the Ageless Baby Boomer. By Paul Kleyman, Health Journalism Fellow, Director, Ethnic Elders Newsbeat, Center for Health Journalism, USC Annenberg School of Journalism, Los Angeles, CA. Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging, 08.07.2017
Expert Course in Silver Tourism. Silver Tourism – Developing Innovative Touristic Products for Silver Economy. Erasmus+, June 2017, pp 240
Solutions for an Ageing Society. Summary of the Swiss Re Institute’s Next Generation Insurance Customer event in June 2017. By Simon Woodward. The Swiss Re Institute, 27 Jun 2017
The Community-Based Information Infrastructure of Older Adult Digital Learning. Study of Public Libraries and Senior Centers in a Medium-sized City in the USA. By Noah Lenstra. The Journal of University of Gothenburg, Nordicom. De Gruyter, 2017-06-27
Programme of the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group 2017 – 2018. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, June 22, 2017, pp 26
Aging and Technology: Taking the Research into the Real World. By Andrew Sixsmith PhD, Professor, Department of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University; Alex Mihailidis PhD and Dorina Simeonov MSc. Public Policy & Aging Report, 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, 74–78, Oxford Academic June 21, 2017
Europe opens a new era in digital revolution: The blueprint on digital transformation of health and care for aging society has been launched. By Dr. Przemyslaw Kardas, Professor of Family Medicine, Medical University of Łódź, Poland. digitmedicine.com, 19-Jun-2017, pp 10
Adaptations in the Age of Technology in Seniors. By Stephen Foster, Amanda Pangle, Amy Schrader, Jeanne Y. Wei, Gohar Azhar. Department of Geriatrics, Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock. American Research Journal of Geriatrics and Aging; V1, I1; pp:1-13, American Research Journals, June 12, 2017
IMDA – Infocomm Media Development Authority launches one-stop online infocomm learning portal for senior citizens. By Priyankar Bhunia. OpenGov, Singapore, 10/06/2017
The Aging Readiness & Competitiveness Report. By United Nations Social Development Network – UNSDN, June 6, 2017
The Internet of Things Connectivity Binge: What Are the Implications? By Lee Rainie and Janna Anderson. Pew Research Center, Internet & Technology, Washington DC, June 6, 2017
Digitisation, employability and inclusiveness. European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology (CONNECT), May 2017, pp 12
Baby Boomers Look to Senior Concierge Services to Raise Income. By Liz Moyer. The New York Times, May 19, 2017
English and the ICT Skills for Life. eBook. Consortium of four partner organisations from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland. Nordplus, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ most important programme in the area of lifelong learning, 2017-05-16
Older Adults Learning Computer Programming: Motivations, Frustrations, and Design Opportunities. By Philip J. Guo, Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego. pp 14
See also: How Adults Ages 60+ Are Learning to Code. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 60 No. 8, pp 10-11, May 15, 2017
Is the Gig Economy Working? Many liberals have embraced the sharing economy. But can they survive it? By Nathan Heller, staff writer. The New Yorker, May 15, 2017
My Word: Government should leave sharing economy alone. By Kerry Jackson, Fellow, Center for California Reform, Pacific Research Institute. East Bay Times, May 12, 2017
Aging Well: The importance of intergenerational bonding. By Terry Tumpane, Executive Director, Bridges by EPOCH at Norwalk. Space Coast InterGen Center, May 3, 2017
The Impact of Robots on Productivity, Employment and Jobs. A positioning paper by the International Federation of Robotics. International Federation of Robotics – IFR, Frankfurt am Main, April 2017, pp 15
Mapping of Cultural Heritage actions in European Union policies, programmes and activities. European Commissin, Culture, April 2017, pp 34
Ways to enhance active aging through volunteering. Erasmus+ Programme. Minutes of the WEActiveVol Meeting in Budapest, Hungary, 20th-21st of April 2017
Developing New Brunswick’s “Silver Economy”. By Cherise Letson, Associate editor and writer. Huddle – online business magazine. Huddle, April 18, 2017
Embracing the silver economy. By Uuriintuya Batsaikhan, Affiliate Fellow. Bruegel, April 10, 2017
Seniors changing the experience of ageing. Australian Ageing Agenda (AAA), April 5, 2017
Third Review and Appraisal of the Regional Implementation Strategy (RIS) of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA). Portugal Report. Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security (MTSSS). Strategy and Planning Office (GEP). United Nations Economic Commission For Europe (UNECE), March 2017, pp 38
Seniors Center of the Future. Final Report. Citizens Services, Community Inclusion and Investment. City of Edmonton, Canada. Mach 2017, pp 57
Two new standardisation initiatives launched to support active ageing for seniors in Singapore. By Neyla Zannia. The Online Citizen, Singapore, 2017-03-23
The “Age” of Opportunity. European efforts seek to address the challenges of an aging population and also create opportunities for economic growth and innovation. By Jim Banks. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, March 21, 2017
Age Without Borders Virtual Summit. Organized by Dr. Michael W. Hodin, CEO, Global Coalition on Aging & Fellow, Harris Manchester College, Oxford University. February 26-March 4, 2017
The Role of Standards and Innovation for Driving APEC’s Silver Economy. An Issues Paper for the 2017 APEC Workshop on Standards and Innovation. APEC Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance. Standards Australia Limited, Exchange Centre, Sydney, March 17 2017, pp 75
European Social Partners’ Autonomous Framework Agreement on Active Ageing and an Inter-Generational Approach. Confederation of European Business, European Centre of Employers and Entreprises providing Public Services, European Association of Crafts, Small and MediumSized Enterprises, European Trade Union Confederation. 8 March 2017, pp 12
Our Aging Population Can Be An Economic Powerhouse–If We Let It. By Eillie Anzilotti, Assistant Editor, Fast Company, Ideas Section, 03.13.17
Growing the EU Silver Economy: a workshop on policy recommendations. European Commission, Brussels, 8 March 2017
The silver economy. By Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis, Editor-in-Chief of ISOfocus, International Organization for Standardization – ISO, 7 March 2017
The Challenge and Opportunity of an Ageing Workforce. By Dr. Peter Gahan, Professor and Director & Dr Joshua Healy, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Workplace Leadership, University of Melbourne. March 7 2017
First Massive Open Online Course – MOOC for adult educators comes to Austria in 2017. By Mag. Wilfried Frei & Mag. Birgit Aschemann, Association for Educational Research & Media – CONEDU, Graz, Austria. EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe, EPALE Österreich 27/02/2017
Could the silver economy promote healthier, more sustainable ageing? A case study using data from the Netherlands. By Chris Evett, CEO. Simplexity Analysis, Wantage, UK, February 24, 2017
e-Administration and the e-inclusion of the elderly. By M Viñarás-Abad, L Abad-Alcalá, C Llorente-Barroso, M Sánchez-Valle, M Pretel-Jiménez. Universidad CEU San Pablo, España. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 72, pp. 197 to 219, Feb 23, 2017
China’s ‘silver’ economy offers promising outlook for services sector. China risks getting old before getting rich, but tomorrow’s “silver generation” may have higher consumer spending on services. By Laura He, senior correspondent based in Hong Kong. South China Morning Post, 17 February, 2017
The Collaborative Economy: Socioeconomic, Regulatory and Policy Issues. In-depth Analysis. By Arun Sundararajan, Professor, New York University. Directorate General for Internal Policies, Policy Department A: Economic And Scientific Policy. Requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, February 12, 2017, pp 33
Learning in Later Years in the Lifelong Learning Trajectory. By Satya Brink, International Consultant in Education and Human Capital, Chelsea, Canada. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, Volume 15, 2017 – Issue 1: Intergenerational Relationships and Lifelong Learning, 10 Feb 2017, pp 14-25
Ageing – Passing the baton to Asia. Special Report. Standard Chartered Bank, February 8, 2017, pp 63
Disruption in unexpected sectors and corporates adapting their business models; find out what’s next for the sharing economy in our 2017 predictions. By Robert Vaughan, Manager, Strategy and Economics. PwC UK, 08 February 2017
Lifelong Learning Is Good for Your Health, Your Wallet, and Your Social Life. By John Coleman. Harvard Business Review, February 07, 2017
Technology can offer peace of mind for patients and families, even from a distance. By Matt Campbell. HomeCare, February 2, 2017
We are all in this together: An Aging Strategy for New Brunswick. Province of New Brunswik, Canada, January 2017, pp 76
Realizing Human Potential in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. An Agenda for Leaders to Shape the Future of Education, Gender and Work. White Paper. World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2017, pp 31
Empowering the Elderly and Promoting Active Ageing Through the Internet: The Benefit of e-inclusion Programmes. By María Sánchez-Valle, Mónica Vinarás Abad, Carmen Llorente-Barroso, University Foundation San Pablo CEU, Madrid. ResearchGate, Jan 31, 2017
The digital silver economy: Issues and outlook. By Philippe Baudouin, Head of the Smart Territories Practice. IDATE DigiWorld, 24 January 2017, pp 62
What a Study of 33 Countries Found About Aging Populations and Innovation. By Andreas Irmen, Professor of Macroeconomics and Applied Microeconomics & Anastasia Litina, Post Doctoral Researcher, Center for Research in Economic Analysis (CREA), University of Luxembourg. Harvard Business Review, January 18, 2017
Life-long learning will be crucial in the AI era. Changing education essential to achieve the best from the new industrial revolution. By Vishal Sikka, Chief Executive of Infosys. Financial Times, January 17, 2017
Blueprint Digital Transformation of Health and Care for the Ageing Society. Strategic Vision Developed by Stakeholders. Discussed at the second European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing (5-8 December 2016). European Commission, Digital Single Market, January 15, 2017, pp 29
Key Issues for Digital Transformation in the G20. Report prepared for a joint G20 German Presidency/OECD conference. Berlin, Germany, 12 January 2017, pp 163
Secular Stagnation? The Effect of Aging on Economic Growth in the Age of Automation. By Daron Acemoglu, Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics, & Pascual Restrepo, Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – M.I.T. National Bureau of Economic Research – NBER Working Papers, Cambridge, January 12, 2017, pp 10
Redefining the ‘elderly’ age. Editorials. TheJapanTimes, January 10, 2017
For the eldest, 2017 will be about aging well… at home! Speech of Faissal Houhou, Co-founder and Managing Director of RoboCARE Lab. By Editorial staff. SilverEco.eu, the international portal of information regarding Silver Economy, 3 January 2017
Senior as a Challenge for Innovative Enterprises. By Anetta Barska & Janusz Śnihur. Faculty of Economics and Managament, University of Zielona Góra, Poland. Procedia Engineering, Volume 182, 2017, pp 58–65
Council For Third Age, C3A, Singapore & National Silver Academy – NSA, a network of post-secondary education institutions and voluntary welfare organisations, c/o Singapore Management University, 2017
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